Dear Mormon Bashers....

What is your trauma?

The events around the history LDS and other Mormon sects are no more outlandish than the events around all other Abrahamic God religions.

As a soft atheist, it's getting really annoying to come to some of these boards and see post after post of bashing. I'd love to hear the religion of those doing the bashing, because I KNOW I can dig up dirt and post it. I myself have responded to religious movie posts on some of these boards, but I don't make it a habit or a life-long hobby. Just spewing recent facts and then move on to the reason I come to IMDB: Movies & TV.

I happened to have seen this movie and am also a "Big Love" lover, and these boards always seem to attract the bashing of the religion itself. I know I find the background to be quite unbelievable, but so be it with most major religions.

As far as secrecy, has anyone seen the scripture that wasn't put into the Bible by men? Probably not because most of it has been kept secret. There are secrets running rampart throughout all the Abrahamic religions (and probably others), but that doesn't make one more right than the next.

Mormonism exists. Get a life, get over it. Get some psychiatric help if you have that much hate and anger inside of you.

And if you're an atheist - go to the religious forum and bash religion in general. But really, to keep harping on the same old LDS thing is getting boring and shows your lack of intelligence for all history itself.


Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions –BP



What is your religion Hitchcockrules?


Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions –BP



Even though your comments (in the highest sense of good intent) were most likely designed to move things along, they only added fuel to the fire by inferring the information that so called "bashers" impart as negative or untrue. It is not. The mormons just don't like to deal with unsavory history and true but, wacky "sacred" customs being brought out into the open. It makes them look bad or at least goofy.

Well, I come to discuss movies and some OT stuff... but for some reason, anything to do with Mormonism seems to bring more comments on the background of the religion than of the movie itself. I never said what the bashers say is "untrue" but does 4 out of 5 post have to do with bashing a religion when they all have their sordid past?

If a person, mormon in this case, is uncomfortable with what they believe to be true, they will defend and decry the messenger that causes cognitive dissonance in their thinking. They will tell you things really didn't happen or that prophets didn't really mean what they said, or that somehow the nonormons are just being spiteful, mean, and, oh, the favorite du jour, LYING. They excell at twisting the truth.

But they ALL do. The Bible itself is so full of contradictions that all religious people use tactics to try to prove that they are the "right" ones. The exact same tactics you are talking about.

Until the mormons can take a look at their religion from an unbiased vantage point, they will engage in dogged defense of their belief system as they see it.

Funny, I feel the same about all Abrahamic religions ;-)

If you like Big Love so much, then realize it ain't fiction

Well, it is in the fact that they are a wealthy suburban family which is not the typical polygamists that we know today. But all in all, I know about the history, the fact that polygamy was practiced in secret, the racism, etc. etc. I have a dear friend who was married at 16 by her parents to a 38 yo man because it was their culture (Mormons) and she is still in therapy today because of it. Their family goes back as far as Brigham Young's split from Smith and she has showed me massive documents that would delight any Mormon basher BUT all of this has nothing to do with the fact that this is nothing new in religion. So why keep harping on it? YKWIM?

So I'll pose the same question to you, KAY D, what is your religion. One of judgement?

As I said in my original post, I'm a soft atheist, so I have a lack of belief, not a religion. I have been known to be judgmental at times, but probably no more than most people - and lot less than others.

Now, again, what is your religion hotaugust?


Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions –BP



A judgemental soft athiest, by any chance?

Gee if you put it that way, I guess we can put the "judgmental" label in front of all belief systems or lack thereof eh?

What is your current religion?


Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions –BP


Soft atheist? What is a soft atheist? And what is a "soft atheist" doing defending the LDS Church? This movie petty well paralleled what happened at Mountain Meadows and most Mormons want to sweep it under the rug. It's not to be discussed in "proper" Mormon circles. I suspect the "soft atheist" is really an LDS member who is posing as an atheist but terrified to use the plain old atheist label. Lets face it, Mormonism is a fringe religion with some pretty unbelievable premises. It's all about control (aren't all religions?) and definitely anti-feminist, homophobic and anti-intellectual which accounts for the fact that they share a lot of Republican Party values. I have a friend who was raised as a Mormon and who contends that it's members would just as soon kill secular people like me. I stay away from third world states like Utah!


What a fine post sakulin. I totally agree with you but you have put it so well.





Mormons denied the Mountain Meadows Massacre until they couldn't deny anymore.
It was not any more in the news during the mid-1960's than it had been for decades before yet I was taught all about in Mormon Seminary classes.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...



Funny, I never was taught about the MMM and I was in those Seminary classes in the late '60's and '70's.
You appear to be attempting to say that I am lying about my experience, but I am not. I think there was a very short explanation in the church history that was used as a text which my teacher supplemented with outside sources including the Brooks work and writings of John D. Lee. Church history was of considerable interest to him, and John D. Lee in particular. Perhaps your teacher had a bias to avoid the subject ? I don't know. Some Momrons have just wanted this incident to be forgotten. My stance for decades has been that it should be admitted as completely as possible. I was wondering a few months ago if my experience in Arizona was unique. I have a Mormon friend who said that the MMM was discussed in his Seminary classes during the early 70's in Utah. He said that it was in the book they used.
How do you explain away mormon Mike Leavitt, then Governor of Utah, shutting down the excavation for a memorial at the MMM site when skeletons and skulls were accidently unearthed that showed men, women, and children had been shot in the head? Did the indians or martians do that?
Well, first of all it has nothing to do with my Seminary classes in the 60's. Secondly I had not remembered about Leavitt doing this so I had to look it up just now. I resent your saying that I would "explain away" this incident, but this fits in with what others have posted about the bias you show, that any comment that is not negative about the Mormon church must be wrong or suspect.

It seems that Leavitt did something wrong. I do not know if he acted on his own because he had an anchestor involved in MMM or not. It is worse than what you posted in that the shots to the head appear to be more execution style and at odds with John D. Lee's account of how the women were killed.
On making their grim discovery, the men at the backhoe that August morning were first inclined, one of them admitted later, to dump the shovel’s load right back in the hole and swear one another to secrecy. But discovering that there were specific state laws about handling excavated remains, they eventually decided to call Washington County Sheriff Kirk Smith, who drove out to the cairn. “It was a very humbling, spiritual experience,” Sheriff Smith recalled. “I saw buttons, some pottery, and bones of adults and children. But the children—that was what really hit me hard.”

After a flurry of meetings, discussions, and phone conversations, the Utah state archeologist, Kevin Jones, explained that state law required that any unidentified human remains found on private property be forensically examined and that failure to comply would be a criminal felony. Jones issued a permit to allow scientists to determine the age, sex, race, stature, health condition, and cause of death of those whose remains had been found, and to segregate them for individual and proper reburial. Utah’s governor, Mike Leavitt, who happened to be a descendant of a participant in the massacre, was in the discussions and asked that the bones be quickly reburied, ordering state officials to find administrative or other means to do so.
The investigation “suggests the killing of women and children may have been more complicated than [in previous] accounts,” Dr. Novak wrote in her final study, presented last October to the Midwest Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology Association. Among other revelations, the examinations disclosed that some of the victims, including several women and at least one child, had been killed while facing their executioners head-on, by point-blank gunshots between their eyes, rather than by being shot in the back while fleeing, as earlier accounts had claimed.
Novak’s examination was still not completed in crucial aspects, including DNA testing, when the bones were reburied, under orders from Governor Leavitt. Marian Jacklin, a U.S. Forest Service archeologist, was one of the many who fought the state’s decision to halt the inquiry. “Those bones could tell the story and this was their one opportunity,” she said. “I would allow my own mother’s bones to be studied in a respectful way if it would benefit medicine or history.”

The brief episode of revelation and suppression sparked heated charges and countercharges. Hundreds of victims’ relatives around the country petitioned the state of Utah to retrieve the remains of their ancestors; some demanded DNA testing. More than 28,000 hits were recorded on a once obscure Internet Web site about the massacre. The governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, speaking for descendants living in his state, requested federal stewardship of the site, which would remove it from church control. “It’s like having Lee Harvey Oswald in charge of JFK’s tomb,” said Scott Fancher, a descendant of one of the leaders of the wagon train. shtml

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...



Mormons denied the Mountain Meadows Massacre until they couldn't deny anymore.

Geode's seminary experience proves your unfounded statement to be false. This further shows you to be an unreliable source. So you agree that you were wrong, right?

And you still haven't told us what religion you profess. Good. Keep on avoiding the subject because your silence speaks volumes about what skeletons are in your closet.


In essense you don't explain away the Leavitt/MMM incident. Good.
I didn't attempt to explain away the incident.
As for your Seminary memories, agreed the experiences were different. Nothing was implied. The paranoia you felt was created by you.
It really wasn't paranoa. It was a simple conclusion that seemed to be the most logical one drawn from your statement on the matter and some past posts. So it turns out you experience was different from mine and some others. My experience was "pre-correlation" and perhaps some censorship started to prevail with Harold B. Lee's new control-happy program.
Agreed: Mike Leavitt did a bad thing that only created more suspicion and put more intensified light on the misdeeds surrounding the MMM that the LDS church so carefully hides.
No doubt. One has to wonder if what he thought that what he was hiding was more damaging than the tarnishing to the image of the LDS church that he added.
Agreed: The church should just come clean and move on. But, that would be a difficult thing to do since it brings down those early revered church leaders and pioneers to a human level. Even a criminal level. That would be hard for the faithful members to swallow with all the present day intrachurch hype about how sacrificial and near god like the pioneers and early leaders were. I doubt it would keep mormons from building handcarts in their garages for the simulated treks or from visiting Nauvoo.
Yes, some local leaders were clearly guilty of crimes. My own opinion is that a modern use of obstruction of justice could be leveled at Brigham Young and some other senior Mormon leaders. However, I do not think this one incident should be generalized to apply to pioneers and early church leaders as a whole group. I think it was rather unique and out of character for church members as a rule. My own grandfather was one of those early pioneers who entered the Salt Lake Valley in the 1850's. Like most Mormons, I think he would have been horrified to have heard of what happened at Mountain Meadows and would have been unable to take part in something so immoral.
I'm glad you posted the Leavitt/MMM story since my posts are being labeled distainful and biased at the moment by others. Truly, if the victims were indeed shot execution-style, another layer of criminal intent is added to the story and history. The magnitude of the crime becomes heightened. Sad, sad, sad.
Yes, I found that part very troubling. It poses the question of how much white-wash even a guilty party such as John D. Lee might have applied to his account. This is a horrible event, the worst in Mormon history. Even at this late date the church should publish their own full study. If it implicates some honored men, they should not remain honored. But like you I doubt they dare to let this take place.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


Hey Hitchcockrules

I understand where you are coming from. But why the IMDb boards? Aren't there enough religious discussion boards that you can harp on the silliness of ppl's beliefs?

And are you of any religion now or do you consider yourself an agnostic or atheist?


Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions –BP



If you're an athiest, why do others' religions matter to you?

Lack of tolerance matters to me. AFAIK, the LDS today isn't out there hurting anyone, at least any more than any organized religion. It's not like they are terrorizing their youth by the top officials shuffling priests around to commit more rapes, and AFAIK, they aren't killing anyone. There may be fundamentalist factions like Warren Jeffs, but that's no difference than the Muslim Fundies that are using violence.


Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions –BP



There are many, shall we say, internal problems within the church membership - one being the high suicide rate among teen-age boys in Utah, the high perscription drug abuse among LDS women in Utah, and one of the highest pedophile rates per capita in Utah.

Do you really think IMDb movies or TV shows that center around Mormonism is the best place to present what you think is a well-rounded picture?

If a person is an adult, then they can pick and choose their religion. So the drug abuse among LDS women in Utah is their own choice and you can't blame the LDS for it.

As far as teen-age boys and pedophilia, what makes you think this is something that belongs to the LDS? It seems like something associated more with the fundie Mormons such as the Warren Jeffs folks.


Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions –BP



You seem to be a voice of reason. Good for you. Have you noticed that neither Hotaug or Hitch actually tell you what they believe? They have only identified themselves as ex-LDS. Granted, if you read what they write on these boards, they could very well count that as their religion (aka- anti-Mormon). But until they say that, ex-LDS is not a belief system. Notice how they avoid saying what they believe. They will only tell you what is wrong with the Mormon church. If you research what they have written, I believe you will conclude they are motivated by anger and hate. Never will they tell you what they believe because it is probably as rife with flaws as that which they seek to destroy.


Never will they tell you what they believe because it is probably as rife with flaws as that which they seek to destroy.

Yes arutha, that is the main point. Religious belief systems (especially the Abrahamic ones) are rife with flaws. So, as an neutral party, it's strange to see the mudslinging. It's quite sad.


Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions –BP


Well, you've chatted with the 2 main culprits (Hitch and Hotaug). Do you feel they have justified their machinations? Or do you feel the way most Mormons here feel: that these two are motivated by some personal vendetta that has nothing to do with this movie?


Do you feel they have justified their machinations? Or do you feel the way most Mormons here feel: that these two are motivated by some personal vendetta that has nothing to do with this movie?

Wow, there's a loaded question in there ;-)
I do think the constant talk that seems to go with certain religions is excessive; and that includes vendettas.


Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions –BP


Yeah, sorry about that. I realized it was loaded but I think my point is still valid. I don't think they have justified their rantings. Their presentations are seldom logical and are based on half-truths at the best of times. That, coupled with their reluctance to share their own beliefs, leads me to believe that they are not trying to educate people. Someone without a vendetta can allow themselves to be scrutinized and come out better for it. If they wanted to be fair and provide a balanced view of Mormons, they would gladly contrast it with everything they believe. It would demonstrate how their beliefs are more logical and bring more happiness than the LDS Church and there would be little to refute it. However, I believe they are merely interested in tearing down because of a personal vendetta. Christ built people up, Satan tears everything down. Our Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) tries to follow that example. That doesn't make us better than anyone else, but I think the world would be a better place if everyone followed that example.


Are you against a well-rounded picture of the LDS church being presented?
That's one of the most shocking things I've read on this thread. Do you actually think that you've somehow helped to present a well-rounded picture of the LDS Church? You came to the message board for an anti-Mormon film and put forth your reasons why you dislike the Mormon church. That's not balanced.

There are a few like me who come here to respond and try to correct misconceptions. But there is very little actual discussion of what Mormons believe, what is taught in Sunday services, nor how we live our lives day to day. There is no way that anyone coming to this board is getting a balanced view of the LDS Church.


But you claim to have a new faith that follows a more correct God.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


I was cheated out of 3+ years of my life by following their pathetic, hateful towards others cult.
I went just about 30 years (after my baptism) as an active Mormon before dropping away. Then there were those years in Junior Sunday School....

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


I will posts here about my findings of whole LDS Church history and their issues. I was cheated out of 3+ years of my life by following their pathetic, hateful towards others cult.

This is interesting Hitchcockrules. I'm assuming that you did not grow up LDS then? Were you an adult when you decided to choose that religion?

My beliefs and religion don't demand that I wear 19th century underpants as a symbol towards God. Zion isn't locating in hillybilly Missouri either. Joey Smith lied and never met God and Jesus.

Well, there's no historical evidence that Jesus existed - but you don't see people spewing that all over the movies that mention him or his father eh? ;-)

Mormons murdered those innocent people on September 11, 1857, and they tried their best to cover up all culpability in many different ways.

