
Congratulations to Typhoon which has just become the latest member of the extremely small yet exclusive list - 'films I had to switch off to rescue an hour of my life',and as my life is for the most part extremely dull, this is really not a very favourable accolade. I thought it was a gigantic mess, really devoid of much pace, action, substance or performances. It doesn't work as a critique of Korean politics, nor as a family drama, revenge thriller, nor even as a very rudimentary James Bond rip. For me, a completely uninspired, uninvolving film that I'd advise people to steer clear of, regardless of which types of film are your cup of tea. In fact, just have a cup of tea instead. It takes 10 minutes, and it'll be much more enjoyable - especially if you drink it whilst watching a really good peice of Asian cinema - of which there are many.
