going to theaters?

Will this movie have a big premier with the press, and be in theaters?


It probably won't be going to theaters. It's supposed to be released next month, and there have been no trailers, photos, or information released to the press. It's not even listed on Sony's press site as an upcoming theatrical release.


Dear Lucy,

This movie is in the final weeks of post-production and is looking fabulous. It is and was an independent production that was made with every intention of having a theatrical release. In the very near future they should be having meetings with some of the largest distribution companies in the United States who have already heard about the film. They believe it will be picked up and will be coming to a theater near you sometime this Fall.

A friend who knows


It could happen, lots of low budget independent movies have been successful, like Donnie Darko for example, but this movie is no Donnie Darko if you know what I mean. Best of luck to the film makers, though.


If it doesn't have a distributor by now, there's no way it's going to have a major theatrical release. Look for 2-3 copies of this movie to be sitting on your video shelf for about 3 weeks sometime in the fall before it drops off the map forever.


This movie's being shown on TMC.


this movie sucks my balls.


well, we all know lc is 10 pounds of sht in a 5 pound bag.