Yes, it was a sad event, and a sad time. This is something that should be viewed in context of the flavour of the times. I can find FAR worse atrocities that were centered around times that were not so volatile and yet the things done in the name of Jesus were far worse. Cultures were destroyed and countless lives lost. See the sig line.


Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions –BP


What do you believe about God and Jesus Christ? That's still not a religion. Are you a Christian? You could just believe that a man named Jesus lived, and that Buddha is your God. See, you still avoid the question. Do you believe a guy lived, died, and 3 days later came back from the dead? Then he showed himself to a few people rather than the world at large and hasn't been seen by anyone since (and he conveniently closed the Heavens)? Doesn't that sound like a very cultish thing? Do you believe this fellow demanded his people commit genocide against those around Israel? And further demanded other holy wars in his name? I'm genuinely curious.

HotAug is even more blatant in his avoidance of what he believes. He mentioned the Dali Llama, so I guess he believes in Bodhisattva's and if he mentions Buddha name just once in his life with true sincerity, he'll be saved no matter what he does. At least, that's what the people believed who I talked to who believed in Bodhisattva's.


You are laboring under a delusion that you can police the IMDB boards for September Dawn.

That's a terribly loaded accusation; I posted an observation as a neutral party. IMDb is not going to get you the satisfaction for your anger. Really, it's not. Spending so much time here is only taking time away from addressing your trauma.


Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions –BP



Judgment is a good thing. It's the basis of everything you've ever posted, yet you make it seem like a bad thing when someone else does it. Hypocritical much?

You would rather have people not judge you because people who don't discern right from wrong and truth from falsehood won't understand just how wrong you are :D

You are full of anger. Why else would you spend so much time spreading lies and half-truths? If you were interested in objective truth and dispassionate discourse you would've condemned Hitch a long time ago, as he is the antithesis of what you proclaim to be.



Anybody know if Hotaugustnight and Hotaugust are the same person? Or is one impersonating the other?



Are you hotaugustnight? or just impersonating him?



You've conversed with hotaugustnight before. hotaugust is a fairly new account on these boards. That doesn't make you a liar, it makes you a poor researcher more bent on insulting me than actually finding out facts :)

2. Even if it is true, you're a Mormon basher or anti-Mormon.

Now you're making anti-Mormons out to be liars. Find one instance of this type of event. Usually it's more like "What you said can never be substantiated and must be taken on faith. Since you are anti-Mormon and have told lies, I don't think you are a trustworthy source."

Here's the account for hotaugust:
Here's the one for hotaugustnight:



If you are going to label a group of 10 million people as liars you ought to be able to provide at least one or two statements of evidence.

So, when/where exactly did anyone claim that the endowment session did not change in 1990? I knew. My parents knew. It wasn't a secret.

Mormons would state he didn't say that.
It's true that you will come across many Mormons who won't know about Young's Adam-God theory because it is NOT taught in the LDS church. But the church itself does not deny that Young had this theory - do you have any evidence that they do?

Don't forget the Journal of Discourses because I never will.
It is still frequently quoted within the church... nobody is forgetting it.


Just want to say thanks to hitchcockrules for speaking the truth about Mormonism. It's not easy to come onto these boards and take the time to try and reach people who are mislead. I was a mormon convert who served a mormon mission and it took me 7 years to sort through all of the historical truth that the mormon heirarchy DOES try to whitewash, hide or straight out lie about. It's sad to know I wasted the best years of my life for a church that is the most mainstream cult in American society today. I can honestly say that if people knew half the stuff about mormon history, secret societies/ceremonies, and the hatred they have against Christians they would be shocked, and that's why it's important to help people know. Note Jeffwcos is using a typical Mormon stategy trying to give the impression that these things are well known in mormon society knowing full well they ARE NOT. Jeffwcos why does the church warn people to stay away from "anti mormon" media/material? They don't want it's members to learn about thier churches real history.


I can honestly say that if people knew half the stuff about mormon history, secret societies/ceremonies, and the hatred they have against Christians they would be shocked, and that's why it's important to help people know.
I am wondering which "stuff" that is not well known would be so shocking ? I have been part of congregations within and outside of the Mormon church and have found that if hatred is present, it is at least as strong towards the Mormons as any they might have for others. In the case of evangelical Christians the hatred is definitely more common and more intense towards the Mormons campared to any hatred that Mormons have for any Christians. Mormons do not call them a cult for instance.
Note Jeffwcos is using a typical Mormon stategy trying to give the impression that these things are well known in mormon society knowing full well they ARE NOT.
Again, how about being more specific ?
Jeffwcos why does the church warn people to stay away from "anti mormon" media/material? They don't want it's members to learn about thier churches real history.
Yes, I would guess there is some truth in this statement. You can learn some aspects of Mormon history from such material that is not present from offical Mormon church sources. However, there are unofficial sources that do delve into such aspects that I do not necessarily consider anti-Mormon (Sunstone...Signature Books, etc.)

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


Reichlet7 wrote:

Just want to say thanks to hitchcockrules for speaking the truth about Mormonism.

That's funny, because the admin of these boards apparently found Hitch's writings to be offensive and inappropriate. I guess you assume the admin is Mormon, otherwise he too would be uplifted by the wise and enlightening words of Hitch? He's a troll who deletes his own posts if the admin doesn't get there first because he knows he lies. The fact that you can't see that speaks volumes about you.


Just want to say thanks to hitchcockrules for speaking the truth about Mormonism.
Sorry, but you've just discredited yourself. Hitch has been caught in more lies than I can keep track of.

Jeffwcos why does the church warn people to stay away from "anti mormon" media/material?
I can't really speak for all church leaders but my best guess would be that they don't want their faith eroded by lies.

I'm perfectly willing to admit the LDS Church has sugar-coated some of its history and simply does not talk about other aspects. But you must also admit that the "anti-Mormon" material out there has plenty of its own frabrications.


Sorry, you are right, after I wrote the first comment too hastily, after I read some more of hitch's stuff I could see he wasn't fair. Okay first I want to say I was mormon for several years and served a mission so I do know what common knowledge in the LDS church is and what isn't. Just because you have heard of it doesn't mean the average mormon has, in fact you being in the message boards shows that you are most likely more knowlegeable about true mormon history. I want to address Joseph Smith's 30+ wives. Most people in the LDS Church do not know that Joseph Smith had so many wives, He married the majority of them in the last two years of his live, in 1843 alone he married 17 women, that's more than one a month. More disturbingly at least 10 of these women were already married and Joseph Smith had reportedly sent most of their husbands on missions so he could marry their wives. Once more many of these girls were very young, two of them were even 14 years old. This is NOT common knowledge and to a fair minded person must be confronted as it is, perversion on the part of Joseph Smith. Please visit which is a site ran by an LDS lady.


Please visit which is a site ran by an LDS lady.
The actual number of wives that Joseph Smith married was a matter of some dispute the last time I read anything about the subject. I am curious that this site is run by an LDS lady. I find this hard to believe, and it appears to not be stated anywhere at this site. I would think that someone who was in fact LDS would not be able to maintain such a site and maintain active membership in good conscience.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


First of all, history is hardly an objective thing. The the conclusion is only as good as the information. As this information is over 100 years old, the authenticity is questionable. History, despite what people think, is one of the most inexact sources of information available. We rely on records kept by humans, hand written, that are easily distorted, inaccurate, forged, or even outright lies written to defame. Most of our history is slanted in some form because humans are not capable of being objective. Modern historians guess as often as use concrete fact because so little is actually known.

First I have to look at what I know about plural marriage. This thing about Joseph Smith feels unreliable to me, because there is so little that agrees with it. Brigham Young and John Taylor (the 2nd and 3rd presidents of the Church) had many wives, but nobody accuses them of what they accuse Joseph (stealing wives). Brigham, John Taylor , Wilford Woodruff all come off as good intelligent people in what they preached and what people thought of them, and they don't look down on Joseph or accuse him of doing wrong. Many objective people who knew Joseph best will tell you he was a great man with few flaws. We had records of people being excommunicated for taking on wives because of lust. So the accusation doesn't add up with what we know contextually.

Then consider what we know about Joseph himself. Joseph's wife wasn't one to put up with such nonsense and defended Joseph's visions and translation of the Book of Mormon on her death bed. So did the 3 witnesses despite being disaffected with the Church. The modern Church does not hate Christianity, nor do the records of the Church give any indication that hate was ever preached by Joseph or leaders of the Church. So those who are quick to believe this story about Joseph are also very quick to believe outright lies about the Church. That is evidence to me about how false the information is.

Then I consider what I know about the source of this information. When someone appears and says the Church is a cult, it preaches hatred, and Joseph Smith was a pervert, I know the first two are wrong already. Then the evidence given for the third is hardly conclusive, and it comes from a biased source. If you want to preach some surprising doctrine that you expect people to take on faith, try not to open up with outright falsehoods. It taints what you believe.


First of all I must say that I'm disappointed that you guys are trying to dismiss this site, and historically factual information. Perhaps, I was wrong about several of you, honestly, you guys just want to pick and choose what you want to believe and since this isn't "approved" LDS information well it must be garbage. It does say on the site if you did a little searching that it is in fact an LDS lady who wants to give these ladies a "place of rememberance."

Atleast the last comment is acknowledging that Joseph Smith had a large number of wives. If we must pick one of these "wives" let's pick Fanny Alger, surely you have heard of you. You want to say that everyone was okay with Joseph Smith and his polygamy which is NOT true. In fact the majority of people who ended up leaving the early LDS church did so not because of persecution but because of polygamy and their "prophet" doing it so extensively. Oliver Cowdery even called Joseph Smiths relation with Fanny Alger "A Dirty, nasty, Filthy Affair" and one of the reasons he left the church.

Fanny Alger was a young girl that Joseph and Emma took into their home. It was no long until Joseph "married" this young girl so he could have sexual relations with her. The fallout with these events and Emma was immense, and yet the rumors within the LDS community were also damaging.

Why don't you try reading about several of these women and the historical evidence that supports that they were indeed married to Joseph Smith. I'm dissapointed to know that most of you will not because you are affraid of the truth. How many of you who are intelligent and well educated, who try to form rational and unbiased opinions about things in your lives, yet you will refuse do so when it comes to Mormonism? If you could only take a step outside of what the "church" tells you to and try to find the true history of the LDS church you will be amazed. Just because some LDS institution/website/leader will try desparately to control what you see and read, and just because it does not fit into you perfect little image of Joseph Smith that the LDS church tries to portrait, does not mean that it is not viable.


It does say on the site if you did a little searching that it is in fact an LDS lady who wants to give these ladies a "place of rememberance."
I didn't expect to have to go to an e-mail trail buried in this site to find such information. Then again all she says is that she is a life-long member of the LDS church. That statement would cover my situation as well as I am still on their membership rolls but I do not consider myself to be one of them. You will notice how I phrased my comment, and it was not about simple membership. Once again, I have my doubts that she is a fully active member.

I have read about Joseph Smith's wives and obviously there were quite a few. To state 30+ as fact without doubt does indicate to me that you have a bias towards one side of the fence, rather blindly accepting this as "historically factual information"...I could say that I am disappointed in you for the same reasons you attempt to shame others.
Why don't you try reading about several of these women and the historical evidence that supports that they were indeed married to Joseph Smith. I'm dissapointed to know that most of you will not because you are affraid of the truth. How many of you who are intelligent and well educated, who try to form rational and unbiased opinions about things in your lives, yet you will refuse do so when it comes to Mormonism? If you could only take a step outside of what the "church" tells you to and try to find the true history of the LDS church you will be amazed. Just because some LDS institution/website/leader will try desparately to control what you see and read, and just because it does not fit into you perfect little image of Joseph Smith that the LDS church tries to portrait, does not mean that it is not viable.
I find the condescension in this statement and its patronizing attitude to be irritating. I'll bet pretty much everyone posting here knows about as much about Mormon history as you do, warts and all. My mother had the same obsession that seem you seem to demonstrate. I was treated to stories of Fanny Alger, etc. from a young age.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


Honestly this is not only obsurd but also delusional. I'm tired of having to defend a website that is blatantly, and painfully obvious that it is operated by an active LDS person. I challenge anyone who is even remotely fair minded to take a look at the web site and make up their own minds. Hey Geode do you see her sources? Wow, they are all approved LDS books/websites. What more do you people want? Well, keep picking and choosing what you want to believe that's quite a way to live. Oh, and I assure you that I am being much more un-biased than you are Geode.

Mormons find a person like me hard to deal with because I have actually been mormon for several years, I've been on both sides of the fence and I've argued and studied all sides of these issues. The LDS church has alot to answere for, and I think it's high time that the LDS members realize that their church is not without blame.

I've gone to so many institute classes I could graduate atleast 2 times. In these classes their is a reoccuring theme: Our chuch(the LDS church) is good and other churches(christian churches) are all false, and corrupted, or just plain bad. Next time you go to an institute class listen as a non-LDS person and listen to how much they rip on other churches. Finally, I had to start interrupting my institute teachers and remind them that we wern't there to trash other religions, yet this did little to stop them.

What I'm trying to get at is that the LDS church LOVES to point out other churches flaws without EVER discussing their own. It's time for LDS people to get off their high horse and face the facts: YOUR CHURCH HAS SERIOUS FLAWS ALSO. In fact the LDS church has more historical/archealogicla/doctrinal problems than any other church I know of. I realize that trying to reach an LDS person and have them leave mormonism is difficult to say the least, especially if their family is a part of it, as we have seen virtually all the evidence in the world probably won't be enough. Yet, I do hope to atleast reach some mormons and help them stay the passive-aggresive judgment of other peoples faiths that is in REALITY rampant within mormon circles. Please don't quote some LDS leader who said "We respect other peoples religions, blah, blah," I realize that's their message to non-mormons but that is far removed from what's reallytalked about in LDS classes and social circles in general. Stop the judging!


blatantly, and painfully obvious that it is operated by an active LDS person.

Really? From the site:

Q. ... Are you a member in good standing?
A. Thanks for your note regarding the website. I’m always interested in the comments and feedback I receive.

I am not aware that the Church has said much about all this. Personally, it has been difficult for me to be comfortable with many of the events surrounding early polygamy – and I suppose this has distanced me somewhat at church. My greatest hope in this regard is that the LDS Church will not defend Joseph Smith’s involvement in polygamy as appropriate.

I hope that answers your questions. Thanks again for your note and all the best to you.

That is her whole answer. Nowhere does she say she is active or in good standing. In fact, she actively ignores it. She says she "is a lifelong member of 40 years." That doesn't mean much. Furthermore, she had never heard about Joseph and plural marriage despite being a member for 40 years. I knew about it after being a member for 5 years (when I was 15). Seems to me at best, she doesn't follow Church counsel to educate yourself at home.

In fact the LDS church has more historical/archealogicla/doctrinal problems than any other church I know of.

Care to elaborate? Or are you just using glittering generalities to give the idea that there are problem without actually giving any?
To address your point, where is Noah's ark? Where is the Ark of the Covenant? Where is the genetic pool to show we came from Adam and Eve 7,000 years ago, or Noah a few thousand years ago? Or that Jesus rose from the dead? Scholars debate where Jesus actually lived, and many more claim the Bible parts that claim Jesus as divine were added by followers after Jesus died. The Bible is mocked far and wide as a fairy tale.

