Bad hair, bad plot, bad manners...

I really liked Prince & Me #1, but Royal Wedding was horrible. Her hair was so tacky and ugly. AND, clapping after a wedding in a church is such bad taste, trust me, it would never have happened, especially a Royal Wedding. So many errors, and I can't imagine the nasty girl ever getting past Security. What a sad use of perfectly good film. I just hope that anyone who paid in a theater asked for their money back. I would have, and can't believe I sat through the entire movie in my own living room.


And to make matters worse, they've come out with The Prince & Me 3 and 4 in 2008 and 2009 respectively. Same Paige, different Prince Edward. Is there no end to the madness?


I hated the hair too.. The first Paige's hair was classy and perfect!

I can't imagine a med student have that kind of fussy overstyled hair. C'mon!


Not to mention the fact that the character development was completely off! The Paige in this is zany and cooky with little quirks that are not adorable like Stiles'. The Paige in the first one was more an intellectual with a good soul and a good head on her shoulders. She would not have been caught dead doing half the things that this Paige does.


I agree. There's a difference between being practical and down to earth, and being ditzy and clueless. You'd think that the first thing they would have taught her, along with the Danish lessons, would be proper manners and etiquette. Like which spoon to use etc.
