line in the promos

Hi, just wondering if someone can help me at all: in some of the promos, Joanna Lumley is being interviewed by someone about botox or surgury or something and in response to a question about why she does it, she replies something which implies 'why disrupt the status quo' or 'why change a good thing'...does anyone know the exact line?


Famke Janssen hit me!......and I LOVED IT!!!



There's the meeting with the Doctor at the start of the first episode about her hormone replacement therapy which goes like this.

Doctor: So you're how old?
Davina: Um, sixty-one.
Doctor: And you've been on HRT...?
Davina: About ten years.
Doctor: So, let's weigh up the evidence, shall we? You know recent studies have shown a number of risk elements attached to it.
Davina: Um, yeah.
Doctor: There've been findings to link it with nausea, headaches, migraine, general disorientation including dizziness, memory loss, palpitations, hot flushes, increased blood pressure, strokes, heart disease and then there's the cancers: breast, uterine, ovarian, womb and fallopian tubes.
Davina: But on the plus side...
Doctor: It keeps you looking younger.
Davina: Well, you know, "why rock the boat?" That's what I always say, well I don't always say it but, you know, it's a feeling I have. Yep. Could I have three months?

If it weren't for my horse I wouldn't have spent that year in college.
