MovieChat Forums > Premonition (2007) Discussion > One of ten worst movie endings?

One of ten worst movie endings?

I just read that this movie was one of ten worst movie endings and it said it was because she was trying to save her husband only to die in the process.
WTH? I didn't get that from the end where she found that great new home and was pregnant with a new baby, etc. or was that some kind of dream sequence as well?


Granted its a downer ending but I give the movie credit for not giving it a sugary sweet happy ending. Truth is it was his time to die and no amount of her intervening was going to change that. Death doesn't take no for an answer.




Granted its a downer ending but I give the movie credit for not giving it a sugary sweet happy ending. Truth is it was his time to die and no amount of her intervening was going to change that. Death doesn't take no for an answer.

I have mixed feelings about this....IN THEORY, I'm all for storytelling that's not formulaic and by the book. However, emotionally, I really wanted her to save him. There are just certain things that we, as humans (or MOST of us as humans), find fulfilling, and one of them is the idea of being given a second chance (which is kind of similar to salvation...but in a non-spiritual sense.)

As it stands now, the ending leaves me disappointed. Like, What's the point? The message that fate's inescapable? That's an even more tired theme than getting a second chance, minus the satisfaction.

I don't believe every film has to end that way (for instance, I love the ultra dark, realistic ending(s) to Requiem for a Dream)...but this story isn't realistic to start with, and the ending just feels....meh. I mean, if you're going to have a story with supernatural elements, it seems better to have an ending that uses them to one's advantage (?)



I thought it could have been executed better, but the point is that Jim was destined to die and she had a premonition about it. She was not able to change his ultimate fate (very Greek tragedy-like) but was able to make the most of the time they had left, including one last act of lovemaking which left her pregnant. Because the ending didn't cop out (having her "save" him would have been a copout) I thought it was a decent ending.

You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi
