MovieChat Forums > Premonition (2007) Discussion > Divorced guy at the lake

Divorced guy at the lake

Did he serve any purpose at all? I don't understand how what he said to Linda mattered.


I also felt that way! I thought the old fart was tryin' to make time with hottie Sandra!

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?



Obviously he served a purpose. LInda kept in mind what he said. At the end of the movie we do find out that Linda and her daughters are going to move out. I think they were going to move to that place where she had a chat with the divorced man.


Would summarize the scene you're talking about, please? I watched the television version on FX the other night, and that must have been edited out. Thank you.


At the lake expensive houses were sold. A sign behind Linda said something about model houses for show. She went there right after she heard she would receive a large amount of money from the life insurance policy. She wanted to start a new life right away after finding out (or making up) the affair with Clair. She also arranged the funeral to take place the next day for the same reason.
That's how I think about it for now, anyway.


The guy was talking about how great it was to get divorced and start a new life. It made her think about if that's what she wanted, and she ends up deciding she loves her husband and doesn't want to start over.


what lake are they at? i would guess that would be cross lake in shreveport maybe?
