MovieChat Forums > September Dawn (2007) Discussion > They did no worse than other 'Christians...

They did no worse than other 'Christians'

While horrible,this act was no more heinous than the ones perpetrated on Natives and blacks by other so called Christians.



There have unfortunately been many instances of man's inhumanity to man throughout history, many involving Christians. I find it especially deplorable when religion is used as justification for murder.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


Whether it was any worse than any other massacre is irrelevent. Pointing fingers and saying "Other people did worse!" is just a tactic to distract attention from the acts of guilty people. Usually tried by children, it doesn't work to prove that what they did was "not so bad".


I wasn't defending them. And I certainly would never say it was not so bad.
It always annoys me when people become indignant watching something like this, but seem to take other such acts in stride. I've talked with people who are actually proud of the history of nearly wiping out Natives because they see it as necessary.



Ah yes. "Manifest Destiny", and a lot of what's masqueraded as history in US elementary school textbooks. Have those thoughts implanted while young, to allow to fester into full blown (false) pride.

I very clearly remember in a 4th grade (1981) reading in a history class textbook a caption under a picture that read:

"Indians were so violent that they often fought amongst themselves"

Where the picture was a drawing of two Indians, amongst their own with teepee's in the background engaged in hand to hand combat. I thought that caption peculiar that I've always remembered it.

Don't know if present day elementary school textbooks are an improvement over the propaganda from 30 years ago, but if the recent Texas school board revisionism is any indication ... probably not.

Some fellows get credit for being conservative when they are only stupid.
- Kin Hubbard