Notice you don't tell us the doctrinal problems you have. You use anecdotal evidence to condemn an entire Church, when I have seldom seen people at institute (which I also attended for 6 years for fun, plus attending BYU) condemn other Churches. In fact, I've heard more praise for other religions in my experience than I heard in all the churches I attended before joining the LDS Church (I attended many protestant Bible schools). I have been told I'm going to hell by more Baptists and Evangelicals than I care to count. Do you condemn them as energetically as you do Mormons?


Honestly this is not only obsurd but also delusional. I'm tired of having to defend a website that is blatantly, and painfully obvious that it is operated by an active LDS person.
If anyone is delusional it is yourself for interjecting facts that are not present in what is written at this site. It has already been pointed out in an earlier post that the person who set up that website dodges the question of her church status. It is not obvious at all that she is active or even if she is in "full faith and fellowship"...which I find doubtful if her identity is known.
I challenge anyone who is even remotely fair minded to take a look at the web site and make up their own minds. Hey Geode do you see her sources? Wow, they are all approved LDS books/websites. What more do you people want? Well, keep picking and choosing what you want to believe that's quite a way to live. Oh, and I assure you that I am being much more un-biased than you are Geode.
And just where did I pick at her sources or even her content ? No, the comment with which you start your post shows extreme bias compared to my objective posts. Actually I think your credibity is pretty much in tatters after that claim you just made.
Mormons find a person like me hard to deal with because I have actually been mormon for several years, I've been on both sides of the fence and I've argued and studied all sides of these issues. The LDS church has alot to answere for, and I think it's high time that the LDS members realize that their church is not without blame.
Sorry, this is all lost upon me for I have also been on both sides of the fence. That is why I can see through your bias so easily. Your last sentence seems like simply raving to me. What does the church have to answer for in terms of Joseph's multiple wives ? Just what blame are we talking about ? Actually a challenge from a hot-headed individual making claims not backed by evidence is not at all hard to deal with for a Mormon. Calm down and actually post something with some real substance and you might be taken more seriously.
I've gone to so many institute classes I could graduate atleast 2 times. In these classes their is a reoccuring theme: Our chuch(the LDS church) is good and other churches(christian churches) are all false, and corrupted, or just plain bad. Next time you go to an institute class listen as a non-LDS person and listen to how much they rip on other churches. Finally, I had to start interrupting my institute teachers and remind them that we wern't there to trash other religions, yet this did little to stop them.
I went to many institute classes myself and never encountered the theme you state here except in the usual way that Mormons will say that they have the full gospel of Jesus Christ that others do not. I do not remember the claims that other religions are just plain bad. Why would I wish to go to an institute class ? I am decades past the age of students that attend these things. If your institute director said the things you claim, he or she was out of line.
What I'm trying to get at is that the LDS church LOVES to point out other churches flaws without EVER discussing their own. It's time for LDS people to get off their high horse and face the facts: YOUR CHURCH HAS SERIOUS FLAWS ALSO.
I as well was irritated a bit on occasion when an individual member would be tearing at another church as being false or wrong without really knowing the facts. However, I never heard the leadership do this, even at the local level, and such individuals who did this were not encouraged by others. This was not common back in the day I was active, but perhaps it has changed. Anybody else on the subject ?
In fact the LDS church has more historical/archealogicla/doctrinal problems than any other church I know of.
This is a personal opinion. There are problems, but as it has been pointed out other religions also have problems in this regard.
I realize that trying to reach an LDS person and have them leave mormonism is difficult to say the least, especially if their family is a part of it, as we have seen virtually all the evidence in the world probably won't be enough.
Your statement of "all the evidence in the world" is over-the-top. Who has witnessed that "all the evidence in the world" is not enough to dissuade a Mormon from their beliefs ?
Yet, I do hope to atleast reach some mormons and help them stay the passive-aggresive judgment of other peoples faiths that is in REALITY rampant within mormon circles.
It never was rampant in any wards I belonged to in 30 years as an active member. You are losing credibilty again in my eyes.
Please don't quote some LDS leader who said "We respect other peoples religions, blah, blah," I realize that's their message to non-mormons but that is far removed from what's reallytalked about in LDS classes and social circles in general. Stop the judging!
Once again, your claimed experience is at odds to what I observed in many wards in many locations including southern and northern California, Arizona, Salt Lake City, Provo, England, Scotland, Singapore, and Thailand. Have you attended more than one ward ? I think I know what is really being talked about in Mormons circles both officially and unofficially and it is with relatively rare exception not what you indicate. If anyone is "judging" here I would say that your post shows that you are the one most guilty.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


You're first Paragraph is the typical "faults with history" defense which is hardly reliable here. 100 years is hardly an unreliable time frame and because most mormons had journals and the church its self was so adament about keeping records that it is indeed highly reliable information. Don't dismiss it just because you find it hard to swallow. What's more this is what the LDS church teaches you because when you come across some reliable infomation and it does not jive with what they want you to believe than, well it must be a pack of lies right? Maybe, what you're being told is a pack of lies.

Even if the site is ran by a Mormon, you'll refuse to acknowlege any historical reliability, even while most non LDS historians would agree that it's reliable. To those who are not LDS take a good look at how the LDS church controls it's members. Yet, you say "Brigham Young... all come off as good intelligent people in what they preached and what people thought of them, and they don't look down on Joseph or accuse him of doing wrong." Which People are you talking about? Let me guess all active LDS members while plenty of non-LDS and ex-members had little good to say about them. You can't base a persons character on what their FOLLOWERS thought of them, that's like asking scientologiests what they think of L. Ron Habbard!

If you want me to bring up some things about Brigham Young than let me give you some knowledge about what he taught and you can go to Wikipedia and read about it yourself, IF YOU ARE BRAVE ENOUGH: Adam–God theory, Oath of vengeance, or blood atonement, Just to name a few of the things Bringham young taught. How many LDS people are familiar with these things?


100 years is hardly an unreliable time frame and because most mormons had journals and the church its self was so adament about keeping records that it is indeed highly reliable information. Don't dismiss it just because you find it hard to swallow.

Your own argument condemns you. How many journals record miracles performed by Joseph in the name of God? How many journals testify of seeing angels and other heavenly messengers testify that Joseph is a prophet? How many praise him and say he is as good a man as you can find? You ignore all of them, but take the few bits and pieces that put Joseph in a bad light and then declare "history proves Joseph to be a pervert". You are the one cherry-picking history. Either believe it all, or believe none of it. I have asked God and received an answer. You read history and only believe that parts that confirm your personal bias.

To those who are not LDS take a good look at how the LDS church controls it's members.

You have yet to prove this accusation. Seems those who have left the Church tend to be more blind than those still in it (with the exception of geode, elpony and a few others), if you go by your posts with Hitch and Hotaug. Lies and half-truths are your meat and drink. Then you wonder why few people listen to you. You say it's because we're blind and controlled. Confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance is strong in you.

IF YOU ARE BRAVE ENOUGH: Adam–God theory, Oath of vengeance, or blood atonement, Just to name a few of the things Bringham young taught. How many LDS people are familiar with these things?

I knew about these long ago. I also know that Jehovah commanded the slaughter of entire nations (genocide) and condemned anyone who married outside of the covenant people (prejudice). He even commanded Abraham to sacrifice his own son (murder). I have much more issues with what is in the Old Testament than anything preached by Brigham Young, or any accusation you can throw at Joseph Smith. Were I not Mormon, I would be atheist.

reply (an LDS Church owned site for those not familiar with it) acknowledges 24 wives of Joseph Smith Jr.

If your faith is based on the prophet being a perfect man (or even anything close to it) then you were in trouble long before Joseph Smith... should we start discussing the Old Testament?

Maybe Joseph Smith just wanted to make sure that he didn't set the bar too high knowing that his successor would have his own struggles. (That was meant to be humorous - just to keep the mood light here.)


This is the "nobody said Joseph Smith was perfect" defence. Actually, while I was LDS I did think of Joseph Smith as almost perfect, How could a prophet not be? Wouldn't I think of him on par with other prophets/apostles. What's more think of all the praise that the LDS Church gives this man, virtually everything short or worship. Various songs, "praise to the man," and stating "he's done more for the salvation of man save Jesus." So spare me the whole "he wasn't perfect" excuse. You and I know full well that the LDS church paints Joseph Smith as virtually a perfect man, think of all the testimonies people say about him (more than about Jesus Christ) from what I've counted. THink of all the pictures, and books Ect, Ect.

Once you start learning about who Joseph Smith really was you can see that he was not only not perfect but you can only come away realizing that he was anything but perfect. Now to the original source of the discussion which is "does the LDS church white wash its history?" If the LDS church does hide, and try to re-write it's own history than I would say that the LDS church is Manipulating it's own members and is LYING! Let me explain, If the LDS leaders continue to try and distort history and anything that cast an unfavorable light on Joseph Smith than the organization is based on LIES? Do you agree?

Than lets discuss the LDS movies out there approved by the LDS leadership. Films like "praise to the Man" and "Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration." Among many. When these videos show the "martyrdom" of Joseph Smith do they show him pulling out the GUN that he had on him and shooting two of the assailants? No, even though John Taylor who was there, states that this did happen. Now let me ask you another question Joseph Smith supposedly states before he goes to Carthage Jail "I go as a lamb to the slaughter," Let me ask you is shooting back and reportedly (from John Taylor) killing two of the assailants make Joseph Smith a "Lamb" or a "Martyr"? If you are honest with yourself you will see that the LDS church does not like to portrait Joseph as a man who fired back and than cowardly ran towards the window to escape.


Giving praise, even a lot of it, does not equate to a belief in perfection. I'm sorry if you confused those things during your time in the church.

You and I know full well that the LDS church paints Joseph Smith as virtually a perfect man...
Wrong. You might but please don't speak for me.

I don't believe that the LDS Church lies about its history. It does put forth that part of the history that is more faith promoting - what exactly would you expect a church to do?


Jeffwcos, how can you defend the institution that encourages "blood oaths?" Blood Oaths are those used in the LDS Temple Ceremony in which (until recently) the LDS Church would have it's members engageing in the Temple Endowment make a oath that if they revealed the secrets of the Temple ceremony (which is predominantly masonic in origin) that their throats be cut, and may they be disemboweled? I ask you is this what Jesus the Savior taught? No, This is not Christian at all, this is a deliberate tactic to threaten LDS members with fear and intimidation.

Please read about "Blood Oaths" on wikipedia, I can attest that these ceremonies do exist because I actually made these oaths. In fact because I reveal these things I have been threatened and intimidated by many mormons, just think about how many people have been killed because of these oaths? However, this oath is not unusual like I said it is also a line in the Masonic Temple Ceremony. Any person who honestly studies the similarities can see that Joseph Smith essentially ripped off the Masonic Temple rites (which deeply upset the Masons, and much of the mob that killed Joseph Smith were Masons) and like always claimed that he perfected them.

Is this common Knowlege within the Mormon Community? The Temple Ceremony of today is a faint reflection of the original Temple Ceremony, as well as the Garments. Please read "Endowment (Latter Day Saints)" and "Freemasonry and the Latter Day Saint movement" on wikipedia to atleast learn about the history of the endowment ceremony. Yet again, I wonder if any of you will have the courage to look at something that might not "approved" by the LDS Church, or show you historical FACT that your leaders don't want you to know about.



just think about how many people have been killed because of these oaths?

I don't know. Do you? I'd say about 0. Can you prove otherwise?

And yeah, many people are aware of the relation with the Masons and their ceremonies. It's hardly a secret, unless you ignore Church advice to study the Church on the Gospel on your own time. My parents were so radical as to provide me with books about the Church and its history. I did the most outrageous thing and actually studied the Church on my own. From the rantings of most antis, you'd think the Church had forbidden this act. However, most things they bring out as shocking and damning evidence against the Church, I knew when I was 15.

You people remind me of this article:



Are you sure you aren't a reincarnated, new & improved version of Hitchcockrules?

this is a deliberate tactic to threaten LDS members with fear and intimidation
Oh yeah, a lot of fear and intimidation from a completely symbolic gesture. You admit to making the oath, breaking it, and are still alive to tell about it. It would appear that there isn't much to these "blood oaths".

Is this common Knowlege within the Mormon Community?
As far as I know, yes.

It's definitely not a secret that Joseph Smith used the Masonic Temple rites to create the LDS Temple ceremonies. This is a well known fact. There are a number of practices in our culture that are taken from Masonic rituals: graduation (robes, cap, moving the ribbon from one side to the other when you graduate), judges robes, etc.

The way I see it - either the Masons are exactly who they claim to be and it is appropriate to use their ceremonies in the temple or Joseph simply used them as a vehicle to the Lord's desired end. And, of course, you are welcome to believe that JS was just a fake.

much of the mob that killed Joseph Smith were Masons
Do you have a source for that? That is the first new thing you have brought to my attention.



As much as I enjoy getting ganged up on by a group of mormons who mock and scathe me on everything I say, and who try to paint me as some sort of maniac who's making things up, I can't help but wonder who these people are and why are they so hateful towards me. It seems like I'm debating with a bunch of Mormon Lawyers who twist and convolute the things that I say, but it doesn't matter what they say it matters what the non-LDS people on here think, I can easily see now that these mormons on here are going to go to any length to try and distort their history and even the reality of the LDS religion today(which is far removed from it's origins).

I guess the burden of proof is on me right? I disagree, because whatever I give to these people will not be counted as "legitimate" but some kind of "anti-mormon" conspiracy. I feel sorry for most of the people on here with the exception from jeffwcos who seems to be atleast a little reasonable, the others are just here to make themselves feel big. I really don't care if you gang up on me, because I originally came on here to try and get some insight into what Lds people thought of certain subjects and now I can see that the only insight that they have is to belittle others who have any reasonable quable with their religion. Now I can only hope to inform some a Non-LDS person into really looking into the Pros(yes there are good things) and the cons that the LDS religion offers to them. However, we all know the LDS church will not give them all of the information (which is understandable) but will only give them the exagerated glorified version (which is dishonest) of their religion. example: the famous LDS Painting of Joseph Smith Reading the "golden plates" like a book when in reality he put "seer" or peep stones into a hat and put his face into the hat to "translate." Or the various LDS movies of Joseph Smiths "Martyrdom" that purposefully choose the omit the part where Joseph Smith pulls out a had gun and shoots back at the angry mob, reportedly killing two people." Like a "sheep to the slaughter" I think not.

