Jack Skellington 'Smore treat

'Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?'

Ah, most of you know the worlds to Danny Elfman's now Holiday classic song, This is Halloween.

Anyway, I have a treat for you. It's a very simple Holiday recipe curtesy of Jack Skellington from Tim Burton's The Nightmare before Christmas. It's a very simple variant on the classic 'Smore (American camp fire treat).

There is the Jack Skellington style 'Smore.

Here's what you need. Graham Crackers (or if you're in a country that does not have graham crackers, a small flat cookie will do). A chocolate bar, and large marshmallows. Chocolate syrup, a tooth pick and a microwave.

1. On a microwavable plate, place two connected graham crackers (not broken apart) or this can be substituted with one thin cookie of any kind.

2. Place a square of chocolate on top of the graham cracker or cookie.

2. Place one large marshmallow on top of the chocolate.

3. Using the tooth pick as a paint brush carefully apply syrup onto the marshmallow to draw Jack Skellongton's face.

4. At this point you should have a graham cracker (or cookie) with a square of chocolate on top of it and a marshmallow on top of the chocolate with a face painted on it. Now you carefully place this in your microwave.

5. Turn on the microwave for about thirty seconds. The marshmallow head should puff up and become round.

You can eat this creation exactly the way it is or place another graham cracker (or cookie) on top of the marshmallow, thus smashing your Jack Skellington head into a delicious, gooey paste that will melt the chocolate.

The classic 'Smore is the exact same thing, just without a face painted onto the marshmallow and of course you place another graham cracker (or cookie substitute) on top of the marshmallow. Often, instead of by microwave, the marshmallow by itself, is roasted over an open fire instead of microwave and the heat of the roasted marshmallow alone melts the chocolate.

Trick or treat!


Mmmmm ^_^ I should try that!


awww... How cute ^_^, it's adorable, and now I must eat

For it is plain, as anyone can see, we're simply meant to be


Leave it to you, JTheGoblinKing, to come up with/post on something like this ^_^

-MattsGirl6093, Girlfriend to NinjaMatt3628 since 12 June 2002
