Good Retrospective Look

Its definitely a good DVD, especially for Taker fans. However I was disappointed by the lack of coverage from his earliest days with the WWF. Outside of the feud with Hulk Hogan, most of his first 3 years are skipped over. His feud with Kamala was actually when the "Casket Match" debuted. Although the matches weren't great, he did have a good feud with Giant Gonzalez. This was one of the first wrestlers to make the Undertaker seem mortal after GG attacked him at the Royal Rumble (1993). In the extras I would've liked to see the 'Ultimate Warrior Funeral Parlar' (where Warrior was stuffed in the casket). Otherwise its a good DVD. I just wished his first few years with the WWF would've been covered a little more thoroughly.

Also the packaging of this DVD was horrible. Three discs stacked? Come on... The Taker deserves a more professional DVD package than this.


They will come out with a new box-set when he retires.Including all his Wrestlmania matches ECT,undertaker HIMSELF talking about the matches, everything an undertaker fan would want.Otherwise if they dont...Its gonna suck

I agree that the packing was crappy.


Do you know about the box set for sure?


A box set on Undertaker coming out, not likley this soon maybe in a few years when he is undeafeted at wrestlemania for 20 year

From A Dead Man
