
This lady is a vulture, what is she going to do now that they found Caylee's body? I guess just sit and wait for the next little white girl to go missing. This lady sickens me.


i can't figure out why she's still on the air considering the demographic most likely to watch and actually like her should be occupied with fox news instead. it's even worse with that airheaded anchor on "prime news" now. cnn's headline news channel is now virtually unwatchable at all hours. the only good thing left on the whole network is robin meade.


Geez sohalia, for someone who claims they don't watch these programs, you seem to know alot about them. Don't like Fox, HLN, or CNN, you must watch MSNBC. Oh and Robin Meade, nobody does it like she does... yeah right!


Oh yea, since this case is pretty much done for you know she's just itching to say "excuse me, excuse me, EXCUSE ME! Yes or no? It's a yes or no question. I'll take that as a no?"

But it's funny when she rips someone a new *beep* My mom and Nancy are like twins personality wise, so if I can handle it, you can handle it.

But she does annoy me to insane levels. She only tells one sided information, stuff she wanted us to hear which isn't the kind of 'news' I'm into. The whole time this Caylee thing was going on, if you watched a covering of it on a different show you'd learn things you ever heard on Nancy before. When she's supposedly the one dragging this subject through the mud. and finally, quite possibly the most annoying argument--- she actually calls herself a lawyer. She's not a lawyer. She's a news reporter.



I can see this woman go as far as to hobble the opponent of one of her kids during a little league baseball game.
