Heels or Faces

Who do you like better Heels or Faces?

1 vote, and 1 vote per person only...

I;ll start it off...

I usually like the heels better so...

Faces 0
Heels 1

And be sure to update it when you pick too.

-Women's Champion Mickie James


Johnny Boosta
It depends who cool and effective heels and faces are.
An great example of an heel would be Mr Kennedy who is cool and is an great talker who is also very young and cocky.
An great example of an face would be Steve Austin no matter what he says or what he does the fans always rally behind him.



to update the tally....

Faces 0
Heels 2

-Women's Champion Mickie James




I have always gone with faces but Mickie james is the first real Heel i like
but it's face for me.


To Update.......

Faces 1
Heels 3

Mickie James is the greatest Heel Diva and one of the greatest heels in sports ever!

-Women's Champion Mickie James



heels. eddie,rko,and edge are the best boy heels
mickie is the best girl heel.


Faces 1
Heels 5

Women's Champion, Mickie James


Edge and Orton are the best heels that the WWE has had in years. Heels for me.
