Red Neck Fest

Toby Keith is a pathetic Bush-loving red neck... This is a terrible movie...


You are entitled to your opinion but I was around him for 8 days and witnessed his loyalty to his fans, his humour, his humbleness, his patriotism, and his awesome talent. I was never a big Toby fan. I don't always listen to Country Music......but I like him as a person very much. I saw him come to the street every night after shooting or between scenes and give out autographs, or have his picture made with his fans. I saw how he treated the Military guys that were in the funeral scene at Oakland Cemetery. He had his picture made with them and gave each one a Toby "coin". I heard their reaction and how they treasured that small gift. They said how much they appreciated his support for the Military and his patriotism. How can you say this isn't a good movie when it won't even be released until Spring? It is a love story and a message of rebirth and reconciliation and I can't wait for its release!



Nice one. You're starting to sound a little like John Kerry.


I AM John Kerry, poo brains!!


Ok, then why the hell couldn't you have beaten Bush in 04? And since you're John Kerry, why the long face?


THE MILITARY IS GAY?!?!? That is probably the most offensive statement I have ever read.

My grandfather served in WWII in the Navy and in the Air Force in Vietnam and Korea.
My great-uncle served in the Coast Guard for over 30 years.
My uncle is in the Navy in Iraq.
My aunt just retired from the Navy where she served on a supply ship in Iraq.
My great-grandfather was infantry in the Army in World War I.
I plan on joining the Navy after high school.
How can you say the military is gay? After all they do for us and our country, for the lousy pay and hazardous duties, the least you can do is show at least a sliver of respect to servicemen and women and veterans. It is amazing that they defend your right to call them gay.

Rivers know this: There is no hurry; we shall get there ~~Winnie the Pooh


I love how 4 words can cause someone to flip out like this. It's pretty clear he was half sarcastic. Calm down a little bit. Even if he was serious, what is listing off your family members that have served supposed to do? As if he would read that and think "oh *beep* your great-uncle was in the coast guard? well in that case the military is definitely not gay!"

And why is the military some kind of sacred cow? Millions of people say they hate the president, but no one would suggest you shouldn't say so because he's part of the system that "defends your right to say you hate him." I'm not saying they don't deserve respect, but it's just ridiculous how when someone expresses even the slightest disrespect of the military, you get someone jumping down your throat reminding you they defend your right to say or do whatever. There are plenty of jobs just as dangerous as being in the military. The people in the military chose to do that job, they don't deserve any more respect than someone else doing a dangerous job.


oh so true. well said.


Thsi is a movie board, and I'm not sure how this subject got brought up, but I had to respond. You're absolutely right those of us in the military chose to "do that job." I've spent 20 years defending your right to "say or do whatever." Do you really think that America would have the freedoms we have if it weren't for our Airmen, Soldiers, Marines and Seamen? We may have chosen to enter the military for our own reasons, but the fact of the matter is we DO defend our country, no matter what. We may not always agree with the politics involved, but we took an oath to support and defend the constitution of the United States and the orders of the President, no matter whom he is or his political background. You asked why the military is some kind of sacred cow? I'll tell you. Because if it weren't for the brave men and women serving in the US Armed forces in WWI or WWI, we would be speaking German. If it weren't for those same men and women, those extremists out there would have taken over this great nation by now. Just take a look at the Saddams and Hugo Chavez's of the world. Anyone who dares/dared to speak out against against the government is/was punished. I've put my life on the line to defend your right to speak out against US politics...and you're right. I don't think I deserve any more respect than anyone else, but I do think I deserve respect.

If you are reading this, thank a teacher.

If you are reading this in English, thank a veteran.

By the way, this was a great movie, politics aside.


Toby Keith considers himself a Democrat. His personal views of Bush remain somewhat unknown, except for the fact the he supports the war, and, more importantly, our troops.


I think he is a talented guy, but I will never support him because of his blind nationalism. I will only see this movie by watching my friend's DVD.


Wow, I hope you were kidding. Speaking of pathetic........

Also, how can you say this is a terrible movie when it hasn't been released yet?

Bush-loving? He supported him, sure. But Toby is a registered Democrat.

Redneck? How is that? Because he sings country music? So does Faith Hill and LeAnn Rimes and Tim McGraw and Keith Urban, are they rednecks?

I always thought the redneck stereotype is someone without teeth and drives an old pickup truck, and has sex with their sister. I highly doubt Toby has ever done anything of the such.

