Im on chapter 6, The Doctor's Hunch, and I can't open the door. At first i thought it was a glitch but then i kept restarting the game, still didn't work.
Did i miss something?
(yes, i have the key.)

"It's not easy having a good time.
Even smiling makes my face ache."


Have you tried this:

Stand in front of the door: Then push start to go to your menu screen. Hit items and then select the key in your inventory. This is how you unlock all doors in the game.
Sometimes the game can be picky and you have to position Jack right in front of the lock on the door.


TY...i had to restart my game and then it worked. at least when i restarted it i got better grades lol

"It's not easy having a good time.
Even smiling makes my face ache."
