I can't stand how -

Nancy thinks any opinion that isn't her own is ridiculous. She always interrupts people and snaps at them if they don't totally agree with her. She doesn't even let them explain their views !


Yeah like that morbidly obese child f--ker that they had on tonight, What a welcome to society that piece of TRASH is!

you have now officially lost your mind!


...what ? I meant the other guests/speakers/lawyer/whoever that appear on the show. Not the people they talk about like that guy from tonight and Misty and whatever scum they talk about.


I totally agree. Then she'll start snapping, "Put him up there!!" (meaning, on the screen) or "Don't make me cut off your mike" like she did last night. Why does she have people on there if she doesn't want to hear their side of things?


they, the guests, have got to be prepared for her ridiculousness. it's probably discussed behind the scenes beforehand that she's gonna be inconsiderate and rude, that's why they put up with it. sometimes, well all the time, it's unwatchable when she acts like that.


Nice example she's setting for the kids.

' Holy sh*t. Holy sh*t! HOLY SH*T!!'



I'm watching now, and the one lawyer interrupted her, so she said "And as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted..."...so he apologized. Then another lawyer/investigator started to talk, but Nancy didn't agree with what she was saying, so Nancy interrupted her. When she told Nancy to please hold on, she goes "No, I will not hold on" and said what she had to.
To sum it all up, she's a closed-minded hypocritical bitch.


I don't know why those experts put up with it.
She makes them look like fools.

I know a little German. He's sitting over there.


Oh, I know. I love how she takes people to task like the woman that left her starved daughter in the trash can and claimed mental instability. That being said you know how you can tell when someone is going to agree with her side of the story without them opening their mouths? It'll be a woman in one of the little side boxes next to Nancy and they'll have, wait for it, blond hair, cropped short looking like little Nancy Grace clones.

This is Fleet Command.


>>>Nancy thinks any opinion that isn't her own is ridiculous. She always interrupts people and snaps at them if they don't totally agree with her. She doesn't even let them explain their views !

Spot on!

But if you think NG interrupts, she can't hold a candle to the whack job named Jane Velez-Mitchell!

ROTA Top Foreign Language Films List: http://www.imdb.com/list/qQvbXmXhhCU/


