MovieChat Forums > Broken Bridges (2006) Discussion > Shameless Ford Truck Plugs

Shameless Ford Truck Plugs

The movie was better than I expected, which still isn't saying much, but was anyone else annoyed by the constant barrage of Ford truck propoganda. Everytime a truck was show in the movie it was a brand new F-150


thats all those southerners have are big giant fat ass trucks,


Spoken like a true yankee...rude and obnoxious. It's hard to find a true Southerner anymore because we've been invaded by all the damned yankees. I LOVE FORD and drive a Mustang. It's not a "big giant fat ass" truck but it works for this Southern girl!


Lorenzo D.

I used to like Ford too until my '94 Escort Wagon got too expensive for
repair bills and maintenance. I sold that junky heap last year for cash
and now I drive a Jeep Wrangler which is close to driving a pickup truck.
I LOVE JEEPS AND DODGE RAM TRUCKS as well! Btw, I'm originally from
California so I'm not really a Yankee at well and I now live in West
Florida which is definitely part of the deep south. I love it here
and I'm a southern gentleman at heart!

Lorenzo in Sunny Florida


What should they be driving? One of those death trap Prius'. Get with the program this is the south and everyone drives trucks. Besides, Ford probably payed either the production studio or the producers for "product placement". Did you think that all the Pepsi, Coke, or any other brand name products that show up in a movie are there by accident. Companies pay to have their products "placed" in movies all the time. In this case Ford probably did the same thing that everyone else is doing. Get over it.

As for Ford, I had a F-150 and loved it. I put over 130,000 miles on it without any major work ever having to be done on it other than the routine maintenance required of all cars and trucks. Just because you don't have one doesn't mean you have to look down your long, hooked yankee nose at anyone who does. Gasoline will have to get to $10.00/gal before I even think about changing to anything else even smaller.

What I find obnoxious is all the wacko left-wing nuts getting off to telling everyone else how they should live their lives and what they should be driving.


Toby Keith endorses Ford, so Ford likely paid to have their trucks in the film.


that's exactly what i thought when i saw that Ford mud ridin'. a Ford truck commercial in the middle of a movie? oh yeah, it's CMT's and Toby Keith's movie.
nothing against Ford though as i liked my little Mustang til it's engine blew, but that was a pretty shameless plug.
