Sandra's Weight

I'm in not way hating on Sandra, she is my favorite actress and has been since i was 12 and saw Speed for the first time but did anyone think Sandra was a little bigger than usual. She is by no means fat just a few pounds heavier. Not that that is bad she looks great whatever.


I noticed the nipples. I was happy. :)


I think she looked AWESOME! I think any woman looks good "with a little extra".
Nothing's a bigger turn off to me then a woman with the shape of a 13 year old boy.

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?



Nope, didn't notice that (except for the ending, haha..)


No, I didn't notice any kind of extra weight. In fact, in one scene when she was wearing a snug sweater I thought, "Well, that's what 10 years with a personal trainer can do..."

Her body looked compact, smooth, and spectacular.



First world problems.Did she gain just a few pounds there or not. ---Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!
