Question about ending

Number one I really, really enjoyed this movie. Solid dialogue, solid acting and I loved the pace of the movie.
but I have a question, why did the cop have to let her use his gun which in turn required him to cover it up by himself getting shot. Why didn't he just turn the other way.

Also what did he take out of her bag when he went to pick her up to identify the attacker?


He would plant Erica's gun on the 'perp', to make it look as if the perp shot the detective (really, Erica did). He then let Erica shoot the perp for her sake (revenge). This would make it look like he shot the perp in self defence. It's all down to ballistics.

Do You Hear Me, Butterfly? Miles to Go Before You Sleep...


I don't think he actually removed anything from her purse, he was just searching for the pistol or anything incriminating which might tie her to the crimes.

...........Hate is the essence of weakness in the human mind...........


But the question is why not just walk away and let Erica shoot him like she did the others? Just pretend he didn't see it vs. all that drama of getting shot.


Then the punks also get the blame for all the other vigilante killings and those cases will also be closed because their gun (hers) will match those jobs. It will then stop all the investigations.


Would it really? I would think it would raise more questions really. Especially when witness accounts were saying there was a woman on the train incident, and the irony of the guys that attacked her were now dead. I think they would put 2+2 together.


But she refused to identify them in the line-up so nobody but Terrence Howard's character knew they were the ones that attacked her and killed her fiance.


if she shot him and took the gun with her, the cops would know the killer of 3 dudes was still at large and keep up the investigation. by leaving her gun at the scene in the hand of one bad guy, it looks like that bad guy killed the other 2 bad guys ("it'll look like they turned on each other") and then was killed by the detective (but not before shooting the detective), case closed.


Detective Mercer had come up with a plan.

By using his gun to shoot the thug, he can say that he shot him self defense.
If she had used her gun to kill him, then ballistics would show that the gun used to shoot him was the same one used in the other killings.

He's basically tying up the loose end.

The story he will tell is that the thugs got the gun, they did the killings, and for one reason or another turned on each other. One thug kills the other two and then when he came by (probably as a follow-up) he tried to arrest him and was shot. In turn, he shot and killed the thug.

So now all the vigilante killing cases are closed.

There is no flavor text!


"It's all down to ballistics."

Actually, I think it's all down to the respect
and love he had for Erica.


Yes, it's his love and respect for Erica that motivates him. Remember his statement in the diner scene that he would take a perp down even if that person were a close personal friend.

Life, every now and then, behaves as though it had seen too many bad movies


I liked the ending but it won't hold up. She shot the guy when he was on the ground. His head/body were facing the wrong way to bolster his version of the events.
