John Voight + Cary Elwes

may god bless you both!do your best!
peace in christ!

ps. 'am confused if joHn and jOn is one person. according to this link,
ANGELINA JOLIE's actor father JON VOIGHT is playing the late POPE JOHN PAUL II in an upcoming TV miniseries.


It's not the same Jon Voight. This guy's name is spelled with an h, and Jon Voight has no h in Jon.


thanks for the info. i made the changes.


According to the following link, it is the more famous Jon Voight who replaced Ian Holmes in August 2005:

As for Cary - his great grandfather used to work in the vatican ...


I'm confused! Jon Voight's page says he'll be in this, but you click on his name here, and it goes to a different actor!


Great cast, really good actors will play one of the greates human in history!!!


IMDB has made a mistake. Jon Voight (Angelina Jolie's father) will be playing Pope John Paul II. IMDB has made a mistake and when you click on "John Voight" you are taken to a different person. If you look on "Jon Voight" it shows that he is in the movie. Also, on the ET (Entertainment Tonight) website, it shows a picture of "Jon Voight" in papal-style clothing. His make-up is done to look like Pope John Paul II. IMDB is run by human beings that make mistakes. I'm sure they will fix it soon enough.


I'm not sure if there's a big enough age difference between the two to neccessiate two different actors.

I mean, it's not like Cary Elwes is gonna play the teenaged Pope. He's over 40. So at what age do they trade off? 55?

Think about it.

I haven't killed a man since 1984



It also sais under "jon voit" that he is also sometimes credited as "John Voight"

If there is another John Voight I don't know about him.

I found another John Voight listed and he's only in 1 film. Also he doesn't have a birthday or any other infomation listed. Strange indeed.



The series was just broadcasted on Italian tv over the weekend. I saw it and it was beautifully done!

I am a catholic and I was not always agreeing with the late pope on some of his beliefs (gays, contraception etc.) but it was surely a charismatic man and not afraid to act.

May he rest in peace.


May the poor soul of Pope John Paul II rest in Peace. Amen.

buongiorno! viva italia!
It will be aired in the USA on:
ABC - 12/1 and CBS- 12/4 and 12/7

Here are some links, if u have not read this yet.
Have No Fear: The Life of Pope John Paul II
Thursday, December 1 at 8/7c

Pope John Paul II
9 p.m., EST, Sunday, Dec. 4 and Wednesday, Dec. 7, on CBS.

abc and cbs
9 p.m., EST, Sunday, Dec. 4 and Wednesday, Dec. 7, on CBS.
