Is there any chance for a soundtrack to this game?

It needs one.

And why does it say 2004 when this was released in 2005.


There is a soundtrack for the game, but it is only available in the Japanese Premium Pack. The only bad thing about it is that it only has 7 songs out of the 26 tracks (including bg music), and those aren't complete either.

It was released in 2005 in the USA and Europe, yes, but Japan got it in October, 2004.


You can download many of the songs on fan site- but I'm looking for the Music Box version of "Sally's Song" that plays after you put the right holiday markers on the correct tonbstones on the Spiral hill Level

"I told the producers I'd give my left nut to host this thing," Lance Armstrong


ME TOO I've been looking for the song on Spiral Hill, too.

Anyone know yet where to find it?


What fansite tell me!

Bonejangler baby!


Oh I think I know what fansite you're talking about! I would have to look it up, but it is out there somewhere!

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