What is Ms. Tebbit

I know in the context of Midsummer Nights Dream she's probably a fairy. However since this movie is set in our world only with an enchanted flower of love power what does that make her?
She knew all about these enchantments, about what was happening, gave Timothy the knowledge to do these things, plus she was able to use some sort of power to calm those parents down when they threatened to take their kids out of the school etc
So in this movie context, is she a fairy or witch disguised as an eccentric english teacher?

Zydrate comes in a little glass vial, and the Zydrate goes into the gun like a battery....


I always considered her to be the Oberon character.




I'd assert that she's "really" Titania, queen of the faeries. Besides her obvious power over events (and specifically Timothy/Puck), her name hints at it just a little. Plus I'm pretty sure she actually speaks several of Titania's lines from aMND.

As to those who mentioned Oberon, very near the end as the audience is filing out of the play the principal mentions that he played Oberon when he was in school, which I believe was meant to call attention to him still filling the Oberon 'role' in 'real life'-- specifically the partnership/rivalry with Titania.

I'm an island- peopled by scientists, bards, judges, soldiers, artists, scholars, & warrior-poets.


I agree! She was definitely Titania!


While watching it, she felt like Titania to me. Now, thinking about the play, I realize she was a marriage of Titania & Oberon.
