MovieChat Forums > Westworld (2016) Discussion > I was letting ye ol sexism stand in my w...

I was letting ye ol sexism stand in my way

What of Delores isn't a damsel. What if SHE becomes the Gunslinger?



I should tell you I'm actually a woman. I'm also not a fifteenth century vampire. But it was sexism that obscured my view. I kept assuming the gunslinger should / would be a guy because that's what he was in the original. I didn't even consider the prospect the character could be female until the theory came to me yesterday, which I felt slow on because it's the sort of theory that for any other role I would have had during the trailers before the premiere.


Nothing new. ;)
In the trailers Dolores can be seen with a colt in her hand.


Exactly why I felt slow about it once the idea hit me and why I feel it was sexism / gender expectation that slowed me down.


Theres a very good chance. I like the opening scene with The Man in Black. They have switched it up which is good. Im interested where they are going with this.

"Sell crazy some place else, we're all stocked up here"


So am I. I loved the original but this is very good so far. I just hope a certain someone has learned his lesson since Lost and won't over do it with the twists that go no where.
