Favorite song transition?

I really liked Lock, Shock and Barrel's new song, "Hail to Mister Oogie", was a great transition from their original song, "Kidnap the Sandy Claws". What about everyone else?

Hey, this is the third site I asked this in! *Exited* Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

Future game-designer or cartoonist...



My favorite is the Dance off rendition of "Oogie's Song" in the last part of "Taking out the Trash" Level. It has a very dark and evil undertone to it. The whole level, with the cut seens, the music, and the choreography( if you can call it that) that Jack does with his lyrics make a really cool music video.

"I the ONLY Pumpkin King!"~Jack


That is a great one. I like how he turns into every costume, but finishes as regular Jack.

Future game-designer or cartoonist...



"You give me strength, you show you care..."
I love that song. It gave me chills.
Also, the version of Sally's Song she sang with Jack as he fights the giant spider.

~"The expletive racial expletive had it maternal expletive coming.~


Really? I hated that particular one (the spider one). Got on my nerves after it looped for the third time.

My personal favorite has already been mentioned: the Jack/Oogie song during Taking Out the Trash. The reason why has been mentioned, as well: the costume changes and the dancing ^_^ I'll admit, though, it took me three times (on easy!) to get the button sequence down. I was really really lucky that third time since I messed up almost every one where you have to hit two almost at the same time, and they switch them around on you - man, I was getting pissed >.<

Overall, though, I thought that most of the music on this game sucked. Part because none of the original cast sang in any of them (unless you count Paul Reubens as Lock, which I don't), and part because they seemed to me to be horrible mash-ups of bad lyrics with Danny Elfman's brilliant score. Oh well...just made me want to listen to the movie soundtrack more - and I don't see anything wrong with that ^_^

-MattsGirl6093, Girlfriend to NinjaMatt3628 since 12 June 2002
