A little help please...

Hopefully someone with a better memory than mine can help. I recall an episode where Tony is talking with a famous cinematographer but can't remember which episode it was OR the name of said cinematographer. If memory serves he was from Hungary. Maybe?? I believe they talked about how he got started by taking pics at a very dangerous time(a war/revolution with/against Soviet Union I think).
Tony mentions that you may not know his name but have surely seen his work(s). Seems they even had a scene in that episode where they were sat in a cinema.
This is driving me crazy because I'm usually pretty good with trivia but can't pinpoint this final, and most important piece of the puzzle. Hopefully what I DO recall is enough to jog someone's memory and they will come to my aid. Thanks in advance as I have faith someone will read my post{call for help}, and will also happen to have the answer I seek. If not that first someone, another soon after WILL.
~ Dan Smith II


My apologies but the answer finally came to me. Much to my chagrin it was actually the Budapest episode on ''Parts Unknown' --not 'No Reservations'
In case anyone cares, here are the details:

'Parts Unknown' S5E6, which coincidentally originally aired on my birthday, June 7, 2015.
The name of the cinematographer is Vilmos Zsigmond. Some of his most famous films are:

-Close Encounters of the Third Kind
-The Deer Hunter
-The Witches of Eastwick
-The Last Waltz
-The Two Jakes
and even the Ben Affleck flick 'Jersey Girl'.

Thanks anyway

Cheers ?
