
I think the girlfriend either killed the girl herself or had a friend do it.


Something is off, but I really am not sure what. There are two criminals/sexual offenders who were involved in her life or lived within a couple of blocks of her who are both missing, being looked for and have not come forward. That is concerning to me, but at the same time..the whole sudden marriage thing seems strange to me. If they really wanted Haleigh to be at their wedding then why wouldn't they just get engaged and wait for her to be the flower girl..instead of getting married and then planning a second wedding when/if she comes home. They planned a honeymoon to NY? Are they seriously going to leave Florida and the search for a honeymoon..I sure hope not. Both parent's supposedly have a drug history? So many fishy people were around that girl that I wouldn't know where to look first. I sure hope they find her.


I agree!! There seems to be something off with this Misty girl.. and the father to be honest. He keeps putting on the dob face, and I'm not really buying it. I find it funny how Haleigh was sleeping on a bed about 4 feet away and didn't hear anything. While the little boy, who was sleeping in the same bed as Misty was "awake" - he could have and prob. would have got Misty up once the man left!! I think they are telling the boy to say that about the man coming in!!!


I agree with the posters above. Something is way off about this case. Tonight with the bio mom on, and now she is claiming that were substantiated issues and photos of abuse reported to DCF. WHY did she not regain custody of the kids after he kept them from his visit? I did not watch the entire show so if someone can enlighten me as to why the real mom did not have custody I would appreciate it. I believe it had something to do with their living conditions while she had them.

FLDCF is nothing to mess around with and they have been known to take kids away for much less than marks that looked like the little boy had been hit with a stick as a "disciplinary action".


I don't think Misty actually had anything to do with it- I think she left the house that night, was sure to get back before Ronald arrived, and lied about it. She probably figured, either way she didn't see anything so there's no point in telling them. However, I'm not sure about the father. I do wonder if he had something to do with it.


I am suspicious of the father too myself.

I cannot believe how crap all the reporting is... they rant about the case hours on end, and cannot seem to come up with some of the most obvious questions... such as:

What is the timeline? (That we know of? as I understand it, the police are not releasing a timeline, or saying they dont have one yet, but there should be way more then enough reports in to the reporters for them to come up with one by now).

Who/when was the last person to see Haleigh? (BESIDES A FAMILY MEMBER! -any- family member... it perhaps is not likely, but possible the grandmother could be covering for the father, maybe just thinking she is helping even)




What happened to this case? I havent heard anything about it in a while..I think Misty left the house with her piece on the side- She is only 17 so I am almost positive she is not all committed to a guy with two kids...Anyways, she left and either her weirded out cousin took Haleigh or the repair man or just some random guy that was casing the place.

Listen Lady! No one in this Family Barks!


I think she did it herself. She either left the house or quit paying attention to the kids because she was cheating (with the "man in black" maybe) and she doesn't want to admit that her carelessness caused the disapparance of Haleigh.
