Gay Pride?

I heard somewhere that there would be a gay sub plot or something. I just watched the movie and must have missed it. I dont think anything in this movie especially gay oriented except for the gorgeous men.

I enjoyed this movie, great compelling story. It was a little short but eh, nothing in this movie was unforgivable. id give it a 7.


*snicker* You heard wrong. There was no need for a subplot, gay or otherwise.


I dont think it needed it. Just wanted to see if anyone had heard the same thing.


I concur, the guys were gorgeous. I guess the only 'gay' connection would be the 'oppression' factor of a minority.

I, too, loved the movie - It was a little 'cheesy' at some points but I think it's great to have movies out there that offer a piece of history and can stir up discussion. That's the only way to keep growing as people.

'There’s a name for you ladies, but it’s not used - Outside a kennel! (Crystal Allen in The Women)'
