Song title help?

Just finished watching the movie and was wondering if anyone knew the names of a couple of songs. The songs in question are when the "rock band" played a song near the end of the play and the other is the song as the credits roll. Thanks in advance!

Kirk: If I were Tom Cruise, where would you seat me?

Luke: In an acting class.


Pyramus and Thisby is the song sung by the rock band at the finale. The last song over the end credits is Mon Homme/My Man, a standard that was popularized by the likes of Mistinguett, Billie Holiday, Fannie Brice, and Barbra Streisand.

The film's soundtrack is available from PS Classics. :)

Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?


Thanks so much! Really like the music and am going over to PS Classics now.

Kirk: If I were Tom Cruise, where would you seat me?

Luke: In an acting class.