I was LDS for 7 years and served a mission. I believe that I was suckered into the religion, yes, I said suckered, at a vulnerable time in my life. I realize that it was my mostly my fault but I also blame those who distorted the questionable aspects of LDS history. It was not until I was half way through my mission that I finally began to learn what I consider awful truths of Mormonism: the number of Joseph Smiths wives, DNA and the American Indians, Plagiarism of various sources to make up the Book of Mormon (the Bible and the book "View of the Hebrews"), Jesus and Satan as Brothers, Virtually all of the "Witnesses" of the Book of Mormon at one time or another leaving the Church, Joseph Smith yet again plagiarising Masonic ceremonies and claiming them as his own "revelation", the Book of Abraham and the Egyptian Papyrus it was "translated" from being a burial scroll for a man named Hor, Joseph Smith using "seer" stones he found in a well to dupe people in to paying for his "money digging" services and his subsequent arrest and conviction for that, his highly varied accounts of his first vision (from angels to just Jesus, to God and Jesus), the complete lack of ANY credible evidence of things like horses, cows, grapes, olives, wheat, steel, ect. existing in the "new world" before the arival of the Europeans, black people being less "valiant" in the "pre-existance" hence their black skin, Mountain Meadows Massacre, Adam God Theory... I could literally go on and on, but sufice it to say that in my opinion the LDS church has the most damning evidence against it's claims of being the "only true church" than any other Church in the World.

However, the people on this site would have you believe that most Lds people know about these things, I assure you they do not. Whats more Troubling is that most non-mormons know even less. I just don't want another person to get pressured(for me it was a girlfriend) into Mormonism without really knowing what it really is, and it's history. Mormonism is NOT JUST ANOTHER CHRISTIAN CHURCH, which to most Christian raised people it outwardly appears to be, to me and others like me it could be considered a cult. Just be careful and do research, don't just take my word for it nor their word for it. Read a book like "No Man Knows My History" or "One Nation Under Gods" and pray to know if those books aren't "true."

By the way I am Saddened to hear about Gordon Hinckley's death, although I did not consider him to be a prophet in any way shape or form, I do consider him a kind man and do feel that in all of the LDS history he was their best Leader.


As much as I enjoy getting ganged up on by a group of mormons who mock and scathe me on everything I say, and who try to paint me as some sort of maniac who's making things up, I can't help but wonder who these people are and why are they so hateful towards me. It seems like I'm debating with a bunch of Mormon Lawyers who twist and convolute the things that I say, but it doesn't matter what they say it matters what the non-LDS people on here think, I can easily see now that these mormons on here are going to go to any length to try and distort their history and even the reality of the LDS religion today(which is far removed from it's origins).
You seem to have a natural gift for this. And as far as I can tell you are the one that has distorted facts in this thread.

"I'll take the fifth"


As much as I enjoy getting ganged up on by a group of mormons who mock and scathe me on everything I say, and who try to paint me as some sort of maniac who's making things up, I can't help but wonder who these people are and why are they so hateful towards me.

I can't quite see where we mocked you. Please use the "quote" feature as I said. Otherwise you kinda come off schizophrenic and paranoid. Can you tell us where we've been hateful? You're the one who jumped out of the woodwork declaring our Church "a cult" and the people "mislead".

I really don't care if you gang up on me, because I originally came on here to try and get some insight into what Lds people thought of certain subjects
That's funny, because you've never said that, and you've never asked any questions. You've told us what we believe, and that the LDS Church is "a cult". You came here with a closed mind hoping to denounce a religion. Where have you even asked a question with the intention of learning something? Again, use the "quote" feature to prove your point.

Also, I never understood this whole "Joseph isn't a martyr" thing. The second definition of martyr at states: "2.a person who is put to death or endures great suffering on behalf of any belief, principle, or cause". Joseph said he knew he would die, but that doesn't mean he had to die quietly, especially when there were 3 other men in the room with him who could die. He's a hero for trying to defend them. I guess people have this romanticized belief that Stephen (NT) volunteered to be stoned, or that if MLK jr had been able to fight back against his assailant and still died, he wouldn't be a martyr today. The logic boggles the mind.

It was not until I was half way through my mission that I finally began to learn what I consider awful truths of Mormonism: the number of Joseph Smiths wives, DNA and the American Indians, Plagiarism of various sources to make up the Book of Mormon (the Bible and the book "View of the Hebrews"), Jesus and Satan as Brothers, Virtually all of the "Witnesses" of the Book of Mormon at one time or another leaving the Church, Joseph Smith yet again plagiarising Masonic ceremonies and claiming them as his own "revelation", the Book of Abraham and the Egyptian Papyrus it was "translated" from being a burial scroll for a man named Hor, Joseph Smith using "seer" stones he found in a well to dupe people in to paying for his "money digging" services and his subsequent arrest and conviction for that, his highly varied accounts of his first vision (from angels to just Jesus, to God and Jesus), the complete lack of ANY credible evidence of things like horses, cows, grapes, olives, wheat, steel, ect. existing in the "new world" before the arival of the Europeans, black people being less "valiant" in the "pre-existance" hence their black skin, Mountain Meadows Massacre, Adam God Theory
I feel sorry for you. I knew all this stuff within 5 years of being baptized (I was teenager). The fact that you "never knew" that Jesus and Satan were brothers" is a testimony that you were among the most clueless people in the world. It's like saying "I never knew we had 'temples' in this church". It's just a joke. The fact that you talk about things that aren't doctrine as doctrine shows you still don't know anything about the Church.

I'm going to quote an article that describes you perfectly (source is :

"My name is LaVerDeen Jensen. I was born in Beaver Fork, Utah, and raised in the Mormon church. I was a very active Mormon. I went to church every Sunday. Sure, I'll admit, I usually sat in the back and made fun of the speakers, but I went, and I read and studied the Book of Mormon thoroughly, all the way from Third Lehi to Second Marconi. I was puzzled when my church leaders told me never to read the Bible, that I shouldn't even TOUCH it because it had the cooties, until I realized that they never actually said this; it was merely something some anti-Mormons told me later. But still, in retrospect, I think they said it, and so it must have puzzled me.

"I held many high and powerful callings in the church, such as Hymnbook Coordinator and Chapel Cheerio Sweeper-Upper. I read books by my favorite general authorities, such as Jack Weyland and Steven R. Covey. But to get a fair and balanced view, I also read books by non-Mormon experts, such as 'The Mormons: Satanic Cult, or Devilish Sect?' and 'The Mormons: Evil Empire, or Dark Ministry?' and 'The Mormons: Scum-Sucking Weasels, or Weasel-Sucking Scum?' Reading these books helped me understand the church better, because they were written by experts -- people who had never set foot in a Mormon church before, and who had never read the Mormon scriptures, but who nonetheless were experts.

"Then one day, I was watching CBS, trying to find out more about the programs on NBC, and I had my Amish friend over, giving me advice about what kind of car I should buy. Just then, my home teachers came by and said the most outrageous thing. They said the Mormon church believes in something called a 'temple,' which is a place where 'ceremonies' are performed. I had been a member all my life, and I had NEVER heard this! Why had the church leaders tried to keep this crazy and weird doctrine a secret from me? Is it because they knew as soon as I found out about it, I would leave the church? Must have been, because that's exactly what I did."

When you stop sounding like this fake testimony, I believe people will take you more seriously.


I don't know how to use the "quote feature" I guess I'm not as keen on how to do this as the 4-5 people who seems to make srutinizing me their living. I suppose if I did know I would be more proficient at this.

What I really thought when I came to these boards was that I could get an open minded LDS person to take a look at some of the issues and explain what they think about them, I did not think I would be accosted by the same group of people who absolutely refuse to acknowledge any kind of "problems" with their religion. It's simple, you guys refuse to discuss the issue and instead consistently attack either the source or the individual making the post(me).

I find it rather obsured that arutha states that he hasn't mocked me when in this very post he says things like, "you kinda come off schizophrenic and paranoid," "I feel sorry for you," "you were among the most clueless people in the world," "you still don't know anything about the Church." And then citing some ridiculous testimony/story of someone else that sounds nothing like me.

This kind of behaviour is exactly the kind of thing that helps me realize, even beyond the controversial history, why I feel no kinship with the Mormons anymore. I'm reminded of the bishop who scolded me and treated me like a leaper when I asked him some questions about the church that he deemed subversive. I think that several of the people on here who talk trash and try to intimidate people like me just end of showing others the kind of "we either love you, or hate you" mentality that exists within mormonism today. You'll be browbeaten if you step out of line with the "approved" line of thought that you "should" enspouse about the church.

I'm not trying to make things up or just get my kicks from writing a bunch of "lies" about the LDS church, I'm just relaying my own experiences with the religion and the people that I've had over the past 10 years, and yes it is a painful thing to join a religion and put your heart/soul/time/money alienating my family and friends just to realize later on that those who encouraged you to join were less than honest about it. And yes I know I was incredibly foolish, and no I did not know much of anything about the religion when I joined, I was just swept away by a bunch of people who "love bombed" me after I joined and not a single one of them was there for me when I got off my mission. I even learned that the ward I left from didn't even put my missionary plaque up after I left, no one even saw it for two years. How would you feel?

Call me what you want, and call my story made up, I don't care because I'm speaking the truth and I hope that another person will be spared the same pain and suffering that I went through because I was naive and stupid. Since I went inactive not a single person has tried to lend a hand of friendship or compassion to me, I spent two years of the most precious time of my life for the church and the church and it's members could give a damn about me, I found that out even before I went inactive. I went to church and all my classes and events and still nobody took the time to get to know that new member guy, no, I even went above and beyond to meet people and make friends but it became blatantly obvious that the religion is really a popularity contest, in the meat markets of the singles wards, and has very little to do with Jesus Christ at all. I prayed to know if I should stay a Mormon and after years of being shutout and humiliated I undoubtedly got my answere, and it was about this time that I actively began reading "anti-mormon" literature (which in reality is some of the most reliable infomation out there, not the "pack of lies" the LDS church would have it's membere believe).

All I can say is thank the Lord for showing me the truth about Mormonism and helping me leave. I feel some responsibility to help other people know about the things the LDS church WILL NOT TELL THEM about their religion, such as a plethora of valid and even incriminating evidence that disputes what the LDS church claims, and because the LDS Church claims to be the "Only true and living church on the face of the whole earth" it is indeed held to a higher degree of scrutiny. I stand by all of the comments I've made and state them from the standpoint that it is the God's honest truth from what I've seen with my own eye's about the LDS Church, and I haven't purposefully lied or inteded to decieve anyone, I just want to tell my story.


Yeah, you quoted me mocking you after you accused me of it. So you admit that nobody mocked you before that, right? So you were wrong at the time when you posted it? Also, notice my mocking was conditional. It's like telling someone "If you think the moon is made of cheese and you're 18, then there's something wrong." In order for the insult to be true, you'd have to believe the moon is made of cheese. Every time I "mocked" you, I there was a ludicrous condition for it to be true. Are you saying all of those are true?

I think I've been more than fair (feel free to prove me otherwise). Others have been more fair than I. Yet you consistently prove you are unable to have an intelligent conversation. You show you are not open-minded. There is little point, in my opinion, to waste time with someone who has no intention of being fair or honest.

Your story is sad, and I genuinely feel sorry for you. I know many who have had similar experiences. However, I still believe in agency. Either the Church is true, or it isn't. If people acting human is reason enough to leave and disparage a religion, then no religion will satisfy you. If having a flawless history is also requisite, then Christianity is not for you. How else can you explain Christ calling a Samaritan woman a dog, and commanding his disciples to avoid any and all Gentiles? Jehovah commanded genocide of entire nations and peoples (explicit about not even sparing children). Peter denied knowing Christ. God struck down people for not paying tithing. Again, I have more problems with the Bible (which I believe to be true) than I have with anything in Church history. This Church will not be true because the people are perfect, or because the history is perfect. Never had been, never will be. The Church is true because God claims it as His own, warts and all. Same with us. We'll never be worthy of His love, but it's still there.

I've read anti-Mormon lit. It's full of half-truths. It's meant to deceive or appeal to those who already dislike the Church.

I am curious about one thing though. What new religion have you found? What has replaced the Church that is free of the flaws you find there?


What I really thought when I came to these boards was that I could get an open minded LDS person to take a look at some of the issues and explain what they think about them, I did not think I would be accosted by the same group of people who absolutely refuse to acknowledge any kind of "problems" with their religion. It's simple, you guys refuse to discuss the issue and instead consistently attack either the source or the individual making the post(me).
Your thinking still seems too B&W to me. Do any of the Mormons here really refuse to acknowledge any kind of problem within their religion, or is it that they will not simply agree with your perception of what these problems entail ?
I find it rather obsured that arutha states that he hasn't mocked me when in this very post he says things like, "you kinda come off schizophrenic and paranoid," "I feel sorry for you," "you were among the most clueless people in the world," "you still don't know anything about the Church." And then citing some ridiculous testimony/story of someone else that sounds nothing like me.
To be honest some of your comments about everyone ganging up on you or accosting you do come off as rather parnoid.
This kind of behaviour is exactly the kind of thing that helps me realize, even beyond the controversial history, why I feel no kinship with the Mormons anymore. I'm reminded of the bishop who scolded me and treated me like a leaper when I asked him some questions about the church that he deemed subversive. I think that several of the people on here who talk trash and try to intimidate people like me just end of showing others the kind of "we either love you, or hate you" mentality that exists within mormonism today. You'll be browbeaten if you step out of line with the "approved" line of thought that you "should" enspouse about the church.
If you framed your questions to your bishop as you have posted here, I can see why he might have not been as openly welcome of your questions than if you had posed them in an objective manner. Once again I think you are the one that puts everything in an extreme black and white mode. If someone does not agree with one of your criticisms you seem to think that they are totally against all criticism of every sort.
I'm not trying to make things up or just get my kicks from writing a bunch of "lies" about the LDS church, I'm just relaying my own experiences with the religion and the people that I've had over the past 10 years, and yes it is a painful thing to join a religion and put your heart/soul/time/money alienating my family and friends just to realize later on that those who encouraged you to join were less than honest about it. And yes I know I was incredibly foolish, and no I did not know much of anything about the religion when I joined, I was just swept away by a bunch of people who "love bombed" me after I joined and not a single one of them was there for me when I got off my mission. I even learned that the ward I left from didn't even put my missionary plaque up after I left, no one even saw it for two years. How would you feel?
My expereince was different as I was baptized at the age of eight and did not serve a mission. However, I did try my best to be a good member and felt let down by some people in the wards I belonged to. This happens, but it does not mean that all members are uncaring, or that every ward has such problems.
Call me what you want, and call my story made up, I don't care because I'm speaking the truth and I hope that another person will be spared the same pain and suffering that I went through because I was naive and stupid.
You were probably not as naive or stupid as this comment indicates.
Since I went inactive not a single person has tried to lend a hand of friendship or compassion to me, I spent two years of the most precious time of my life for the church and the church and it's members could give a damn about me, I found that out even before I went inactive.
I spent many more years than this as a very active member (decades). I know how it feels to not fit in with the mainstream in wards. I'm sure that some memebers did care, even if this was not expressed to you. I keep trying to tell myself that this was the case for me. A year or so ago I was told that a member of a ward I left 22 years ago was asking about me.
I went to church and all my classes and events and still nobody took the time to get to know that new member guy, no, I even went above and beyond to meet people and make friends but it became blatantly obvious that the religion is really a popularity contest, in the meat markets of the singles wards, and has very little to do with Jesus Christ at all.
This is in fact a problem that I have seen in some wards. It concerned me. I was an Elder's Quorum Pres. in a ward and went out with the full time missionaries a few times in an attempt to start an integration process should anone be joining my ward. It was the third lesson with a recently divorced guy. Even though he could barely answer basic questions from their earlier visists, they gave him a baptism challenge and he was soon in my ward. I tried hard to integrate him in activities as I was also single and part of some of them, but he basically knew very little about the religion he had joined and soon left as a bitter "no contact"... I truthfully liked him and tried to reach out, but there was so much that was new to him it was not enough. He should have been allowed to learn more before being pressured a bit towards an early baptism.

