Release Dates

Well I know it is on here somewhre but when I looked at the link on Ewan it only listed releses's for the U.K. Is this true? Cause then I can't see it. And then I will be sad and cry cause I want to see my se#y man gay.

Come What May! I will love you till my dying day!


I read that it depends on how it does in the UK as to if it will be released in the USA.



I only know that it has been said that if it does well in the UK, then it might go to other parts of the world. so, who knows???



I hope it'll not be out of the cinemas after 2 weeks or something :( If it's stays until December I have a chance of seeing it in the UK, but otherwise..

I wanna see this movie!! Ewan is so hot!! ;)
