MovieChat Forums > WrestleMania 22 (2006) Discussion > Rate my idea for Undertaker VS Umaga @ W...

Rate my idea for Undertaker VS Umaga @ WrestleMania 23


It's early 2007, about two months before WrestleMania, and Umaga is still undefeated. Armando gets on the mic one night on RAW and says that everybody on RAW that has challenged Umaga has fallen to the Samoan Bulldozer. He then issues an open challenge to anyone from SmackDown! or ECW who thinks they can take on and take out Umaga. A couple weeks pass and there are no takers (pardon the pun). Armando gets on the mic again and says it seems that everyone is too afraid of Umaga, which they should be because he's the most dominant wrestler ever. This cues the lights to go out. When they come on, Undertaker is in the ring. Armando freaks out and Undertaker and Umaga battle, with 'Taker sending Umaga through the ropes. Thus begins a feud that leads to WrestleMania.


Nearing the end of the match, Undertaker grabs Umaga by the throat and attempts to connect with the Choke Slam. However, before he can lift up the Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga breaks Undertaker’s grip. He signals for the Samoan Spike. As he goes for it, Undertaker ducks, grabs Umaga by the throat and connects with the Choke Slam. He goes for the cover, but Umaga kicks out at 2.

Umaga recovers and regains the advantage by shoving Undertaker into the corner. He then connects with a running body avalanche, causing Undertaker to fall down into the corner. Umaga signals for his running butt bump and connects with it. Armando Alejandro Estrada is ecstatic, but not for long as Undertaker sits up. Shocked but focused, Umaga again powers Undertaker into the corner. This time he climbs up to the second row and begins delivering several punches and head-butts. Suddenly, Undertaker grabs Umaga’s tights and connects with the Last Ride Powerbomb! He goes for the cover but Umaga again kicks out at 2.

Dazed, Umaga groggily gets to his feet. Meanwhile, Armando hops onto the ring apron and begins arguing with the referee. Undertaker gives him a right hand, knocking him off the apron. He turns around only to be met with the Samoan Spike, which no one has ever kicked out of before. Umaga goes for the cover, but Undertaker kicks out before the 3!

The crowd is going nuts at this point and Umaga is flabbergasted. As Undertaker wearily makes it to his feet, clutching his throat, Umaga goes for a second Samoan Spike but Undertaker ducks once again and hoists Umaga onto his shoulder, in position for the Tombstone Piledriver. He connects with the Tombstone Piledriver! Undertaker crosses Umaga’s arms and goes for the cover. 1... 2... Umaga kicks out!

Undertaker has a shocked and confused look on his face. He exits the ring and procures a steel chair from the outside. He enters the ring and is about to swing at Umaga but the referee grabs the chair, saying he cannot use it. Undertaker turns around and Umaga goes for a Samoan Spike, but Undertaker grabs his arm! He then grabs Umaga by the throat, ready for another Choke Slam. He lifts Umaga into the air but in mid-air Umaga delivers a second Samoan Spike! Umaga goes for the pin. 1... 2... Undertaker gets his foot on the bottom rope!

Undertaker is lying on the mat, bleeding from the mouth profusely as Umaga paces like a caged animal .He begins to shout in Samoan, obviously furious that he has not put Undertaker away. Undertaker slowly makes it to his feet and both men engage in a fist fight. Umaga gets the better of the situation and whips Undertaker into the ropes, but the Phenom rebounds with a flying leap that knocks the Samoan monster off his feet, and Undertaker collapses as well due to fatigue.

The referee begins to count to ten. Umaga manages to make it to his feet, physically drained, at 8, and Undertaker sits up at 9. Umaga, spaghetti-legged, turns around and Undertaker hoists up on his shoulders. He connects with a second Tombstone Piledriver. As the referee begins the count, Armando, now recovered from the right by Undertaker, places Umaga’s foot on the bottom rope and the referee breaks up the count.

Undertaker exits the ring and chases Armando, eventually catching up to him. As Umaga lays almost unconscious in the ring, Undertaker grabs Armando by the throat and Choke Slams him onto the entrance ramp, permanently disabling him from interfering in the match. Undertaker re-enters the ring and Umaga is back to his feet. Both men once again engage in a fistfight. This time Undertaker gets the better of the situation. He grabs Umaga by the throat, but Umaga breaks his grip and goes for the Samoan Spike. Undertaker punches Umaga’s hand in mid-swing, nearly breaking his thumb. As Umaga holds his hand in anguish, Undertaker hoists him up on his shoulders for the Tombstone. However, Umaga leans his weight back and reverses the Tombstone! But just as he is about to deliver the Tombstone to Undertaker himself, the Deadman again reverses it and finally connects with the third Tombstone of the match. He crosses Umaga’s arms and the referee begins the count. 1... 2... 3!



Thanks. I like making up my own storylines. Hey, if you want, you can post two wrestlers and I'll make up a storyline for them.


Ok, how about Mick Foley vs. Mr McMahon in a Street Fight at Wrestlemania 23?


I love it....

Make a story for this: WHC:Batista(c,F) vs. Rey Mysterio(F,RR Winner)

Next Women's Champion, Mickie James
