MovieChat Forums > Flip This House (2005) Discussion > CDs and coaching to flip/sell homes real...

CDs and coaching to flip/sell homes really?

First of all , can someone please tell me why in the world they would pay someone to show them to do anything these days?
I own rentals, ive been doing this for 5 years now, i "learned" everything from websites, forums and blogs run by others in the business.
Ive been burned , ive been hammered, but now there's a level of stability touch wood. I own 13 properties now, i didnt need Mangolongo's BS cds to tell me that. Just a sound mind, a sane perception and understanding of real estate and monetizing of risk.
Mangolongo doesnt seem to even grasp the very fundamentals of construction.
Finally, this is a business,if Coke doesnt reveal its secrets neither should you if you become successful, if there is a cock crying on top of its voice saying "hey over here- here's my method of making millions" - take it from me , they're full of it. Dont walk - RUN AWAY.


First, because people are stupid and gullible. Second, because for whatever reason, Montolango or however he spells his name, is a celebrity, and people flock mindlessly to celebrities.

If it didn't work for him, and he wasn't making money off of it, he wouldn't do it. Also, much of what people like this "teach" others, isn't even close to what they themselves really do to make the money. Add to that, that even if he does reveal "trade secrets," it doesn't necessarily mean that the person who went to the seminar, or bought the cds, can make money from it. Not because it won't work for them, but because they haven't done the research in their state to find out if they even are allowed to flip homes. There are several states where flipping is illegal. So the person who attended that seminar, or bought those cds just wasted money on something they can never do.
