Please tell me

Did this movies have sexuality or not ?

What rate this movies ?


there is no sex scene in this movie, just kissing and lots of blood. It would be rated R if it came to America.


what about nudity? the posters look like there might be a lot or is there more scares?



In one scene the camera starts with a back shot then pans to the side with a close up that moves slowly up Su-hyeon's spine as she is crouched in the bath with her head bowed down. It cuts to her hand as she lifts it from the bath to see she has scooped up strands of hair that are now entwined around her fingers.

Quite a striking scene imo that seems to have stuck with me more than any other, as it really puts across just how truly alone, fragile and vunerable Su-hyeon is as she sits in that bleak dark bathroom. The viewer of course has the knowledge that Su-hyeon has come home to die unlike poor Su-hyeon herself who has been lied to and led to believe by her sister that her cancer has been cured.

So yes their is some nudity but if from the poster your expecting something of a sexual nature then im afraid you will be disapointed.
