Why did I buy this?

If u were planning to buy this don't. Rent it. Seriously, it's so bad that I sincerely regret purchasing it.

"I'm not interested in Saturn, I said Mars."





You're telling me.

"I'm not interested in Saturn, I said Mars."


I thought it was good. Sometimes to made no sense, but I still enjoyed it. I'd give it a 7.5/10. Snoop Dogg is the man, you know what i'm saying? :)




I was looking for "urban horror". Instead I got lame excuses for living like trash. Stereotypes suck, right? Unless the stereotyped group does it.
Then it's gritty,realistic, a breath of fresh air...whatever


What do you mean?

"I'm not interested in Saturn, I said Mars."


yeah, i'm glad i didn't buy it either. i saw it really early in the morning on showtime, i believe.

it's just one of those movies you watch when you can't sleep at night.


It should be a crime to sell this movie. Awful 1/10.

Look at the night sky, where does it end?

