Eye candy, Brain Candy

Macro filming at its best. You better attach your jaw to the rest of your face cuz it might hit the floor pretty hard!!

The music is incredible too, Cant wait for the american DVD release to see the making of !!! I dont understand how they manage to pull this one......

WOW, good job.

I saved latin , what did you ever do? --Max Fisher


I totally agree! This is one impressive piece of filmmaking!

My top 20


http://www.amazon.com/Besieged-Fortress-Pierre-Lebeau/dp/B002FOFX8S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1252364363&sr=8-1 will have it soon! No BR though. :(
Ant @ The Ant Farm (http://antfarm.ma.cx) and Ant's Quality Foraged Links (http://aqfl.net).
