That ending

Wow. So powerful. In my mind it's the best representation of fear, terror, devastation, hopelessness and hope brought together all in one. I was absolutely breathless and on the verge of tears. It literally brought me right back to that day... And seeing these actors portray something so believably makes it hit home even more that these were actual people. People with families, friends and dreams. Such an amazing movie. The one with Nic cage was a disgrace.

Troyaltrollwalker(Darth Spino)


You almost think "they may get back control of the plane!" But at the same time you know what really happened.


You almost think "they may get back control of the plane!" But at the same time you know what really happened.

Just saw this for the first time yesterday and you are so right! It was weird how I knew exactly what was going to happen, but as the movie progressed I somehow managed to push the truth to the back of my mind and get my hopes up to think that the passengers had a chance. I also agree with everything the poster above you said about the ending....when seeing how quickly the ground was coming into view, it felt like my heart was in my throat and when the screen cut to black it felt like my heart had completely stopped. This is truly one of the most amazing and devastating films that I have ever seen.

If we wanna hear you talk, I will shove my arm up your ass and work your mouth like a puppet!


The music is also amazing and played a big part. The track "The End" is so epic and chilling the way it builds into a crescendo. You feel like you are right there with them. As if your life is flashing before your eyes.I bought the soundtrack off of i-Tunes. The tracks "Prayers" and "Dedication" are great too.

I bought the DVD last year.


I have had two times in my life where I had to be rushed into emergency surgery before two types of medical conditions were going to kill me.

I will say that even if you do indeed die, the important thing is that you fought dying all you could.

You may die fighting for your life, but at least you died fighting and that is everything.


It literally brought me right back to that day.
Why didn't you warn somebody?



No matter how many times I see it, and I've just finished watching it again on TV now, I'm willing them to get through. You know the tragic result but you can't help it.
