Epsiode 7 Opener

THe one in Florence with Rico.

What is the name of the song that opens the story? When Philipo is standing in the plaza among the pigeons?
I love it!
I must have it!


Oh! THis is your lucky day. It is sung by a great band called The Delgados they also did the opening theame. I'm afriad I don't know the name of that song. (i have forgotten :() But it is by the Delgados! Good luck finding it. Oh BTW that song really is mezmorizing isnt it? I love it soooo much!



Okay I found the song. It's Woke From Dreaming by The Delgados. There you go ^_^ "Woke from dreaming but it took convincing"

End Transmission



I thought it might've been The Delgados. I have a couple of their songs but I had no idea they sang that song too. It's mine now!!!



No problem. I have most of their songs. They all sound similar. I mean that in a good way. lol They all have that nice, kind of mellow feeling.

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I've had the Gunslinger Girl anime for a year or more and have always loved that little clip of music...I've played it over and over and have been so frustrated that I could never find out who produces it so needless to say I am soooo happy I stumbled across this forum!! T.T So so happy...


Hahah thats excelent. I spent many a hours replaying the opening theame till I found it.

End Transmission


I'd actualy like to know what the violin music which seems to be the theme tune is... or indeed if theres a soundtrack out anywhere.......


Um I don't really know. I'd check the credits. haha big help I am
End Transmission


It's on the album Hate. You can get it at barnesandnoble.com.
