Halloween 08

What are some really good ones to watch this Halloween that have the gore and scares?


Depends, if you want horror/comedy with good gore, or horror/scary with realism.

-Hack (obviously)
-The tripper
-Murder Party
-Slaughter High
-Planet Terror
-The Rage
-Return of the living dead (1-5)
-Monster Man
-Dog Soldiers

-August Underground (1-3)
-Guinea Pig Series
-Funny Games (more serious/a message on violence in cinema, but if you can figure out what they're going for, it's great)
-The Descent

Some good ones to get you started...

"Prepare thyself. It's bloodshed time"


i wanna see trick or treat if it ever gets released... it might be too much like boo! though :-/


Slashers is a good, funny one. So bad it's funny, but it's so bad it can't be hated, too.


Funny Games??? are you f'n kidding me?? That was one of the worst pieces of trash I ever saw!! It was freaking boring and the ending was ridiculous!! Rewind?? Totally stupid! Message on cinema or not, it sucked!
