He ate a goat

i'm not really a vegetarian, but on the philipines episode you get a glimpse of the goat near the building then later tony's chowing down...
on the eyes and brains too.

i don't know why but that freaked me out. i figure if you can eat a goat, hell you could probably eat a horse.


They also eat goats in Italy and Greece on a daily basis.


And all over the Caribbean. It's quite tasty too.

"I regret nothing, see you in hell." - me


haha. goat is eaten by hundreds of millions in asia. possibly billions.

top tv shows - http://www.imdb.com/list/oSewKrGTWbA/


But how can he enjoy some of the stuff that he eats he's from New York not these other countries that consider this crap a delicasy?


Ny is still the ultimate melting pot of the world.There are so many varying ethnic groups,that other then warthog rectum,you can find most foods right in the city.


Never been to NY before so I wouldn't know.I've also never heard of warthog rectum before either.


I've eaten plenty of goat in NYC. It's damn good.

"I regret nothing, see you in hell." - me


Dude.. What makes you think eating goat is wierd when most of the world eats goat/lamb? So people in US eating pig or cow doesn't seem wierd to you? You think the sum revolves around only this part of the world?


Wake up there is a world beyond your little village. Lamb is widely eaten in UK and they are not different from US in terms of culture like the Eastern world. Lamb, goat etc.. are the same category of animals.


And don't you eat all parts of cow/pig? ears, tail, feet etc..?


He has eaten a horse before. Or at least, part of it. Many places do. Nothing bad about goat or horse.