Singles wards can operate very poorly. I was a member of one (Santa Monica 4th) that was exactly what you have stated, sort of a popularity contest. People went to meetings to see people they wanted to date, and be seen and not to worship. If you were not interesting to them you could be ignored. I came in a minute or so late to a Sacrament Meeting and sat down in the back. The fellow next to me asked if I would be sitting there very long. I said that I would not as I was looking to find where someone was sitting (my girlfriend). As the hymn went on he asked me again why I was still sitting there. I had not located the person I sought, but I got up to get away from a rather typically unfriendly member of my ward. I was on my feet and walking, intending to go to the other side but I was so ticked-off that I simply kept walking and left the building. I drove to another chapel and attended a different ward (Los Angeles 1st) where several people came up and talked to me and they all seemed interested in worship rather than setting up their social lives. This was also a singles ward. So, it is probably best not to over-generalize.
I prayed to know if I should stay a Mormon and after years of being shutout and humiliated I undoubtedly got my answere, and it was about this time that I actively began reading "anti-mormon" literature (which in reality is some of the most reliable infomation out there, not the "pack of lies" the LDS church would have it's membere believe).
There is a lot factual information at some anti-Mormon sites. The ones run by evangelical Christians have a lot of mistruths on them but some message boards run by ex-Mormons have quite a bit of actual fact posted. However, these also give quite a bit of information shaded to give false impressions.

All I can say is thank the Lord for showing me the truth about Mormonism and helping me leave. I feel some responsibility to help other people know about the things the LDS church WILL NOT TELL THEM about their religion, such as a plethora of valid and even incriminating evidence that disputes what the LDS church claims, and because the LDS Church claims to be the "Only true and living church on the face of the whole earth" it is indeed held to a higher degree of scrutiny. I stand by all of the comments I've made and state them from the standpoint that it is the God's honest truth from what I've seen with my own eye's about the LDS Church, and I haven't purposefully lied or inteded to decieve anyone, I just want to tell my story.
I have never gotten a validation from The Lord that my separating from the Mormon church was a correct thing to do. I have had what I feel is a spiritual witness of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ when hearing somes sermons in other churches. But these sermons were drawn straight from biblical scripture and most Mormons would have agreed with the content in them.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...



I'm sorry if you feel ganged up on. There are many times where I've felt the same here on the imdb boards. But, please don't play the innocent: it was you who came here and began bashing Mormons.

You haven't really taken a position of wanting to debate topics, you just want to put your ideas out there. You sent me a private message with questions which you supposedly wanted to discuss. I replied and then never heard from you again. I see a similar pattern on this board. That's fine but it seems that you were hoping that you would post your anti-Mormon arguments and the rest of us would just say "Wow, I never heard that before, I guess I'll be leaving the church now."

I'm sorry but that simply isn't going to happen because...

...not everyone has based their faith on Joseph Smith the man testimony of the Book of Mormon has nothing to do with archeology
...we are ALL brothers/sisters (you, me, Christ, Satan, Hitler, and Ghandi)

and because you have yet to inform me of anything I didn't already know.

I do feel for you. It would be truly sad to have dedicated oneself to a church for so many years, even serving a mission, and then decide that it is false. I hope that you can find some peace with it and recognize the positive that may have come from those years.


p.s. Thanks for saying I am a little reasonable - I guess I'll take that as a compliment.



Now in light of Gordy B.'s death, the mormon faithful who post here want to sound like peace-makers.

But, the fundmental differences still remain. What can you expect from people who choose to identify themselves as mormons? These are people who choose to believe and participate within a flawed system. Therefore, what can be expected beyond flawed thinking? Nothing.

What can you expect from people who choose and allow themselves to be groomed into co-dependency and emotional disability by depending upon a church to form their relationship with a higher power? Nothing.

Anger veiled as superiority and a need to repeatedly put onus back on someone with a different viewpoint instead of personal investigation as to the truth is the faithful mormon modus operandi. In other words, they take little to no responsibility to investigate and find out for themselves. Perhaps the answers would be too disturbing to their so-called perfect world.

Perhaps the mormon motto should be:

Never let truth get in the way of a good story.

Gordon B. Hinkley was neither a prophet of God or a monumental religious figure outside of the mormon church. What he was good at was building a corporate empire into the billions. Oh, I forgot- all that tithing money goes to help the poor. What was that about the truth and a good story?

Don't bother to flame this, oh mormon faithful, etc. You're all in the ignore pile. And the mormons of 1857 were still responsible for the Mountain Meadow Massacre.



Nope, Hitch, you're not ignored, obviously. However I can imagine all the things you and the rest of us are being called by the "holy ones". In their world we're so wrong and they're so right. LOL And I even bet, that they are so entitled in their own minds that they are whining and posting anyway! (All the ignore titles are a dead give-away, duh) Let's see...Jeff says he not such bad guy but that we should still believe, Arutha wants everyone to delete themselves or better yet, wants to tattle, Geode still says he's no longer mormon but randomly takes offense, and zen and mac and all the rest occasionally add their own brand of vitriol, BUT>>>It really is our faults for presenting a different point of view and for actually commenting because we've SEEN the movie!!! How crazy is that? And I haven't even read the posts! Am I getting close?





It is amazing to me how you can twist things in your head to suit your perceptions.

What can you expect from people who choose and allow themselves to be groomed into co-dependency and emotional disability by depending upon a church to form their relationship with a higher power?
Either your perception is incorrect or you need to hang out with some higher-caliber Mormons. My friends and family don't rely on the church to form their relationship with God. That relationship is formed through personal study, prayer, and meditation.

Anger veiled as superiority and a need to repeatedly put onus back on someone with a different viewpoint instead of personal investigation as to the truth is the faithful mormon modus operandi.
You have displayed more than your share of "anger veiled as superiority" on these boards. Further, if you have no desire to back-up your arguments - why come here and make them? I expect to be challenged on anything I write here. And nobody can accuse me of not doing personal investigation.

You're all in the ignore pile.
If that's the case, fine. But it seems funny that you would come here to attack Mormons and then put us on ignore.


He fears truth. He's fled from it before and will flee again. He's even so childish that he has no desire to actually converse with anyone. The wicked take the truth to be hard. Reminds me a little of Korihor, though not quite as bad. If only he were more interested in building us up instead of tearing us down.



Nobody is baiting you to write. You just responded to a post directed at someone else.

You are hardly in a position to call anyone else childish.

Mormons get angry and vindictive when you find out about their history
You've never seen me get angry or vindictive. Be careful when painting with such a broad brush.


Outside of Utah and some other US states, the LDS Church is in a serious active membership crisis.

Here is an anecdotal snapshot inside Utah. My 93 year old dad's home teachers are both in their sixties. They have nine adult children between them and not one of the nine are active within the church. If the assumption is made that spouses and grandchildren also do not attend, the picture becomes even more stark. That is a big drop in membership in that one instance. One statistic ballparks that only 42-47 percent of Utah mormons are active at any given time. A woman I worked with a few years ago was a bishop's wife. She told us up front that there were about 600 names on the ward roster but only around 200 members were actually consistently active. That anecdotal info came from the heart of Utah less than 100 miles from Salt Lake City.

The American Religious Identification Survey of 2001 (I believe) accounts for 2.8 million LDS members in the US with ZERO growth from the last survey. Simply search the survey and look for yourself. It will be interesting to see what evolves when the next one is conducted. Even more interesting is the stat that recorded NO affiliation with any religion as the THIRD largest body of respondents.

I agree that it certainly looks like a crisis.



What's sad is he will never see your response (unless you aren't considered a threat).

His numbers remind me of a Dilbert (R) comic strip. The news is throwing out all these numbers and Dogbert keeps asking "What's the context?" If I said that 1 million people died in car accidents last year and leave it at that, it's worthless. If I tell you that number is below average, or above average, then it is meaningful. Context is key with statistics. Without it, you're just throwing out numbers. The number of 42-47% active is fairly meaningless without an understanding of how it compares to other religions. Now if Hotaug and Hitch told us their religions and the activity level and membership level, then it might be meaningful. If they compared it to all religions in the US, then it would be more meaningful. For example, I can tell you all my Catholic friends attend church 2x a year. Activity level (on a weekly basis) for most religions tend to be really low. So 40% or above is an amazing accomplishment.

But Hotaug will never address this response in an intelligent and rational way. He wants to make inflammatory remarks meant to incite the ignorant with loaded rhetoric. Mutual understanding and communal enlightenment is not on the agenda.



Heber Jentzsch grew up in a Mormon family, and identified himself as a "believing Mormon". He is the son of polygamist Carl Jentzsch (who was excommunicated from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), and has 42 siblings. While Heber Jentzsch was never baptized into the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, his first name was inspired by the Latter-day Saint apostle Heber C. Kimball.

Jentzsch was educated at Weber State University in Utah and the University of Utah, where he graduated in 1959 with a degree in communications and also studied Eastern religions.

According to Jentzsch, two events of his life were pivotal: the arrest of his father in 1955, and himself allegedly being "cured" in the Scientology Purification Rundown from "radiation burns" he had suffered from since he was 15. He joined Scientology in 1967.

He has the same first name that my very Mormon father bore. My father was named after Heber J. Grant.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


Raises a big "so what?" from me. The guy wasn't baptized, and his dad was excommunicated. Not the smoking gun folks are looking for, but nice try.


I really do not see how relevent this is either, unless posting it is an attempt to say that the Mormons are a loopy group like the Scientologists and that is why this guy was drawn to the second group.

"I'll take the fifth"



Joseph translation with seer stones is in our basic doctrine. He put the stones in a hat and through inspiration words became illuminated. This does not damage Smith's credibility. It is only part of the vast wealth of small details Smith was able to recall. Liars cannot reach such depths of detail and maintain a lie.
The use of seer stones is not a doctrine, but an explanation of method, and mostly comes from people other than Joseph Smith such as those around him during the translation period. As such Smith did not really offer many details so I do not think your last sentence carries much weight.
Is it evil for him to defend his life and the life of those who were with him? The church also omits many wonderful details from his life in thier films. If you honestly wanted Smith to just sit around and wait to be killed I can begin to understand why you fell away to begin with
I agree that Joseph Smith defending his life was justifiable and therefore see no reason for this not to be included in LDS accounts of his death. But this is almost always omitted causing suspicion and anti-Mormon comments. What wonderful details of his life are omitted in Mormon films?
If you read the preface to the book of mormon it states that isrealites are only one of the purpoted fathers to the native americans.
And when was this preface added? So the addition in 1981 that people from Patestine were only the principal anchestors of Native Americans instead of the only ones was altered in the 21st Century to state they were just one of the sources of anchestry makes this a fact? If so it is a changing fact. Will that preface claim zero anchestry in a few years time? Until very recently the Mormons taught that all Indians found in the Americas are descended from the Lamanites.
Furthermore the book of mormons locations are very isolated taking place in about a five hundred by two hundred mile radius. Civilizations in south and central america abound over tens of thousands of miles.
Ah, the Limited Geography Cop-out….I mean theory. Again, this explanation is relatively recent in Mormon apologies, becoming more and more commonly used as archaeological evidence continued to mount against the prevailing Mormon teachings. It is clear that Joseph Smith thought Moroni hid the plate in a hill in New York. Did all the events in teh Book of Mormon occure within the radius you state of that hill?
The lamanites obviously married into other culters that existed in the area.
This is a very recent Mormon apologist idea. For most of their history Mormons have taught that the Lamanites were the only people existing in the New World until the Spanish arrived.
While the Nepites like the Hebrews were commaded to marry only within the convanent. When Christ came all cultures adopted his laws and everyone intermaries.
Christ gave a different law regarding marriage than what existed as given by Book of Mormon prophets before His coming? Please give the scripture that spells this out. But if so, your comments about people in the Old Testament being involved in polygamy may not be a good justification for its practice after the time that Christ came to earth.
In the book of Moroni... Moroni Claims he is one of few pure blooded nephites. After his death there is a thousand year gap where all cultres on the genetic level blend and stop showing signs of a very small hebrew poplulation which purportedly by the book of mormon only married into their own culture.
The problem with your argument here is that Moroni was supposed to be the last Nephite. So with his death the Nephites are no longer an issue. Again, Mormons for most of their history did not teach that the Lamanites made up a small portion of the people that became the modern peoples found in pre-Columbian America, they taught they made up 100% of the ancestors. But it would appear that you do not understand that no genetic ties to Middle Eastern people are found in the DNA of any such people in the New World, and this would appear even if only a small group of people had passed on genetic information. Many presidents of the Mormon church until the very past few years spoke openly that Native Americans were all descendents of the Lamanites to the point of actually calling them Lamanites. I’ll bet that Thomas Monson once made comments to this effect.
All accusations of plagerism have been found completly fraudulent.
And how was this proven? I have not seen such proof; I have only seen arguments by the Mormon Church saying this.
I am a mason... and no temple ritual looks anything like any of the rituals i took a part of in masonry. There are similarities in concept specifically the inititory or anointing... but that is also found in exodus. Everything else is origanal.
I thought the Mormon church still did not like its members to be Masons and vice versa.
Iterestingly most of the twelve aposltles never thought for an instant that these so called recovered scrolls were at anytime the book of Abraham. Because they matched no description of what these scrolls purportadly looked like. As it is most of what was translated was already burned in a fire in a museum and these Hor documents are all that survived. It should be noted also that if you know anything about how revelation and translation came to Joseph Smith than you would know it has nothing to do with how any other translator works.
Joseph Smith himself claimed to have translated the Book of Abraham from those same scrolls and he copied down some of them as the drawings which appear in The Pearl of Great Price. It would appear that he included these as the most important to be published, so I think the basis for most of your attempt to deflect the original criticism to be a very weak and poor argument as the facsimiles came from the scrolls that were mentioned. I have never before encountered your claim there were members of the twelve who did not accept the same story given by Smith about the scrolls. Do you have a reference for this claim? The description of the scrolls given at the time matches what they look like today. It also appears that most of what Smith had at the time for translation did survive the fire as he also kept some note books from them as an Egyptian alphabet. The theory that Joseph Smith used an alternative translation method to produce the work is relatively modern, becoming more necessary for some Mormons after the scrolls were re-discovered in the 60’s and were shown to actually read very differently than The Book of Abraham.
There are eight accounts none of which contradict eachother and none of which claim only an angel visted him. they vary in many ways because at different times in his life Joseph recalled differnt things. In the Soviet Union when they interogated you they always concluded that if your story never changed even by a word you were a patent liar, because you had no real memory of the event just a prefabricated story which you had to desperatly cling to. Each of the accounts were given years apart and as he grew his perceptions of the events changed... but never what he saw or what was said. Just ancellery details. We are given a copy of all these accounts in our Institute classes.
I think if I had been visited by both The Father and The Son as two distinct personages I would have recalled that vividly every time I talked about the event.
Did you know that in china where the hun's lived they cant find any Skelatal remains of horses either... even though it was vital to thier society.
But nobody disputes that the Huns had horses as there is much evidence beyond bones that shows they existed. The same cannotbe said for the New World during Bookof Mormon times. There are fossilized horses in the New World as they are thought to have originated there. However, they are thought to have become extinct before Book of Mormon times and are not found again in sediments until the Spanish re-introduced them.
This was never a part of church doctrine and is a slander. The truth is Joseph Smith himslef ordained many black people to the preistood and when he ran for president ran on a bid to free slaves. But Joseph was told in revaltion to stop giving them priesthood authority for this reason. They could fulfill its responsibilities because of the bigotry of other members of the church at that time.
But it was taught by latter-day prophets. I think Joseph Smith set down all his revelations, so why are we missing this one? Why are we not even given any mention of it? Where did you come up with this? No black members with the priesthood were told not to exercise it while Smith was alive. That started in Brigham Young’s term as president.

