why do people find vulgarity funny

I admit, some of the jokes were funny, but since when does something have to be totally vulgur for people to laugh at it. Most of the roasters....at least the first 3 totally offended me. what happened to the roast like in the old days when there was the occational crude joke.....but my goodness, either theses people have no self respect or this country is going to hell



Back in the old days they also didn't roast women with watermelons the size of basketballs who've appeared in two sex tapes. So, the comedy has to adapt.

Dear God if you were alive, you know we'd kill you- Marilyn Manson


Dude, this was a breath of fresh air for Comedy Central. I never laughed so hard in my life! You've gotta have a sense of humor even if some of the jokes were vulgar. Don't forget that it was a ROAST.



Um... what about the Terry Schiavo and Kurt Cobain jokes? That says to me "thoughtless and cruel", not funny.


Yeah, I do agree that the Terri Schiavo joke was pretty insensitive.


I liked it thought it was funny one liner!


i bought it mainly bc it was on comedy central! and it was probably going to be on pam's "kids" lol!!!!! this was the first roast i have seen before


So this country is going to hell for vulgarity but you forget we are killing thousands of people around the world every day with our military? Get your priorities straight people!!!


If the old roasts you are referring to include the Dean Martin roasts seen on NBC, they were obviously done for the earlier time slot and in pre-cable times. With comedians like Buddy Hackett and other Vegas regulars I'm sure that there were plenty of vulgar jokes told, but they wouldn't put them on the air.
If you didn't like the vulgarity of Pam's roasts, may I suggest that you never rent "The Aristocrats". Your brain will implode. Don't say you haven't been warned!!


***So this country is going to hell for vulgarity but you forget we are killing thousands of people around the world every day with our military? Get your priorities straight people!!!***

You actually got on a Comedy Central message board to say something like that???

"When you want something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done."


Your logic is faulty. Something does not HAVE to be vulgar for people to laugh at. But there is quite a bit of vulgarity that is funny. And Shakespeare was considered quite vulgar for his time.


divadude0411 on Fri Dec 30 2005 19:37:28
I admit, some of the jokes were funny, but since when does something have to be totally vulgur for people to laugh at it. Most of the roasters....at least the first 3 totally offended me. what happened to the roast like in the old days when there was the occational crude joke.....but my goodness, either theses people have no self respect or this country is going to hell

I laugh at anything that other people are offended by simply because I think its funny to see people offended. If the first two roasters offended you, why did you stick around for the third one?


perhaps some people are just really really really very easily offended... like you divadude


The smallest, most harmless 'vulgar' joke was deemed tasteless in its own time.

What you seem ordinary, a lot of older people find tasteless, so you've just gotten to be an old guy for your own generation.

No self-respect because they are vulgar, just because YOU are the one having the problem with it? I think not.

Furthermore, the vulgarity is not funny. The punchline is.


I think that the very offensive and vulgar jokes (Terry Schiavo and Kobain) and the very lifeforce of comedy. Without comedians telling jokes like this, we'd be trapped in a world full of Dane Cooks.

Dear God if you were alive, you know we'd kill you- Marilyn Manson


Vulgarity's funny in small doses and in unexpected places. But if an act is full of it, the shock value gets numbed pretty quick and the effect becomes pretty empty. Take the South Park movie, for example. A brilliant piece of vulgarity-filled filmmaking, but after about an hour of watching it I get bored real fast.

Therein lies the challenge for the vulgarian.

"Now get your patchouli stink out of my store!"


No Vulgarity is so unbelievable funny!!! It's bloody great..

Oh you where "offended", poor you, mr offendee..




I find Bush and his conversative minions Rush Limpbag and Sean Hannitty's constant lying vulgar and offensive. Some people can stand by and watch as their country is being sold off little by littel to the enemy, yet if they hear one dick joke, the world is suddenly ending.

Get a sense of humor and stop supporting scumbags like Bush and the like.

