horrible ending!

I wouldn't waste my time on this movie if you haven't seen it. The ending is terribly sad and bloody.


I guess you'd rather everyone lived happily ever after!

The sad truth is that you put a bible in one hand and a gun in the other, and people become savages. In all fairness to the Mormons, the people of Missouri started this. It all began in Missouri when those hillbillies decided they were tired of the Mormons squating on their land. What you saw in this movie, people from Missouri did the same thing to them when they were guest in their land. But this movie didn't mention one word of that. They didn't get at all into why the Mormons groaned when the man told him he was from Missouri.


The film is extremely one-sided, the emigrants are shown as all being saints, the Mormons almost all evil. It is a propagandistic joke.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


Going by the final score, it sure looks like the Mormons were the "bad guys" in this incident. 170 people killed in the wagon train. Unknown number(but obviously much lower) killed on the other side.


Going by the final score, it sure looks like the Mormons were the "bad guys" in this incident. 170 people killed in the wagon train. Unknown number(but obviously much lower) killed on the other side.
Of course the Mormons were "the bad guys" in this event. But all of them were not evil, just as all in the wagon train were not saints. But as there were only about 120 people in the party and about 17 were spared your number is probably exaggerated. I don't think any Mormons were killed in the incident.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


They weren't latterday 'saints' that's for sure.


I can sure agree with you about that.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


But this movie didn't mention one word of that.

KCantu There was a flashback by the elder Samuelson of the earlier incident in Missouri showing the killing of the Mormon leader. It showed why he was startled when the wagon train leader told him they were from Arkansas and Missouri.

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne
