Does anyone else think the awards were ttally overrated. I was expecting something HUGE like I have never seen before, but these just sucked..





It bored me also. I wished that the performances were a little more interesting. But I guess it was okay. If Good Charlotte performed then that would have made the show better (for me).

Keep representing GC cause you know were representing you.-Benji Madden


The only thing I liked about the VMAs was when MCR played. I also found R. Kelly's performance dreadfully boring.

"If we close our eyes and say it's a dream. It will stab us to death because these things are real"



The person expected something "huge" from a show hosted by the most talentless person on the planet. Being that naieve must be nice.


Jerk. Jeez what an a-hole.


I think it's totally overrated. I was just so excited to watch it because i live in sweden and mtv europe usually never shows any of these big award things but now they were gonna show it live so it was in the middle of the night but i stayed up all night to watch it and i was so disappointed.

i mean, sure it was a pretty good show but nothing special happened. they said all the time that like the theme for this year's show was "anything can happen" or something like that don't really remember, anyways nothing really happened. oh yeah diddy gave his watch to a guy in the audience. i mean wow. duh.

and they had commercial breaks all the time so we even missed green day's performance. that sucked.

yeah whatever i'll just hope for a better show next year.

Simple Plan 25 January 2006, Stockholm! I'll be there! :D


MTV is *beep* up! Can't they give anything better besides rap music. I like rap music but, damn! They used to show rock and heavy metal. Now all they show is rap.


MCR and Green Day were good, everything else was boring especialy R Kelly.
I think Kelly Clarkson was pretty good too, tough I'm not a fan of hers.
Hopefully this year will be better.


Well now that rock music is 'scene' they are having a lot of more alternative/rock type groups perform this year. im not a big MTV fan but i watch the awards and hopefully this year wont be as disappointing as last.




Yes, the VMAs are way too overrated. In the old days it was the anti-awards show not its so overy-hyped and the winners really suck. The '99 VMAs was the last good show.
