body count?

body count anyone?
who survives?


There kind of is a body count, but only in backstory. He's been doing this 16 years according to his comment in the film.
But the actual on screen body count is basically no one. You only have four people in the whole film. Kinda hard to knock off a gang of drunken teenagers when there are only two.
Not a gore film, not high murder content.


From what I remember, one body in the attic, 2 bodies in the barn. Then Henry got killed so I guess technically, four. The young couple survives along with the creepy girl as they take her to the Police/hospital. Oh, I survived too. Yeah, it was that bad.


they dont take her to the hospital, they didn't even know she was in the car....


I'm watching this movie right now and what did the guy mean when he said to the creepy young girl, "you can have her after I'm finished" ???????


turn to something else.


I want to see these two freaks get what they deserve, but the kid is something !


Yes they do. Did you even LISTEN to the dialog after he knocked the little girl out? She stopped him from finishing her off and said "She needs a hospital". So yes, they put her in the car and they were taking her to the hospital.
