MovieChat Forums > Broken Bridges (2006) Discussion > CHANGE THE NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!...

CHANGE THE NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

Out of respect for John Prine change the name of this movie! I will even give you a suggestion, how about TENDER MERCIES or PURE COUNTRY? Unless of course Mr. Prine is attached or has given consent, in that case just recast the lead. I will even give you another suggestion, how about Robert Duvall or George Strait? Now that I think about it, why not take Rascal Flats and do a remake of a Hard Days Night?




John Prine wrote the song. It is about an angel type of gargoyle(sp?) on the Montgomery Ward building in Chicago, Il., It is not about some girl from Montgomery, Al. John was a mailman while before he became well known as a singer/songwriter. I do not think that the first post was due to hatred, but out of respect for Mr. Prine. I am a big fan of John Prine, and when I saw the name of the movie, I immediately thought that it may have some connection other than the name, and can now see that I was wrong.



I see that Sarcasim can often be mis-interpreted as Hate. O have no more disdain for Mr. Keith than any other artist that the mainstream media likes to latch on to for the sake of a large viewership. What I wrote, as half-cocked as it may seem was out of respect and admiration for Mr. Prine. As far as the title of the song and where it came from I have copied an excerpt from another page that gives a couple of possibilities. I will also post the lyrics to the song.

I got the following explanation from the website:

Angel From Montgomery notes

??? An "Angel from Montgomery" refers to a pardon for a prison sentence from the governor. It is also used to refer to a last minute pardon from the death sentence. The phrase originated in Alabama where the capital is Montgomery.?
??? The way John puts it the woman is living in her own self made prison that she can't escape from, hence she needs a pardon (the angel from Montgomery).?

??? from Great Days the John Prine Anthology: "I had a buddy named Eddie Holstein in Chicago who was a songwriter - he later became a club owner - and he wanted to co-write with me. I'd just written Hello In There.?
??? I said, "Eddie, that's all I got to say about old people. How about one about a middle-aged woman that feels older than she is?"?
??? He said "Okay."?
??? "I wrote the first verse, and he lost interest in her. A week later, I finished the thing."
??? "Eddie always used to tell people that I was writing about the Montgomery Ward building in Chicago, which has an angel on top that sticks out on a flagpole. I didn't know that, but that's where Eddie thought I got the idea."
??? "The woman, she's gonna keep fixing dinner, living in this house, staying married. She probably won't get up the nerve to leave the guy. But it's just that - a portrait of a lot of people who are doing that."

Angel From Montgomery
By John Prine
I am an old woman named after my mother
My old man is another child that's grown old
If dreams were lightning thunder was desire
This old house would have burnt down a long time ago

Make me an angel that flies from Montgom'ry
Make me a poster of an old rodeo
Just give me one thing that I can hold on to
To believe in this living is just a hard way to go

When I was a young girl well, I had me a cowboy
He weren't much to look at, just free rambling man
But that was a long time and no matter how I try
The years just flow by like a broken down dam.

Make me an angel that flies from Montgom'ry
Make me a poster of an old rodeo
Just give me one thing that I can hold on to
To believe in this living is just a hard way to go

There's flies in the kitchen I can hear 'em there buzzing
And I ain't done nothing since I woke up today.
How the hell can a person go to work in the morning
And come home in the evening and have nothing to say.

Make me an angel that flies from Montgom'ry
Make me a poster of an old rodeo
Just give me one thing that I can hold on to
To believe in this living is just a hard way to go


I also see that it is easy to mis-spell sarcasm.


I was an extra for 8 days in the movie. We were told that the name will probably be changed to one of the titles of the songs Toby is writing for the sound track. Can't wait to see the movie and find out the new name. He did an awesome job acting and was quite a gentleman.


This was the working title and I was told by by Cherie Bennett, the co-screenwriter, that the title would probably be changed to coincide with one of the songs Toby wrote for the soundtrack. By the way, this soundtrack is going to be fabulous. Lindsey Haun, Toby's daughter in the movie, is great. She will have a solo "When You're Broken" and a duet with Toby on the soundtrack. In case you are wondering, I was an extra for 9 days, and spent many many hours talking to the people involved in making this movie. Toby and Burt were delightful as expected, as were all the others I met.


For one thing, Pure Country is taken, by another good country artist, I might add--George Strait.

Broken Bridges didn't really fit this movie very well. I mean, I can understand WHY they chose the name--Bo and Angel both had 'broken bridges', as well as Dixie kind of. But there are a lot better titles they could have thought up.

<shurgs> Ah well, too late to change now, huh?


Both Pure Country and Tender Mercies are already films

FYC Oscars 2008 Reservation Road
Best Actress Catherine Keener - An American Crime


And giving a title that has already been used to another movie is not taking away any repect from the actor, directos, or anyone from the original movie. Unlessof course its something obvious like Star Wars or Harry Potter. When THAT happens, come back and THEN complain, çuz I'm sure some people will back you on that one.
