Original way better

The original was made by Asian filmmakers. It was much creepier.

i hope you choke on your bacardi & coke!
*Team Landa*


Trivia says it's not a remake but the plot is practically identical WTF

i hope you choke on your bacardi & coke!
*Team Landa*


What do you mean? They're nothing alike at all.

No disrespect intended, sir, but shove it up your ass!


Well in a sense, yes there are 'cosmetic' differences between the original Asian version, but I agree with EcoAngel8 -- the whole impetus was basically stolen from it's Asian "inspiration," and the Asian version of 'Premonition' was far, far better. Those who disagree should be forced to watch it with subtitles. At least they would be treated to a much better and far more suspenseful ending!

When will American filmmakers get it through their thick skulls that copying Asian films with interesting, novel plotlines does NOT always work? The original version of "The Eye" was tense, interesting filmmaking; the USA Jessica Alba remake wasn't. I could not believe how trashed "The Premonition" was; being a Sandra Bullock fan, I did see it -- and boy, did I ever regret it.

Now that I've learned that Hollywood has once again decided to do an American remake of "Death Note" (evidently Hollywood has waffled on this a couple of times by now), I cringe at what a fiasco it could turn out to be. In Japan, the first two "Death Note" movies both knocked American blockbusters right out of their top positions in Japan theaters almost immediately. These same Hollywood types will once again overlook that "Death Note" is a true original that *already* has a cult-following in America -- both the movies and the anime version. These hardcore "DN" fans will not be happy to see Chace Crawford (or whoever they picked now, sheesh) take over the main roles; it will fail, just as these other remakes have.

If you don't think that the main plotline of "Premonition" was basically stolen from the Asian version, then odds are rather high that you didn't see the Asian version. Otherwise you could not deny that the American version was most certainly leeched from it.


Just wait until you see the American remake of Akira then.
