Pretentious Garbage

After all the hype I thought I was in for something wonderful.
After watching Season 1, I am so disappointed. Another overhyped thing bit the dust.

Westworld is just utter nonsense. Just total pretentious garbage really.
A great 1970s movie reduced to just crap with convoluted storylines and twists that even M.Night Shyamalan will scoff at and walk out of the theater.

Poor plot and the whole techno babble was just cringe worthy. Especially to me, someone who is in technology. No, this is absolutely not what a Developer does nor what a QA guy does.

And the wanton killing, nudity for no reason - I mean after a while I was saying - okay, I get it, now lets get past the nudity? and have something better in this show.

People get killed left and right and no one gives a shit. No cops, security etc.

And the robots have to have a battery source that must be ridiculous to develop/maintain and like any automaton or organic life, it needs recharging and constant fuel source. None of which are shown or even alluded to.

The whole "maze" and "narrative" bullshit was just meant to titillate the hipsters and other dumb people whose minds collectively explode at something so cringeworthy and banal but they find it utter profound that they end up stoic in sheer euphoria.

Abysmal show. I'll just cancel my HBO now.

Rating: 2/10


I could not disagree more. I give it an 8/10.



Pretentious Garbage

couldn't agree more. another example for convoluted nolan-brother bullshit. they will never, ever understand the fundamental difference between nebulosity and complexity. whereas complexity in any form of art always has a simple, unsophisticated core: compassion, likability. i don't care for any of these pretentious characters. i don't care for their storys. it's so bland, so shallow, so inconceivably boring. and it is NOT complex. it's just complicated. just like inception, interstellar and all the other shiny crap.
the nolans are the jordan petersons of filmmaking.


Yeah. Interstellar was utter garbage. Very unscientific and made very little sense. Need a powerful rocket to lift off of puny Earth gravity yet could easily escape the ridiculous gravitational forces of a planet with 100 ft waves in the grip of a Blackhole!

Utter nonsense. The whole concept of Interstellar was garbage. Encoded in the ticking of a watch? Making gps coordinate patterns in sandstorm so that he WON'T go there? Lol. wut? So it's like "hey, let me tell you about this place at this that you should never ever visit". Bull shit.

Nolan actually made some good movies. The Following was pretty good. Batman Begins was good. TDK was meh and TDKR was utter garbage but the crazies have taken over. Heath Ledger was good but nothing special. OD'd and died and Hollywood tripped over themselves to give him a posthumous needless Oscar. Bull shit.

The self entitled millenial gen or whatever bullshit term they come up with (despite them being like 37 years old as well. Yeah! a 37year old is a millenial!) are just a drag on society today (Of course not everyone but you'll know when you see them as their heads explode for the littlest of things on reddit)


I worked as a programmer and know basic physics. Any planet that close to a black hole would be destroyed by tidal forces. Any trip nearby would be one way.

Most robots in SciFi are magic, not science.


You can always spot an IMDB/Moviechat troll when they complain about nudity. Either they're a troll or some kind of born again religious zealot.

And you forgot to complain about the guns, how it's not explained how they work and they can shoot through wooden planks but not harm humans somehow.


I don't believe OP.

Evidence of trolling: Loves 70's version but complains new show doesn't explain battery power. Complains that cops are not materializing immediately when a death occurs. Is typical Shyamaln hater. Cites the unexplained as being self-evident of poor quality. Thinks nudity equals bad. Expects realism and accurate scientific jargon in science fiction. Claims to be cancelling [insert channel]
