Okay since some people seem to bash her on her imdb about her own show... I decided I would say why I love her!
1) She really does seem to have a good heart. I have watched her episodes and she could sell kitty litter (I chose that cause she says stuff like I'll do anything for a buck) but she goes over seas, tries to help animals, and heck, she even turned her wedding to her ex into something for charity!
2) Kathy Griffin is so real. She is who she is and makes no apologies for it! Mind you, her mouth gets her in trouble but she won't apologize because she generally doesn't say mean things just her opinion
3) She loves her family and friends so much. One word: MAGGIE
4) SHE IS SO FUNNY! I think Kathy is so funny and I would love to meet her one day.


very good points! i love her too.
