MovieChat Forums > United 93 (2006) Discussion > *SPOILER ALERT* Wasn't there a scene....

*SPOILER ALERT* Wasn't there a scene....

Just finished watching this on the History channel.

where one of the passengers was on the phone with a 911 operator? He wanted her to forward the information that United 93 was hijacked, he told her they were going to try to prevent the flight from hitting another target, they prayed together, then he left the phone on his chair so she could hear what was going to happen?

Another scene where a man on the ground hears a loud sound from overhead, then a crash. Then he sees the smoke in the sky.


Could be right. Although I saw this in the theatre, I don't remember it though. However, there was another movie made about the story, that was on TV. It was called Flight 93. Could that be the one that you are thinking of...?

Who are you? Who? Who? Who? Who?


Now that you mentioned it, it's possible. Thanks.


In United 93, there is a scene where he calls 911 from a bathroom. Not sure about the other scene.


You're getting this and the made for TV "Flight 93" mixed up.
