alternate ending

Cheryl Ladd suddenly appears and zaps the terrorists and then takes the passengers into the future..


Your 'no offense intended' has fallen quite short. Hope you enjoyed your adorable little chuckle at the expense of this national horror.





Look, I have made inappropriate jokes at times when I was younger and I learned the hard way that some things like funerals simply can't be lightened up by telling a joke or two.

You mourn, remember the person who died, pay your respects and then move on.

It's the same reason you don't tell a very sad story at a wedding, it's suppose to be a time of joy, not misery.

Unfortunately this movie is so dark by nature that there simply isn't room for levity.

The pain from a funeral or the joy from a wedding is temporary, you have to allow for the feelings that people will feel at these events.

I've made my own share of inappropriate remarks on forums, mistakes, we all make them.


It didn't go well that's for sure.

But it wasn't really meant as a joke, more a wish fulfilment of 'Millennium' - thinking how awesome it'd be if something like that happened with United 93


Sorry that I made you feel bad. I was probably a bit too harsh with you.

I am not familiar with the show " Milennium " although I have heard of it so it's very hard to know exactly what you are talking about.

I may be mistaken but it seems like I read where there was suppose to be an alternative ending in the movie where they showed what would have happened if the terrorist's succeeded. I guess it would have just been more people killed and it seems they were heading for either the White House or the Capital Building.

The one thing terrorists don't seem to understand is that killing a bunch of average nobodies just doesn't really matter that much to the functioning of the U.S. They of course do not constitute nobodies to their friends and families but they do to everyone else.

Taking out the Capital Building and say half of Congress with an airliner is making a strong statement. You would think their first target would be the White House, then say the Capital Building. I wouldn't have wasted those planes on the WTC killing average nobodies, I would have had multiple airliners crashing into both the White House and the Capital Building.


Millennium (1989) starring Kris Kristofferson, Cheryl Ladd

Bill Smith, chief investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), has been assigned to determine whether human error is the cause of an airline crash. He and his team of investigators are very confused by the words on the cockpit voice recorder by the crew relating to the crash. But at the same time, a theoretical physicist named Dr. Arnold Mayer has a real professional curiosity about the crash, which borders on science fiction. While giving a university lecture, he talks about time travel and the possibility of visitors from the future. Smith discovers the involvement of an organization of time travellers from a future Earth irreparably polluted who seek to rejuvenate mankind from those about to perish in the past..


Sounds interesting, I'm going to have watch that, maybe tonight if possible.



I saw it last night, it was pretty good. Yea, people who are about to die are given a second chance in a future world. It's not like they were cheated out of anything.

It does put your original comment in it's proper context.

Unfortunately this is a true story which can't be altered for a happier ending.


You know, you have to try to be a decent human being but you don't always succeed. Hence the word try.

The Internet is a rather poor form of communication at times. Without body language or vocal tones it can be difficult to properly understand whether someone is making a joke or not.

A movie as dark as this isn't bound to bring out the best of people.

Still, my initial remark to you was uncalled for and that's why I am now going to delete it.

The big mistake here was mine and not yours.


no worries. glad you enjoyed the movie!