I am a huge huge huge fan of Toby Keith and I can't wait to see this movie. And it just makes it better to have Burt Reynolds and Willie Nelson in it. I bet it will be really good.

Then again, fosterkeats, maybe you were just kidding.


As an Okie myself, he is a "registered" democrat following in his fathers political beliefs, BUT that is as far as he is to being a democrat! He thinks FOX NEWS..."FAKE NEWS" is the only one that get's it right. Second like most southerners he believe in following in HIS president blindly, forgetting what he preaches about loving your country, by questioning authority, being independent, AND about DEMOCRACY!.....and finally I'd like to say Toby is a very good man but has the wrong motivation, and only listens to Right Wing propaganda.

P.S. If for some reason Toby reads this,I still love your music man!


...not all us Southerners follow our president blindly, thank you. And we we weren't the only ones who voted President Bush in, if I recall there were many, many Northern states. Besides, he's from Oklahoma, that's not real Southern, it's Mid-Western. I don't know about other Southerners but I know I don't consider anything near Texas, Southern.


Sorry to disillusion you but Texas is most definitely Southern. A big portion of its early settlers were Tennesseans (that's where the "Texas twang" accent came from), its culture evolved from the same Southern roots,and it most definitely was a part of the War Between the States. As for Oklahoma it was still Indian Territory then and the Cherokee from there sided with the South. Lots of other Southerners settled there after the War as well, so it certainly has strong ties to the South and no geography text I have ever seen labels it as part of the Midwest.
Not sure why people are always so quick to say Texas is not part of the South. It is the most Western part of the South and it absolutely has its own brand of Southerness, but it is unequivocably a Southern state.

"Complicated as new plowed earth,
Simple as dirt"


Are you an idiot? The movie has not even been released yet! I was an extra in this movie and I know a lot of people are going to be surprised with Toby's acting talent and what a great movie this is going to be.


Are you an idiot? The movie has not even been released yet! I was an extra in this movie and I know a lot of people are going to be surprised with Toby's acting talent and what a great movie this is going to be.


Here is a funny story.....Toby Keith is going to make a movie!

Eh...I doubt I see this, but I am not going to say it will be AWFUl. I bet it is decent...I mean, my man Willie is in it.

Oh, and Toby supports the troops....he basically is against the Prez. now.

Stella D'Oro breakfast treats. Snack Time anytime.


he is an idiot because YOU dont like bush?......I think youre the close minded he has more money than you, too. even if he does'nt, he is pretty successful and obiviosly makes good choices.....


Oh, get over yourself! Or move to Alaska or something. I have no idea if this movie is good, bad or neutral. And neither do you. What I do know is that
Toby Keith, from the top of his Stetson to the tip of his boots, is...perfect.
Jealous? You should be. No matter what the state of the movie, I'd go to see it, just to watch that man. He could just sit on stage and recite the alphabet
to a guitar accompaniment and I'd pay to listen. I'm afraid you're outnumbered
by the Big Dog "Warriors" out there, sonny, so just suck it up and suffer in silence. If you don't like Country/Western, well...just don't go and see it.
Simple as that! No need to grouse about it. Ah, well, free speech and all that. Just listen to some hip hop or rap instead. If you can bear it, that is.


Move to Alaska? You think they don't listen to country music in Alaska? Who keeps letting you necks breed?


Question: Why are you here?


Answer: Entertainment.


I find it funny that people find entertainment by bashing people.

"Who keeps letting you necks breed?"

You know, I'm sure Natalie Maines needs help on her board. I haven't posted anything negative there, and don't plan to. I tend to try to leave things alone I don't care for.


You're obviously a much bigger person than I am, stoogedude. I'll try to keep my negative comments about Toby and my nonexistent comments about Natalie to myself, until SHE decides to star in a movie, that is. Then: Bashin' time! It's pretty funny that the guy trying to keep this thread clean goes by stoogedude. What drew you to a post titled "Red Neck Fest," anyway, if you're all about the positivity?


I never said that I was a bigger person than you. But why is it that people can't show their disapproval by stating why and leaving it at that. If Natalie starred in a movie, and she had positive buzz and the story is interesting, then I might see it. I know that you don't like the idea of Toby in a movie, just like George Strait in Pure Country, but how do you know that Toby won't be good? Speaking of country stars in movies...remember Tim McGraw in Friday Night Lights? He gave a strong, wonderful performance. Toby has gotten much praise from his co-stars and many others for his good acting. I've watched clips of Toby in this movie on CMT, and I thought that based on the few clips, that he is a good actor. Don't prejudge. That's the message. Anyway, why do people think that bashing is a good thing? What postive purpose does that serve?

