MovieChat Forums > September Dawn (2007) Discussion > Book List for open minds

Book List for open minds

books to read:

Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon? - Wayne L. Cowdrey, et al
The Twenty-Seventh Wife - Irving Wallace
The Changing World of Mormonism - Jerald and Sandra Tanner
Massacre at Mountain Meadows - William Wise

The Tanners give Mormon quotes that prove that polygamy and blood atonement are not only Mormon teachings but principles that are not to be made invalid. The polygamy revelation states that a man cannot attain the highest form of "godhood" unless he is a polygamist. And some "crimes" can only be properly paid for by the shedding of the "criminal's" blood. The Tanners also note how many times the church writings have been rewritten or altered in some way to further the church aims.

The Twenty-Seventh Wife gives ample evidence of the Danites--that murdering bunch of Mormon thugs that meted out "justice" to wayward Saints. They even went after apostates who merely wanted to leave the church. Ann Eliza Webb was terrified they would kill her before she could get out of Utah.

Right now, I'm reading the Tanner's book. It's fascinating, and tells even more of the many ways the Mormon church has rewritten its history in order to present itself in a better light. For instance, the early church was quite anti-black,and preached over and over that the black man would be forever barred from the priesthood by virtue of the fact that this was the mark "God" put upon Cain--a dark skin. Then, after much pressure, back in the 70s, they get a "revelation" that it's okay for black men to hold the priesthood. (But never okay for a WOMAN. Her job is to have as many babies as she can.)

I never argue with people about religion, especially those born into a religion, because I find that being brainwashed from birth has pretty well closed up the person's mind. Since I was a convert, I had experienced other religions and had attended other churches, and even studied other religions. My only regret is that I was not able to read both pro and con literature about Mormons before joining. I am convinced that the LDS church is not the "true" church any more than any of the others are, and that Joseph Smith was simply a scam artist. To me, a real "god" or "goddess" would not need all that bowing and scraping and obedience to church men--and especially a god would not need the "dark side"--murder, lying, etc.

For those who really want to know about Mormonism--don't take my word for it, or the word of some Mormon missionary who only knows what he's been taught--read a book or two. Or four. :o)



An interesting book list for open minds that are investigating the Mormon faith. Like you I have some problems with Mormon teachings and left the faith. However, if we are really to have to have open minds we will not just read one side of the story. I took a moment and expanded your list.

Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon? - Wayne L. Cowdrey, et al
The Twenty-Seventh Wife - Irving Wallace
The Changing World of Mormonism - Jerald and Sandra Tanner
Massacre at Mountain Meadows - William Wise
The Mountain Meadows Massacre - Juanita Brooks
Massacre at Mountain Meadows - R. W. Walker, R. E. Turley, G. M. Leonard his own hand upon papyrus - Charles M. Larson
Brigham Young: American Moses - Leonard J. Arrington
Jesus the Christ - James Talmadge
Man Knows My History - Fawn Brodie
A Marvelous Work and a Wonder - LeGrand Richards
Standing For Something - Gordon B. Hinckley
The Miracle of Forgiveness - Spencer W. Kimball
Faith Precedes the Miracle - Spender W. Kimball
The Book of Mormon

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


Good list.

oh, and OT, mac is your sig an arrested development shout out?

love, peace, and chicken grease



Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith by Jon Krakauer


Here's a book for you to read: The Bible and the Book of Mormon.

Work Hard To Avoid Hard Work


Mormons have long been known as a Christian cult that's about power and control .... especially over women. The nice rank and file Mormons don't make up for what their overlords have done for well over 100 years.

A very good, factual book .... which pretty much exposes the Mormons to be another Christian Mafia is: "The Mormon Murders"

You can get it cheap at Amazon.

( ~\/


Mormons have long been known as a Christian cult that's about power and control .... especially over women. The nice rank and file Mormons don't make up for what their overlords have done for well over 100 years.

A very good, factual book .... which pretty much exposes the Mormons to be another Christian Mafia is: "The Mormon Murders"

You can get it cheap at Amazon.
It is a pity that they resorted to making some things up in telling their story. So what have the Mormon "overlords" been doing ?

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...