"I'll take the fifth"



And when was this preface added? So the addition in 1981 that people from Patestine were only the principal anchestors of Native Americans instead of the only ones was altered in the 21st Century to state they were just one of the sources of anchestry makes this a fact? If so it is a changing fact. Will that preface claim zero anchestry in a few years time? Until very recently the Mormons taught that all Indians found in the Americas are descended from the Lamanites."

I think that you assume that all words that comes from the mouths of prophets are revalation. Instead you must come to understand that there is much speculation and thought that goes behind a lot of periphial claims. Including that the fathers of the indians are exclusivly lamanites. In this case it is a speculation that has been over stated. The truth is that before 1981 is that there was no preface at all which stated such things. If you look at the things which have been added or the printing errors that have been correced things slowly have come to look more and more like the origanal manuscripts. Revelation is given through the first presidency. And is only considered revelation if they make a written annoucement. People might look to our recent proclomation to the families as revelation. But it is not. Although it is an issue of the first presidency they did not preface it as doctrine and thus it is merely opinion. There was a similiar statement made by Jospeh Fielding Smith about evolution in 1907. He, as the proclomation to the family, is simply stating a belief.
I did not see anywhere that Jack claimed that everything said from the mouths of “prophets” was revelation and it would appear that you are clouding the issue in bringing this up. I also am troubled by the changes in “speculation” about the Lamanites by the church as I was brought up being taught that they were the anchestors of all American Indians. Joseph Smith and all other leaders of the church taught this throughout the 19th Century. If anyone should know the true meaning of the passages in the original manuscripts, it would be Joseph Smith.
"Ah, the Limited Geography Cop-out….I mean theory. Again, this explanation is relatively recent in Mormon apologies, becoming more and more commonly used as archaeological evidence continued to mount against the prevailing Mormon teachings. It is clear that Joseph Smith thought Moroni hid the plate in a hill in New York. Did all the events in teh Book of Mormon occure within the radius you state of that hill?"

I wouldn't call it a cop out. Rather if you read the book of mormon travel is always explained in the number of days by foot. It never takes more than a week or so to travel between any two locations... unless the party is lost in the wilderness. The book of mormon is very vague about actual location only describing lakes, rivers, and a narrow stretch of land. It doesn't even spell out that it takes place in America. Though it obviously does. Joseph Smith always claimed that these events took place in South America and that Moroni came an extreme distance to hide the plates in an area that had no to little population. I am trying to answer your doubtfulness from the scriptures themselves as they are to be taken first before any prophet opens his mouth. Unless he claims god himself wants me to say... This theory as well as the next point I'll make has been in circulation since the fifties. I'm currently reading a book called the messiah in ancient america which was written in the early seventies and makes this claim. It's only new to you because you have only recently heard it.
I have always held to the opinion that you either believe what the Book of Mormons states and what Joseph Smith said about it or you should probably question the entire basis of the Book of Mormon being an actual history of peoples in the Americas. I too find the limited geography theory a rationalization for the time when science is not in support of vast civilizations of great numbers of people. I don’t think Joseph Smith ever claimed that Moroni traveled an extreme distance to hide the plates, that is a much more modern idea that is part of the 20th Century “Limited Geography Theory” as Joseph thought the plates were hidden in the same Hill Cumorah where a climatic battle took place between the Nephites and the Lamanites. I think the limited geography ideas have been around since before the 50’s, but I agree with Jack that the idea is in fact comparatively recent in Mormon history, and is definitely fairly recent in having very many people really thinking much about it. I am probably older than you and was in Mormon meetings in the 50’s and 60’s. I don’t remember the concept ever being raised in my Seminary classes of the mid-60’s. I think I encountered the idea in the early 70’s in context of something I read about B.H. Roberts where he was not stating a mainstream Mormon opinion.
"This is a very recent Mormon apologist idea. For most of their history Mormons have taught that the Lamanites were the only people existing in the New World until the Spanish arrived"

In the book of Mormon lamanites are described as anyone who is not a Nephite. So this teaching according to our standards is correct. Again this is an old theory.
It may be an old theory, but it was never taught to me growing up in the Mormon church. I also was taught that the Lamanites were the only people that existed in the Americas when the Spanish arrived. I most definitely was not taught that the term “Lamanites” referred to anyone not a "Nephite" at the time as there was no reason to do so with the prevailing thinking of the time.
"Christ gave a different law regarding marriage than what existed as given by Book of Mormon prophets before His coming? Please give the scripture that spells this out. But if so, your comments about people in the Old Testament being involved in polygamy may not be a good justification for its practice after the time that Christ came to earth"

The lord commands the Nephites not to marry the Lamanites or mingle with those people upon the penalty of coming under thier curse in second Nephi. When Christ comes in third Nephi all the people are apperently united and mingle with eachother as the curse no longer applies.
Like Jack I am skeptical of your thinking here, and I cannot see how your further explanation really makes your premise. Nephites mingling with each other does not say much about changing doctrines of marriage to me. True some Lamanites had converted, become white, and were then called Nephites but this does not make your point in my opinion.
"The problem with your argument here is that Moroni was supposed to be the last Nephite. So with his death the Nephites are no longer an issue. Again, Mormons for most of their history did not teach that the Lamanites made up a small portion of the people that became the modern peoples found in pre-Columbian America, they taught they made up 100% of the ancestors. But it would appear that you do not understand that no genetic ties to Middle Eastern people are found in the DNA of any such people in the New World, and this would appear even if only a small group of people had passed on genetic information. Many presidents of the Mormon church until the very past few years spoke openly that Native Americans were all descendents of the Lamanites to the point of actually calling them Lamanites. I’ll bet that Thomas Monson once made comments to this effect."

I already told you but i will repeat that all non Nephites are identified as Lamanites. This is still taught because by our standards it is true.
Mormons in my era of instruction did not think there were any other people except Nephites and Lamanites around so I would agree that all non-Nephites would be considered Lamanites. But I think you have avoided answering Jack on this one. I agree with something you stated earlier, that one must respect the actual text of the Book of Mormon. After Jaredites and Mulekites there only Nephites and Lamanites. At one point they stopped making the distinction as a sign of unity, but later "non-believers" started being called Lamanites. But where is it stated or implied that people other than those originally descended from Lehi and his company were to be found ? Can you quote Joseph Smith ever giving out such an idea ? To me this is modern revisionist thought.

"I thought the Mormon church still did not like its members to be Masons and vice versa. "

Joseph Smith was a Mason... and none of my Mason Brothers have ever made mention of me being Mormon. Most masons aren't terribly religous. Its more of glorified history society which preserves its most "sacred" history through rituals.
I always heard the same thing Jack mentions. Do your fellow Masons know that you are a Mormon ?
"Joseph Smith himself claimed to have translated the Book of Abraham from those same scrolls and he copied down some of them as the drawings which appear in The Pearl of Great Price. It would appear that he included these as the most important to be published, so I think the basis for most of your attempt to deflect the original criticism to be a very weak and poor argument as the facsimiles came from the scrolls that were mentioned. I have never before encountered your claim there were members of the twelve who did not accept the same story given by Smith about the scrolls. Do you have a reference for this claim? The description of the scrolls given at the time matches what they look like today. It also appears that most of what Smith had at the time for translation did survive the fire as he also kept some note books from them as an Egyptian alphabet. The theory that Joseph Smith used an alternative translation method to produce the work is relatively modern, becoming more necessary for some Mormons after the scrolls were re-discovered in the 60’s and were shown to actually read very differently than The Book of Abraham."

Joseph Smith was in the possesion of four mummies... of all the manuscripts he had only the papyrus for Hor survived.
This is not what I have read. Of the 12 fragments there are some are from “The Book of the Dead” belonging to Amon-Re-Neferirnub and Tshenmin.
If you read anything about how Joseph translated I think you would be in agreement that it has noting to do with how translators today translate. Joseph never claimed to understand what any sybols mean... he certainly didn't know how to read the reformed Egyptian of the golden plates. No, instead he relied on the Urim and Thumum. According to the record Jospeh translated them first through his seer stone. Then he tried to acribe an alphabet as he had recently begun to try and translate as they did in his day. The older he got the more he tried to learn to do it for himself... without his seer stone. This is evident through his records. If he were a fraud I doubt he would try to openly legitamize and make open for public scrutiny the way in which he translates. As for his descriptions of the papyrus Joseph said. They were glorious in wrapping in color and extravagent with complex glyphs. The papyrus for Hor was simple, colorless and poorly wrapped. I do not have a reference for the twelve. However a similiar statement is found in Rough Stone Rolling by Richard Bushman and he does indeed have a reference for that I'm sure for he is a respected historian and a man much more knowledgable than myself.
I don’t think Joseph Smith ever claimed to use a seer stone to translate the papyri he had in his possession. He claimed to actually be able to read the writing upon them. I notice that you avoided any comment about what Jack said about the facsimiles. Smith apparently thought these some of the most important part of the writings in his possession. The fragments bearing the originals of the facsimiles were recovered and apparently translated to mean something different than the descriptions provided in the Pearl of Great Price. If Smith did not claim to understand what the symbols meant, why did he produce a “Grammer & Alphabet of the Egyptian Lnaguage” with such symbols placed next to their purported meanings ?
"I think if I had been visited by both The Father and The Son as two distinct personages I would have recalled that vividly every time I talked about the event."

It's clear you have never read these accounts as you wouldnt have made this comment. Three of the eight accounts are not even told by Joseph but rather his subordanants... and these are the ones that vary most from his first account of the first vision. Again not in content but in detail. The other five given by Jospeh Smith never sounded reherced but were all detailed connonicle descriptions. As Joseph aged different things stuck out to him... as does the retelling of any true story... but the details are equally as vast and rich as in the first account. Joseph is simply remembering things through expieriance and things that interested him about the vision when he was fouteen were certainly different than those things he noticed about it when he was thirty six.
It would not be clear to me from Jack’s statement that he had not read the accounts. In my opinion you are being a bit condescending in your attitude to him. Quite frankly I have found his knowledge of Mormonism to probably be superior to your own so far as I find errors in your thinking that he has not shown. I find your explanation here to avoid his comment, instead you give the standard Mormon explanation of why the accounts have differences. I agree with Jack, it would remain of great “interest” to me throughout my life if I had seen the Father and the Son at the same time and this pointed out a major difference in theology to the Bible and the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is different from the Bible in sounding more Trinitarian.
"But nobody disputes that the Huns had horses as there is much evidence beyond bones that shows they existed. The same cannotbe said for the New World during Bookof Mormon times. There are fossilized horses in the New World as they are thought to have originated there. However, they are thought to have become extinct before Book of Mormon times and are not found again in sediments until the Spanish re-introduced them."

This is an undebateable and moot point. Many people have disagreements about very important periods in history. Christians always lay claim to Moses. But from a historical perspective there is no connicle record of his existence outside of the bible. He might as well have not existed as no other culture from Canan to the Egytians have any record of anyone macthing his despriotion. The same can be argued for Jesus himself. Infact both the validaty of these two purportedly historical figures have been in question for years and years and years. And there is no evidence save the bible that they even existed.
You seem to be going off the subject.
"But it was taught by latter-day prophets. I think Joseph Smith set down all his revelations, so why are we missing this one? Why are we not even given any mention of it? Where did you come up with this? No black members with the priesthood were told not to exercise it while Smith was alive. That started in Brigham Young’s term as president."

No it was not... I told you exactly what the church doctrine is and has always taught regarding black skin and I also admitted that even members of the twelve were bigots who theorized many things about blacks which are not doctinal. I am willing to concede that many parts of our church history are inglourious but entirely comprhensible. You should refer to my earlier answers regarding what constitutes revelation and doctrine. It is a historical fact that Joseph ordained black people to the priesthood and ran for president under the bid to free slaves. This cannot be disputed. Niether can it be disputed that he said he was told to stop. The doctrine and covenents never claimed to have all of Joseph's revelations. Joseph had stated that it had been revealed to him that matter and energy are eternal... infact this is a dotrine of ours but is not written in the doctrine and covonents as Joseph never formalized them. They are written and intact and prefaced as doctrine but not found in any version of the doctrine and covenants.
I also dispute that Joseph was ever told to stop ordaining black people. This was a very sore point for me back in the 1960's when some Mormons claimed that a revelation was given to deny blacks the priesthood, the problem was that like yourself they could never produce any details about this so-called revelation. You have provided none because none can be provided. It is obvious to me that Joseph Smith never was told to stop. This can in fact be disputed and I am doing just that.

Your original statement was in reference to “"black people being less "valiant" in the "pre-existance" hence their black skin" and you claimed that this was “slander” whereas Jack said that it was taught by “latter-day prophets.” In another thread it was pointed out that all Mormon apostles are called as prophets.

Bruce R. McConkie stated this thought “Those who were less valiant in pre-existence and who thereby had certain spiritual restrictions imposed upon them during mortality are known to us as the negroes. Such spirits are sent to earth through the lineage of Cain, the mark put upon him for his rebellion against God and his murder of Abel being a black skin. (Moses 5:16-41; 7:8,12,22.) Noah's son Ham married Egyptus, a descendant of Cain, thus preserving the negro lineage through the flood. (Abra. 1:20-27.) Negroes in this life are denied the priesthood; under no circumstances can they hold this delegation of authority from the Almighty." (1966 edition of Mormon Doctrine, page 527)

And this comment certainly implies the possibility: “There is a reason why one man is born black and with other disadvantages, while another is born white with great advantages. The reason is that we once had an estate before we came here, and were obedient, more or less, to the laws that were given us there. Those who were faithful in all things there received greater blessings here, and those who were not faithful received less...There were no neutrals in the war in heaven. All took sides either with Christ or with Satan. Every man had his agency there, and men receive rewards here based upon their actions there, just as they will receive rewards hereafter for deeds done in the body. The Negro, evidently, is receiving the reward he merits.” (Doctrines of Salvation, by Joseph Fielding Smith, 1954; 1:61, 65-66)
I do not wish to debate further. ....I am adament in my position that Joseph himself believed every word of it. He was either an ordained prophet or an insane savant. Nobody who was in thier right mind would die for a lie. /quote]I personally think Joseph Smith probably believed most of what he claimed. But I do think there are some grey areas between being completely a prophet or being insane. [quote] is useless to teach someone who is unwilling to undergo the trial of faith layed out in Alma chapter thirty two. So it is at this that I will distance myself. You seem less hateful than other anti-mormons and I enjoy a good debate. But I know regardless of the things I say you will always dispute them in some way.
I have seen many of Jack’s posts before and have never considered him an anti-Mormon. You make assumptions I would not about whether or not he would change his mind about anything. I have little doubt from your B&W thinking that your capacity to see other people’s points is not very great. I have responded since you



An interesting read, but on the whole completely off topic. I think you have stopped "debate" because Jack and I have pointed out some places where you are wrong and for which you have no comeback. You continue to debate some things, just not where you have to make a response to where you have been questioned. The result is mainly a long tome about faith as if your personal testimony answers all. For instance there is no record of Joseph Smith receiving a revelation restricting blacks from the priesthood. There also is no record of his ever teaching or effecting this. I think someone needs to take a "Know Your Religion" course.