And yes, I am all about positivity, but I will say that I have given a negative review to the movie The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. I didn't like the movie, but I was respectful to the actors, filmmakers and to the people who actually did like it. I haven't gone to Natalies board bashing her.

"It's pretty funny that the guy trying to keep this thread clean goes by stoogedude. What drew you to a post titled "Red Neck Fest," anyway, if you're all about the positivity?"

What does the name stoogedude have to do with me keeping this board clean? I'm a Three Stooges fan and that's where I got my name from. Also, I was drawn to the thread "Red Neck Fest" to protest the negativity and the bashing. I hate how people see Toby Keith and automatically think "REDNECK HICK!! I HATE THAT DUMB INBRED RED-STATE BUSH LOVING HACK" I know you didnt' say anything like that, but trust me, I have seen some rude comments from people.





Alaska is a piece of crap.



It's sad that you live somewhere that is such a piece of crap someone has to pay you to live there. I mean that in all seriousness. You should genuinely consider relocating to somewhere a bit more pleasant, such as Iraq or the Devil's as* hole.



Wow, I suppose everybody who dosen't think like you is bad you Liberal piece of ****. Liberals say its good to be open minded unless it's something that dosen't fall into their crap left winged views. JOHN KERRY LOST YOU LOSER, GET OVER IT! GO KILL SOME MORE UNWANTED UNBORN CHILDREN. SADD


John Kerry lost? What does that have to do with this movie or Toby Keith in general? I don't agree with a lot of what Stoogedude says, but at least he makes sense. Also what does thinking Toby Keith is a douche have to do with killing fetuses? I think he's a TOTAL douche bag and I've never killed ANY babies, making it impossible for me to "Kill some more." I do like the capitilization for emphasis, though. I'm gonna leave you a little vocabulary home work: Go find yourself a dictionary and look up "non sequitur" Have fun walking to the public library. I hope that extra "r" in "libary" didn't confuse you too much.




I think you're the idiot.

I take exception to anyone who "bad-mouths" Toby Keith. Six months ago, I didn't own any of his recordings, now I own nine and counting. I respect everything that he stands for and he is an awesome talent. Many of his songs move me to the point of tears. I feel for the soldiers in Iraq and "Courtesy of the Red White and Blue" makes <bold>me<bold> want to cheer! And I'm Canadian, not American.

If Toby is half as good an actor as he is a singer and songwriter, this movie will be amazing! I know that I can't wait for this movie to be released and will be at the front of the line on it's opening date!

BTW (and off topic) The Dixie Chicks suck!


I'd rather be an idiot than a Canadian. Lame ass America Junior.


hahahahahahahahahahahahaha thanks for that...


I will pass.

Toby's movie fellas is going to be released on a limited basis in only 25 markets and only a couple hundred screens.

It is NOT getting a nationwide, widescreen release like the big movies.

If and ONLY if it does well the theatres will be added, if it doesn't it won't.

But I am sure even if you don't see it at the movies it will eventually be on a DVD.

So folks when it is released unless you live in them 25 cities you won't see it unless it takes off.

Many of the movies site have NO info about it and you can't even bring anything up. There is NO trailer, NO poster.

This is a CMT production they had a hand in it, so that should tell you this is a very low budget movie, heck the director is a country music video director, never done a movie before.


It will never have a chance for a good debut week in numbers because it is only being released to a few hundred theaters in 25 cities and that is a fact.


This movie will debut on over 100 screens. It is going to be the biggest production release that Paramount pictures has ever been involved with. I am not sure where you got your information, but it is incorrect. I can assure you, that mine is straight from Paramount. CMT does not mean low budget. It means that the marketing budget will be through the roof.


You are wrong, 100 screens is a drop in the bucket and low key. Considering that wide screen releases usually are between 2500-3000 screens.

A 100 screens I laugh low, low budget limited released.

You do realized soem of the Top 10 movies this week are playing anywhere from 3000-5000 screens.

You are so funny.


A Toby "phobia person".


hahahahah, that was hilarious


That works out! You're already an idiot.
