MovieChat Forums > WrestleMania 22 (2006) Discussion > Which wrestlers take steroids?

Which wrestlers take steroids?

I think HHH took them when he was injured for 8 months. He was built like a brick %$£&house when he came back but then slowly turned fat again.

Edge was solid when he came back from his year long injury, look at him now.

Randy Orton looked like he had AIDS when he was recovering from shoulder surgery. Within a month he was back to being big again.

Eddie Guerrero & British Bulldog suffered from heart disease due to steroid abuse.

I'm not saying that they take them every day, but I would say that 95% of all wrestlers have taken them at some point in their lives. That's why wrestlers all dies at middle age these days.


alright let's be a little bit realistic, normal guys don't get built like that without taking steroids. i'm sure every single wresler except for the woman have taken steroids.


I doubt Kurt Angle does. If he did, then he sure as hell doesn't anymore.

I can't see Bret Hart taking them either.


Eddie Guerrero was a potential user in my book. You can never be 100% sure unless the dude comes out and openly says it like Savage and Hogan. Superstar Billy Graham was a user and he is really messed up because of it. I think his hip joint and one of his ankles basically disintigrated because of the use. Also he had some serious liver damage.

You should have seen Eddie Guerrero back when he was in WCW from 95 to the middle of 97. He looked nothing like a steroid user. Then around late 97 he started looking more cut. When he came back to WWE in 2002 he looked really ripped. If you compared his 95 look to his 2002-2004 look you would have to question it. It looked like he gained 30 pounds and 30% more muscles.

Chris Benoit is another one. He was a cruiserweight back in wcw 95 when he got his big break and now he looks huge compared to his early self.


2 I am certain of.

Gene Snitsky - His back spots (backne) are a big arrow pointing at steroid abuse as it's a known sign.

Edge - to quote his wife, "Take away the steroids and Edge is just a 6'4 inch skinny guy." And look at Edge's legs in proportion to his body and it's clear to me that's steroid abuse.

I'm not controversial - I just say what others are afraid to say.


1) Ultimate Warrior admitted to taking steroids.
2) Hulk Hogan took them. Notice how after the whole steroid scandal, at round about WM 9? When he showed up at WM 9 he had considerably less muscle mass.
3) Eddie Guerrero & British Bulldog's IMDB profile says that they died due to steroid abuse.
4) Scott Steiner (I don't even have to explain this one)
5) Vince McMahon admitted to taking them in the 1980's.
6) Vince McMahon said that he suspended HBK for taking them about 10 years ago.
7) Big Boss Man, Mr Perfect, Rick Rude, Crash Holly, Hercules & Hawk, all died at middle age of mysterious heart attacks.

All wrestlers take steroids!


How Scott Steiner is still alive baffles me, it really does.

I'm fairly certain Mick Foley's never taken steroids, though. :o)


and Kamala...

Seriously either Steiner will die of a heart attack or pop.

I'm not controversial - I just say what others are afraid to say.



Don't get on your high horse! He choked on his own vomit after he had overdosed on pain killers. That's another form of drug abuse anyway!



ric flair admitted to taking steriods occasionally in his book


Face it , they are a bunch of fat people with elastics wrapped around their arms! :)

Sorry. I really don't know who. I only watch wrestling when I'm at my uncles house and...thats about once a year...

PMS-Putting up with Mens *beep*



So they changed their story? I read Crash died at Steven Richards house when he choked on his own vomit from heavy drinking. A couple of sources said he was a party drinker.

Curt Henning died of Cocaine poisoning. I always thought that was a weird explanation. Why didn't they just say cocaine overdose? No one ever says poisoning, makes it sound like foul play.





if you do a little search on the web, you´ll see that there´s not any law against the wrestlers on steroids, vince mcmahon wisely enough registrete his business as "sports entretainment" not a real sport so, therefore nothing can keep a wrestler to not take steroids, im not saying that all of them have, just that it´s very easy for them to take them.

my list of "suspects" are:

hhh-(just take a look at him when he was hunter hearst hemsley)
hulk hogan-(he admitted)
scott steiner-(any comments?)
eddie guerrero-(if you are saying that he wasn´t when he was in wcw, you should see him when we was wrestling at mexico, he was very skinny...belive me im mexican)
davey boy smith(brithish bulldog)
randy savage-(he admitted too)


Randy Savage, no wonder, the guy was a huge A sshole

packtolomeo, are alot of mexican's skinny? real skinny? i know very few, like 2 of them, both are in good shape, but also live in Canada.

I have a list of people who might be using

Lex Luger,
Chris Masters
Big Show (not really)
Sting (might have)
Buff Bagwell
Dave Batisa (not sure on the spelling)
Owen Heart (he got big near the end)
The Rock (might have)



Not all take steroids. I don't think Kane or The Underatker took them because the were freaking huge


not all of them are skinny, sevenredmenacebluth, a lot of the mexican wrestlers are fat, like trevor murdock type, a few of them are ripped but not as the wwe superstars, because here there are laws against steroids and wrestlers take tests for all i know.

i don´t think the big show is on steroids because he´s huge and fat, he´s strong but not ripped, but the undertaker is a big suspect for me, since he got back on the "prince of darkness" character he started to developed a lot of muscle structure that he doesn´t had even in his youth, as for masters, i think it´s obvious and for owen i think your right too.