I don't think any man should reprove Smith for producing different stories from the papyrus since this is common in translating. I have spoken to a women in my ward who has a double masters in ancient religous studies and archeology, and she has no problems with Abraham or the facsimlies.
But unlike the other works you mention the original scroll is available for what was “translated” as the Book of Abraham. It has been translated by more than one person who can read the actual language. These translations are similar and bear no resemblance to the Book of Abraham text. The woman in your ward probably could not read it if her life depended upon it, so the fact that she has “no problem” with this probably means she chooses faith over scholarship, as you appear to do.
Smith worked by the inspiration of the spirit. The first chapter of Abraham bears great resemblence to a story from Islam. Where an angel saves Abraham from the evil priests of Nimrod. What you may not know is this. The church does not hide or aside this predicament with Abraham. The papyrus are on display rather proudly at Brigham Young University were you may hear lectures about them. I think the message this sends is that they are not a threat to the faith. Historically the papyrus can be linked to the Reformed Church of Jesus Christ (or now Community Of Christ) for awhile after Emma Smith died. They didnt disapear after Smith translated them. Joseph Smith was not stupid. It would have been lunacy for him to assume these records would never be translated again.
I do not see the relevance of any connection with a story from Islam. Egyptian records had not been readable for centuries before Smith was born, so why would it be lunacy to think anyone would decipher them any time in the near future ?
It is a lapse in logic to think he was being deceptive if he tried to assign an alphabet to it.
I did not say Smith was being deceptive.

In part,If you have read anything regarding the prophet's mention of BYU's archeology department you would know that it is considered a limb of the church.
Which prophet ?
I'm sorry you lost your faith geode. I did to... and it saddens me that you still walk these halls.
And just where did you get the idea that I lost my faith ? I still have a strong faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am not now, nor ever have been an atheist.
You come across as neutral but you really do care about the answer. I think the difference with you is this. You yourself can't quite grasp it all. I think you can't reconsile a lot of things you know to be true, with the other things you know to be true.
I cannot reconcile some things I know to be true with teachings or concepts that probably are not true.
You haunt these boards with much frequency. You are a dissafeccted mormon who is still Fascinated by our doctrine. Which is why you will demonstrate compassion twords our theology on one hand and heavy doubts on the other. This is summed by your inability to bring yourself to answer my assertion about Joseph Smith and the character of liars but your ability to be skeptical of different accounts of the first vision. Be well.
If you saw my posting history in full you would find that I do not display hostility towards other religions either. Just what was your assertion about Joseph Smith that I did not answer ? I sure don’t remember this. I made just one comment about the first vision, saying that Jack made an interesting observation.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...



You really got to stop assuming all these things about me.
It appears to me that you are the one most guilty of jumping to conclusions. You called me an "anti-Mormon" and said the geode had lost his faith. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Your really pissing me off. I didn't want to dabte... because i didn't want to... i had said my fill. But instead of adressing my testimony as it should be adressed you have dillineated it down to me needing a "Know your own religous course" which is just rude. If you had born your testimony about whatever you believe I would have accepted it... and perhaps shared in your spirituality. but...
Personally I thought geode was rather civil considering your "holier than thou" attitude to the two of us. Bearing your testimony as if it can stop all debate is rather a cop-out. Although your grasp of Mormonism seems fuzzy at times, I actually I think you are more in need of an English grammar and spelling course.
"For instance there is no record of Joseph Smith receiving a revelation restricting blacks from the priesthood. There also is no record of his ever teaching or effecting this.

Ok what do you want... He ordained black people... you never refuted this... cause you can even google their names... their found in all sorts of books on church history. Then he stopped. Do you really need everything explained in this much detail. I think one can safely assume that he stopped for a good reason. He cleary wasn't a rascist. The rest is implied... and is explained by church leaders rather eloquintly. Joseph stopped because the bigotry of other people would have made it impossible for them to perform thier priesthood duties... you can just look at all the comments and stupid things said even by prophets and all the stupid limitations they imposed upon blacks. So, Joseph Smith was right... the bigotry of church leaders themselves would have made it impossible for them to use thier priestood. This doesn't immidiatly inspire the thought of a man who could prophesy but the more you think about it... well it sounds like it to me. If you can't read behind those lines your pretty thick. And if were going to talk about Bigotry and leaders of the church... Just think about what some of what Jesus's apostles said about Sameritan's. Rebecca my archeologist friend, did her Master's Thesis on Peter... there is evidence in apochraphal gospels that peter the head of the twelve was a bigot himself.
Why are you a believing Mormon? You seem to think that many of its leaders were racists and misguided, yet you must support them as "latter-day prophets" or you would be an apostate. Your rambling thesis about Joseph Smith and ordaining black members is unconvincing at best. I think he only ordained a small number of blacks to the priesthood because there were few that wanted this done and sought it. I don't think there was any abrupt stop to Smith ordaining worthy black members.
*EDIT***** Tonight I was privilged to speak with a Senior Missionary named Elder Russon who had the distinct honor of having Bruce R. Mconky as his mission leader (before he was ordained an Apostle). Elder Russon got to know Mconky very well.
Please....the name is McConkie.
So I ventured to ask him about the rascism that was apperently inherent among the twelve and first presidency at the time. Elder Russon told me that the perception of racism amongst these men was far greater than anything intended or implied by any statement any of them had ever made. He directed me to look at The Second Official Declaration in the doctrine and covenants and told me that the general brotherly and spiritual attitude of the new doctrine was indeed how most men who had ever been a general authority felt, at that time or any other twords any blacks. He went on to say that those that were prejuduced were no more than other men of the time period. Remember that Ghandi himself hated black people because he grew up in a time where it was not only acceptable but in most cases encouraged. That last statement is not a justification merely an example.
And your point would be?

"But unlike the other works you mention the original scroll is available for what was “translated” as the Book of Abraham. It has been translated by more than one person who can read the actual language. These translations are similar and bear no resemblance to the Book of Abraham text. The woman in your ward probably could not read it if her life depended upon it, so the fact that she has “no problem” with this probably means she chooses faith over scholarship, as you appear to do."

You have assumed wrong... she can read Egyptian... she spent five years there. She is actually the daughter of one of the seventy (Paul Sibrowski) and is an expert in world religions. Does me telling you she's an arhceologist mean nothing to you? Or did you assume I played in the minor league?
If she could read the language it would indicate to me that she knows that the Book of Abraham could not have been translated from the scroll she read and therefore a problem should exist in her mind.
"I do not see the relevance of any connection with a story from Islam. Egyptian records had not been readable for centuries before Smith was born, so why would it be lunacy to think anyone would decipher them any time in the near future ? "

Well the relvance is this... the text makes claims that are actually accurate about Abraham's wealth and position and where he was at in that time in his life and that Chaldea was controlled by Egypt. The description of his sacrifice is almost identical to the practice in the area. The chapter about astronomy is a major and telling factor since Chaldea's religion was based on the stars and thus Abraham would have a vested interest in them. None of these things were known before twenty some odd years ago... but Joseph Smith guessed them right.
Joseph Smith was guessing when he "translated" the records? Why would something from the Koran become known only 20 years ago? What are you jabbering about here? How about a link to all of this?
Smith also learned a little himself during his life.. which is why he could place an alphabet to the papyrus. He was obviously taught by someone... Hmmm...
Then why did he get it totally wrong?
"I did not say Smith was being deceptive."

Thats what you imply when you say this religion isn't true... Either Smith was a fraud (or by my input insane) or he was the real deal.
I saw no place where geode implied that Moronism is not "true"...once again it is yourself that makes assumptions about people.
Which prophet ?"

Every modern prophet I can think of. Google Prophet's talks at BYU.
What is a modern prophet? Did Lorenzo Snow make this case?
"And just where did you get the idea that I lost my faith ? I still have a strong faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am not now, nor ever have been an atheist."

Either your an idiot or this was a really failed attempt at irony... in which case your an idiot. This is a perfect example of why i wanted to stop debating... I have no idea were you or jack got the idea that i was saying there are different rules for marriage... so i just ignored it. This is just one example. Here is another. You were a Mormon... now you are not... you lost your faith. Point proven.
You said the rules for marriage changed with the coming of Christ. I guess that is where we would get this, from your own post. But you are changing the subject again. I don't think geode is an idiot (although your capacity for logical thought is up for grabs). I also do not think he is being ironic. What do you miss in his statement that I do not? He said that he had faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. That seems clear to me.
I'm so happy you still have Jesus though. But I'm pretty immovable in my position that either this church is true or there is no god.
Even the first presidency would never say what you have said here. They have acknowledged that other faiths have parts of God's plan.
Speaking of not answering points based on having no knowledge... why didn't you ever bother answering my assertions about the bible being full of crap...
I would say that is a personal matter for you to work out. I wonder if geode agrees?
When i was an atheist it was totally worthless to me... but the dead sea scrolls prove that its not exactly the word of god now is it...
And just how do you come to this conclusion?
so if it were true that Smith was a liar... what exactly does god have in mind for his children if not one of his books can be trusted.
You are off on another tangent.
You never commented once about the fact that thier is no record of Moses or the Exodus or even Jesus himself...
Where is this thought coming from? Why would geode care to comment on this as it had nothing to do with what he was commenting upon?
but you'll stand firm that not finding horse remains in America is evidence against the book of mormon... Hm... Seems we have a double standard.
Hmm...seems like you are making a conclusion on behalf of geode that he never made. Has anyone ever told you that this pisses people off?
Even though there is evidence for horses and even elephants... but none for exodus... at all. You only wish to engage in "debate" when you can be in control and when the heat is off your beliefs. Everytime I've made an aside to the bible you shrug it off... and have even called it off topic. Even though I'm clearly pointing out not only a double standard but that what you believe is in the same place as my own.
The Bible was not the topic of debate, you simply keep bringing it up to deflect attention from your inadequate comments regarding other matters. Do you accept the Bible as scripture? I for one have my doubts that you do from your posting. Are you really a Mormon?
"If you saw my posting history in full you would find that I do not display hostility towards other religions either."

No... your just a worthless lump who questions everything without a purpose. See being a real skeptic implies that you have a real reason for being disbelieving. Real skeptics have an agenda beyond putting doubt in other people's heads, which is all your posts are good for. Skeptics desperately want to know the truth... they will kill for the truth... they yearn for it with every fiber of thier being. Skeptisism is not about being passive agressive... which is how you come across. I was a hardcore skeptic and i had reason for disbelieving. You seem to refute the very idea that you have a purpose for being on this board. What? Are you here to reminiss? No... Then What? I rarely ever post... because everytime I want to say something to someone I ask myself... is this constructive in any way... am i making a valid point... do I have a clear and definable position. if The answer to any of these is no, i don't do it. You post frequently assanine and foolish statements. There are some posts of yours if taken out of context make you sound like you a Mormon apologist. What's the point?
I would say that you should stop posting since you routinely fail according to you own criteria. You rarely make constructive or valid points but do make up stories that are not completely true about LDS history and resort to personal attacks instead of calm and rational comments. You are vague much of the time.
"Just what was your assertion about Joseph Smith that I did not answer ? I sure don’t remember this. I made just one comment about the first vision, saying that Jack made an interesting observation."

I compared Smith with people like Nixon and Hubbard and would go further with Jim Jones and Charles Manson. Real liars... who were parnoid and refused to take responsibility. Which is exactly opposed to how Smith conducted himself.
Personally I think there are probably fewer questionable comments by Richard Nixon that might be construed as lies as there are by Joseph Smith. I also did not read your comment as asking geode for any response. I would not respond to such and off-the-wall remark as yours since there seems no "relevence" in any comparison of the people you have listed. Why not throw in Pinnochio while you are at it?
And when it comes to the first vision... Let's do a little science experiement. Write in vivid detail the most incredible and memorable expieriance of your life. Then never look at what you wrote ever again... over the course of twenty years write at least three more accounts randomly and just off the top of your head to different people... Hmm... guess what... you use different words and remember different things. This is just how memory works. Also Joseph Smith said himself that he had visions so frequently that they were common place to him... After seeing visions of Jesus as many times as he claimed to have had I would think that my recolecction of it all would start to blur. This fist vision business is not an affront on his credibility and is one of the weakest of all the arguements against his claims.
This is one of the most hard to believe rationalizations I have ever seen for explaining the first vision. I will do your experiment and get back to you in 20 years. However, I have had nothing close to being as memorable as a vision of the God and Son so the science would fail right there as my experiences do not measure up to this claim. Smith recorded his visions and revelations. As far as I know he did not note more than one by Jesus.

"I'll take the fifth"


Hey Jack, how is it going ? It looks as if I responded for you, and you for me when confronted with a rather odd fellow. It seems that he really could not keep up in the debate so deleted his posts and ran away. It is disturbing when one preaches as he did, then does not have the courage of his convictions. Do you think he intentionally came off as a religious nut case to make Mormons look bad, or is it possible that he is a member of some Mormon splinter group due to his intense religious convictions that are on the fringe of Mormon thought ?

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


Right... I'm so terrified in anonimity that I turn my tail and run. The truth is both of you are idiots. And i'm discusted by this little debate. I explain things resonably.... then you chose how much of my story was true... then you claim I make no sense because you fail to accept those other parts of my story. See the problem with that is that my explanations are actually in keeping with history and the reality of the time.

FOR EXAMPLE: In answer to Jack's proddings I explained had he accepted my story that Smith used his seer stone to translate Abraham, then asssigned an alphabet to it afterward, we wouldn't be in this position... But you don't want Smith to be using his seer stone, even though that's how he translated the bible and moses. You would rather have him try to assign an alphabet to a language he knows alomst nothing about. But then you have to ask how did he know how to assign the alphabet to it. Smith had had prior training from someone that's the only logical conclusion. And I proved that Egyptian was a known language at the time of Smith's translation. But you guys both ignored that as well.

I deleted my posts and my testimony in particular because it should not be a reference for either of you as this debate continues. I bore what you call my testimony not to solve the problems of the debate but because i felt it would shed light on the truth as i see it. I didn't want to debate any longer. But you have both maligned it and soured it with your comments so it should no longer be available to you.

Niether of you are as impartial as you claim.

On my mark... Unleash The Ebonic Plague
Ya Jive Turkey!


"It appears to me that you are the one most guilty of jumping to conclusions. You called me an "anti-Mormon" and said the geode had lost his faith. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black."

Your right i assumed you were an anti mormon... I also admitted i was wrong. But you ignored that. And geode did lose his faith. He was mormon.... now he's not. That's losing your faith.

