Jane Velez-Mitchell

Oh, I can't stand it when she fills in. She is so overly dramatic and shouts at the screen.


Is she the one that looks like she has an upside down mouth?


Nvm, the chick Im talking about is Susan Moss or something.

Her face is hit.



She gets on my nerves too. I guess it's good she's passionate, but damn, you can see the veins in her neck at times! But I like her better than the other lady that fills in who is constantly taking her glasses on and off, she needs to get contacts!


JVM is annoying because she over does it, as if she's trying to be Nancy Grace but it fails. And Susan Moss with all her rhymes. She shouts too!!


Sue Mo cracks me the hell up!

My husband thinks Jane looks like a muppet lol.

She has a whole different outlook on the case on her own show, she does a 180 so I don't get why they have her fill in for Nancy.

Mr. President Barack H. Obama =)


Lazacka, I haven't noticed that yet,or I missed something. Could you fill me in!Thankyou in advance if you get back to me.


She REALLY tabloids it up. I wish she would cut off her mullet!

You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.


She's wierd looking...


OP I agree. She was on Channel 9 News in LA when I lived there. She was fine as long she read the prompter.


clearly "thirdrow" is against the WAR ON WOMEEENnnn!!