ask me anything you want to know about anywrestler that has started his career in mexico, not only mexicans, such as benoit, jericho, konnan, rey misterio, vampiro, etc.


no law against wrestlers doing it? its against the law for ANYONE to take steroids. maybe there's no "rule" in the wwe (as there wasnt in baseball), but they're illegal for anyone man.

check out my movies on ebay under the name of jalvarez75


Wrestlers dont just die because of steriods, working 300 nights of the year, traveling, not eating right....ect.....all add to the stress on the body. They also have a problem with pain killers, similar to baseball, football and even the NBA. I highly doubt that all wrestlers have taken 'roids, but rather some form of suppliment.


ya working 300 nights a year, traveling every day or every 3days would take alot out of you.

they should trim it down to like 250days, do the wreslting sundays-tuesdays, then have the rest of the week off.

wonder if they go see shrinks at all for there problems.



You don't die because you work 300 nights a year. Evil Knieval broke an amount of bones in the region of the 10's - 100's and is still alive today. If he endulged in steroid abuse, he would be dead.
Look at the Dynamite Kid. He is a frail shadow of the man he once was. I wonder why that is? Steroid abuse kills, end of story. Wrestler's don't know how to take steroids without abusing them. That's why they're dropping like flies.



didnt take them - my guesses x-pac, spike dudley, undertake, kane, big show, big boss man, eugene, viscera, piper, andre, bundy, stone cold, road dogg, angle, carlito, etc.
did - bagwell, steiner (for sure), luger (for sure), batista, masters (for sure), chyna (for sure), orton, r., warrior, snitchky, jim ross (just kidding) etc.

check out my movies on ebay under the name of jalvarez75


Piper has admitted to taking steroids I think. It explains why he had a hip replacement.


Lex Luger got busted around the time Elizabeth died. Somehow the authorities found out he was getting mail shipments of muscle enhancers mailed to his house.
What were they doing? Going through his mail or something?

Brian Adams AKA Crush got busted back in 95 in his home in Hawaii when the cops raided his house and found them along with some automatic weapons, he did some short jail time I believe, and the WWF brought him back in as an ex con.


I think that these guys take/have taken steroids. FACT means that its been confirmed.

Val Venis - Deflated figure since drug testing has been announced. FACT
Rob Conway - Same reason. FACT
Eddie Guerrero - Constant backne, plus huge shoulders compared to body. FACT
Chris Masters - Same reason as Val Venis. UNCONFIRMED
Hulk Hogan - Admitted it. FACT
Vinnie Mac - Duh. The 'roid King. FACT
Scott Steiner - Duh. The 'roid Prince. FACT
Randy Savage - Admitted it. FACT
Lex Luger - Admitted it. FACT
Dave Batista - Veins on veins. UNCONFIRMED
Triple H - When he came back from injury he looked pumped. FACT
Gene Snitsky - Same reason as Eddie. FACT
Ultimate Warrior - Admitted it. FACT
British Bulldog - Proved. FACT

and I've heard that Kurt Angle has taken them, but these may be painkillers due to his neck injuries.


Goldberg - Admitted. FACT


Eddie Guerrero DID but hadn't for a long time so your 'facts' are in fact bollocks mate.

John Cena is an a$$monkey - This Sig will not change until he drops the title.


Dude like all of the wrestlers had at least once token steriods if you go to a live show there bodies are so large and unrealistic

Rember........... size Matters


How are my facts bollocks? I said take/have taken. Eddie TOOK steriods, so my facts are in fact true mate.

If we're all Gods children, what's so special about Jesus?


does anybody think john cena takes roids?


Nope John Cena is not on roids i write to him 7 months ago and he reply
he was taking Pure Weight gain and pure cretine and he burns Fat when he workout and at the end he creates muscles i think i was Mass Gain
he is not on roids


So because Cena said that he never takes steroids, that means he doesn't?
Nobody that big has never taken steroids at least once.
There's probably steroids/growth hormones in his weight gain.




its not always about the weight gain/ muscle expansion

Kurt Angle - took them as a form of painkillers
jake roberts - admitted using them because he couldnt keep up with the schedule

im pretty sure owen hart never took steroids tho, not on a permenant basis anyway, im sure evry wrestler has taken them once tho

i find it weird how people were questioning Batista, i think thats pretty obvious

oh and the ROCK was obviously on them, look at him now he has lost loads of weight since coming off them but he still says he works out and a fairly similair gym schedule the math

as for eddie guerrero! ...... i lie, i cheat, i DEAL!


Has anyone noticed that since chris masters being back he looks smaller because they found that he took steroids (obviously)



Hankeylax, your tantrum just let's everybody know that u probably take setroids. Don't act like nobody but u knows about health & fitness, i'm a personal trainer and work out 5 days a week. I know all about bodybuilding.
Yes, there are a few genetic freaks who don't even have to go to the gym, e.g Mike Tyson & Farooq but 90% of wrestlers have to take steroids or growth hormones at least once to completely change their physique to that of a heavyweight's physique, e.g Scott Steiner, Randy Orton & Eddie Guerrero.
Even HBK just did an endorsement for testosterone for Gods sake!


My List of Users:
Vicki Guerrero
Matt Striker
Hardcore Holly
Nunzio/Little Guido

Next Women's Champion, Mickie James