"Personally I thought geode was rather civil considering your "holier than thou" attitude to the two of us. Bearing your testimony as if it can stop all debate is rather a cop-out. Although your grasp of Mormonism seems fuzzy at times, I actually I think you are more in need of an English grammer and spelling course."

Umm no... Civil is as I explained it. Taking part in the spirituality as i would have done with any other person. Instead he told me to know my own religion..Hmm. You both seem to be under the assumption that mormons in general don't know there own faith... which is why they are still mormon. I am a poor speller. Cheap shot.

"Why are you a believing Mormon? You seem to think that many of its leaders were racists and misguided, yet you must support them as "latter-day prophets" or you would be an apostate. Your rambling thesis about Joseph Smith and ordaining black members is unconvincing at best. I think he only ordained a small number of blacks to the priesthood because there were few that wanted this done and sought it. I don't think there was any abrupt stop to Smith ordaining worthy black members."

I think racism is ugly... however in the context of the times I understand it. My thesis isn't rambling... he did it and stopped doing it. I never claimed it was abrupt. But there were only a few black men ordained.

"And your point would be?"

My point is that even I overstated the racism of these men... perhaps other people do too.

"If she could read the language it would indicate to me that she knows that the Book of Abraham could not have been translated from the scroll she read and therefore a problem should exist in her mind."

Go figure it doesn't... How do you assign feelings of doubt to a person you never met.

"Joseph Smith was guessing when he "translated" the records? Why would something from the Koran become known only 20 years ago? What are you jabbering about here? How about a link to all of this?"

See your misreading what i wrote AGAIN. Those things I listed were not known before twenty years ago. Did you notice that i wrote about what Joseph Smith "guessed" BEFORE I MENTIONED THE ISLAMIC TEXTS. And about me saying he guessed... well that's not what I said... I implied that if it wasnt revelation he would have had to guess. However the book is also in keeping with Islamic Texts. But the book is not... the islamic texts. I structured that paragraph in an entirely comprehensible format... but you have chosen to disregard it's structure... and assume that everything Smith got right must have been in other texts that were known at the time... and they were not. The truth is none of these texts were translated into english until decades after he was killed. The content of the book of Abraham is every bit as important as its conception. Rebecca, as I, have no problem with how it came to be because the record is so accurate historically. However it's conception is infinatley more debateble than its content. So for many, debating about how it came to be is simply a matter of convienience. Further more you should be aware that the Koran does not have a history of Abraham within it. Islamic TEXTS are quite a bit different than the Koran. If you go to you will find the names of all the books about the things Smith got right when it comes to Abraham... and there are multiple books.

I feel that this little debacle you have put yourself into is a perfect example of your behavior. You will take what I have said... disregard things like structure and even entire sentences linking information together and come up with something compressed and twisted. This is how it's been with the both of you.

"Then why did he get it totally wrong?"

If you had been willing to accept my answer that smith used his seer stone to translate the text first and then tried assigned an alphabet to it... we wouldnt be in this place. But as it is... you have Smith claiming to understand the papyrus... then asigning a non-sensicle alphabet to it. I see you ignored my comments that it would have been insane for him to think it would never be translated again even in his own lifetime. Why do you dispute him using a seer stone.. he used it to translate the bible and moses. Assuming he used a seer stone is in accordance with how he did everything else... it would seem that if he claimed to understand the papyrus on his own... this would be the first and only claim of his to ever understand an ancient language without some kind of help.

"I saw no place where geode implied that Moronism is not "true"...once again it is yourself that makes assumptions about people."

He is not a mormon... therefore his contention is, that it isnt true. Again, if niether of you have an agenda why play these games. Niether of you are neutral. No one is neutral.

"What is a modern prophet? Did Lorenzo Snow make this case?"

I told you to google it. It's there...

"You said the rules for marriage changed with the coming of Christ. I guess that is where we would get this, from your own post. But you are changing the subject again. I don't think geode is an idiot (although your capacity for logical thought is up for grabs). I also do not think he is being ironic. What do you miss in his statement that I do not? He said that he had faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. That seems clear to me."

No. what I claimed is that once Christ came they all followed the rules and thusly were a part of the covonant. No change in laws or in direction.

"Even the first presidency would never say what you have said here. They have acknowledged that other faiths have parts of God's plan."

So your position is while we may not have the whole truth... there's at least some of it. Well that's not my position. My position is it's either all here or there is none of it. Do I care about the claim of the first presidency? Either Joseph Smith restored the truth or there is no god. I may make this statement as liberally as i choose. I am not under the impression that there must be a god to begin with.

"I would say that is a personal matter for you to work out. I wonder if geode agrees? "

I think I worked it out just fine when I bore my testimony. But my contention is correct... mainsteam christianity is in just as much hot water as mormonism.

"And just how do you come to this conclusion?"

When I was an Atheist it was easy... it simply wasn't true... now it's a little more complicated but we already covered this ground.

"Where is this thought coming from? Why would geode care to comment on this as it had nothing to do with what he was commenting upon?"

Again I was simply illistrating a double standard inherent with those that point out little historical foibles with the book of mormon. I think I acomplished that quite well.

You said and I quote... "but the Huns having horses is not under contention". This is one of the most vapid stupid things I've ever heard. The implication is that any history that is not disputed must be correct. Which is an insane thing to say...

"The Bible was not the topic of debate, you simply keep bringing it up to deflect attention from your inadequate comments regarding other matters. Do you accept the Bible as scripture? I for one have my doubts that you do from your posting. Are you really a Mormon"

I accept the bible as far as it has proven itself reliable. I accept the book of Mormon on terms of faith. I may accept the bible in the way that I do because this religion lends itself to this position comfortably.

"I would say that you should stop posting since you routinely fail according to you own criteria. You rarely make constructive or valid points but do make up stories that are not completely true about LDS history and resort to personal attacks instead of calm and rational comments. You are vague much of the time."

Yes i called geode an idiot... and i think your right up there. You have repeatedly misunderstood me. I don't think I'm vague. Infact my asnwers provide much more information than yours have.

"Personally I think there are probably fewer questionable comments by Richard Nixon that might be construed as lies as there are by Joseph Smith. I also did not read your comment as asking geode for any response. I would not respond to such and off-the-wall remark as yours since there seems no "relevence" in any comparison of the people you have listed. Why not throw in Pinnochio while you are at it?"

So we're clear this is your personal opinion. I simply compared Smith to hubbard and nixon and jim jones... all liars... who conducted themselves in a wholly different manner than Smith. They never took any responsibility... Nixon did only when he had no choice. I wasn't talking about quotes... i talked about paranoia. And if your going to give credit to Nixon for saying less stupid things please bear in mind he only did what he did for a few years... Smith "kept it up" for a lifetime.

"This is one of the most hard to believe rationalizations I have ever seen for explaining the first vision. I will do your experiment and get back to you in 20 years. However, I have had nothing close to being as memorable as a vision of the God and Son so the science would fail right there as my experiences do not measure up to this claim. Smith recorded his visions and revelations. As far as I know he did not note more than one by Jesus"

Hard to belive? Well I guess your a fool. Clearly I'm being facetious. But it's in no way a rationalization. Your putting the first vision on a pedastle. Not even Smith did this. Infact after the vision Smith goes on to claim he had a time of personal apostasy, in his own history no less. While he never denied it, he was still human. I think you expect to much of the man. As for seeing Jesus i can think of at least twelve occasions off the top of my head where he saw him. At least six of which are depicted in mormon artwork... and at least seven of which are in the doctrine and covanents. Again this whole first vision business is very weak. Joseph Smith also claimed that Jesus apeared to him from time to time to comfort and teach him. This is in keeping with his teaching that those who achieve a certain level of rightousness will have Jesus as their personal comforter. So it can be logically assumed by his own teachings that he had visions with great frequency. My assertion that time and age changes perspective and memory is completly valid and has been from the begining. You seem to ascribe to much to his first vision and have ridiculous expectations for how it should be remembered.

On my mark... Unleash The Ebonic Plague
Ya Jive Turkey!


Right... I'm so terrified in anonimity that I turn my tail and run. The truth is both of you are idiots. And i'm discusted by this little debate. I explain things resonably.... then you chose how much of my story was true... then you claim I make no sense because you fail to accept those other parts of my story. See the problem with that is that my explanations are actually in keeping with history and the reality of the time.
You often make little sense. You lack any real debating skills so you either resort to ad hominem arguments, ignore the issue at hand, go off on wild tangents, or delete your posts. You are one of the poorest Mormon apoligists I have ever encountered.
FOR EXAMPLE: In answer to Jack's proddings I explained had he accepted my story that Smith used his seer stone to translate Abraham, then asssigned an alphabet to it afterward, we wouldn't be in this position... But you don't want Smith to be using his seer stone, even though that's how he translated the bible and moses. You would rather have him try to assign an alphabet to a language he knows alomst nothing about. But then you have to ask how did he know how to assign the alphabet to it. Smith had had prior training from someone that's the only logical conclusion. And I proved that Egyptian was a known language at the time of Smith's translation. But you guys both ignored that as well.
I would prefer that the facts be used instead of your making up a story that didn't happen. Joseph Smith claimed he could read the scrolls without the use of a seer stone. You seem to want to tell a story that Smith did not tell in order to support your faith in a version of the origin of the Book of Abraham that is not consistent with Smith's own writings. No, you did not prove that the scrolls could have been read by Smith using real knowledge of the language. The only evidence we have is that Smith did not have any ability at all to translate hieroglyphs. It was only a few short years earlier that anyone could do so. If Smith had prior training he was in fact being deceptive in what he said. I prefer to think he really had no such training, which is in fact obvious since his alphabet is not even close to matching the writings. One hieroglyph sometimes stands for entire paragraphs in his translation.
I deleted my posts and my testimony in particular because it should not be a reference for either of you as this debate continues.
You cannot be debating, you have said so a couple of times. Since your words were copied for the most part by either Jack or myself in our posts they remain for anyone to reference.
I bore what you call my testimony not to solve the problems of the debate but because i felt it would shed light on the truth as i see it. I didn't want to debate any longer. But you have both maligned it and soured it with your comments so it should no longer be available to you.
What do you call it ?...I deleted my posts and my testimony in particular ....

It shed zero light on facts, for by its very nature you were resorting to an appeal to faith instead of evidence.
Niether of you are as impartial as you claim.
And just where did either of us claim impartiality ? You are just doing what you claim pisses you off, making assumptions not really supported in what you have read.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


This guy is clearly delusiuonal geode. Now he has conjured up a post where he said he was wrong to call me an "anti-Mormon" yet no such post ever existed. So many of his ideas are delusional this should come as no surprise. No post from him followed mine where I "called" him on his claim against me or against your faith so he can't say that he posted it and deleted it later. He apparently lives in a world where making up things to prop up his faith is normal, including visitations by Christ to Joseph Smith that were never claimed by the prophet himself. Neither of us really maligned his "testimony"...he just got embarassed by it when you pointed out that it might make Mormons in general look nutty.

"I'll take the fifth"



"It appears to me that you are the one most guilty of jumping to conclusions. You called me an "anti-Mormon" and said the geode had lost his faith. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black."

Your right i assumed you were an anti mormon... I also admitted i was wrong. But you ignored that. And geode did lose his faith. He was mormon.... now he's not. That's losing your faith.
For the benefit of Jack, I read all your posts before you deleted them and I did not see any place where you said you were wrong in calling him an "anti-Mormon." I do not think you ever posted any such comment. I was plain in what I said about not losing my faith. The gospel of Jesus Christ is what is important, not any religion attempting to add trappings around it. So in the most real sense I did not lose my faith.
"Personally I thought geode was rather civil considering your "holier than thou" attitude to the two of us. Bearing your testimony as if it can stop all debate is rather a cop-out. Although your grasp of Mormonism seems fuzzy at times, I actually I think you are more in need of an English grammer and spelling course."

Umm no... Civil is as I explained it. Taking part in the spirituality as i would have done with any other person. Instead he told me to know my own religion..Hmm. You both seem to be under the assumption that mormons in general don't know there own faith... which is why they are still mormon. I am a poor speller. Cheap shot.
I did not find your post very spiritual in nature. You were arguing religious viewpoints with many mistakes in your claims. You either were being deceptive or you do not know quite a bit about Mormon history. You would in fact probably benefit from a "Know Your Religion" class" as there appears to be much that you have never learned. However, I did not tell you to know you own religion then, I just said that someone could benefit from such a class. Amazing that you identified that that was yourself.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


"The Bible was not the topic of debate, you simply keep bringing it up to deflect attention from your inadequate comments regarding other matters. Do you accept the Bible as scripture? I for one have my doubts that you do from your posting. Are you really a Mormon"

I accept the bible as far as it has proven itself reliable. I accept the book of Mormon on terms of faith. I may accept the bible in the way that I do because this religion lends itself to this position comfortably.
So you need proof that the Bible is scripture, but give the Book of Mormon only the test of faith? Wow, I think that "Know Your Religion" class the geode suggested is sorely needed. Then again some Mormon leaders prefer "sheeple" to true converts. You seem to rely upon your own interpretation of religion instead of seeking spiritual truth.
"I would say that you should stop posting since you routinely fail according to you own criteria. You rarely make constructive or valid points but do make up stories that are not completely true about LDS history and resort to personal attacks instead of calm and rational comments. You are vague much of the time."

Yes i called geode an idiot... and i think your right up there. You have repeatedly misunderstood me. I don't think I'm vague. Infact my asnwers provide much more information than yours have.
I think you're jumping to conclusions in your post. But then again it is your right to have your own opinion when you're posting in this thread. It is also your right to display a command of the English language that would appear to be below the high school level. It is obvious that neither myself or gode are idiots, but it is also obvious that you're really rather uneducated.
"If she could read the language it would indicate to me that she knows that the Book of Abraham could not have been translated from the scroll she read and therefore a problem should exist in her mind."

Go figure it doesn't... How do you assign feelings of doubt to a person you never met.
I did this using the content of your posts. Perhaps you have stated her belief in a wrong way. It is possible as your communication skills lead to vague and confusing explanations.
"It appears to me that you are the one most guilty of jumping to conclusions. You called me an "anti-Mormon" and said the geode had lost his faith. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black."

Your right i assumed you were an anti mormon... I also admitted i was wrong. But you ignored that. And geode did lose his faith. He was mormon.... now he's not. That's losing your faith.
How can I ignore a statement that you never made? In comparing the two of you I would guess that geode has a greater and more honest faith than you do.
"Why are you a believing Mormon? You seem to think that many of its leaders were racists and misguided, yet you must support them as "latter-day prophets" or you would be an apostate. Your rambling thesis about Joseph Smith and ordaining black members is unconvincing at best. I think he only ordained a small number of blacks to the priesthood because there were few that wanted this done and sought it. I don't think there was any abrupt stop to Smith ordaining worthy black members."

I think racism is ugly... however in the context of the times I understand it. My thesis isn't rambling... he did it and stopped doing it. I never claimed it was abrupt. But there were only a few black men ordained.
You said that Smith received a revelation to stop ordaining blacks and to stop those with the priesthood from using it. Are you trying to say that this was a gradational revelation done in stages? One month he cut back ordinations by 50% and then again by the same number the next month?
"Joseph Smith was guessing when he "translated" the records? Why would something from the Koran become known only 20 years ago? What are you jabbering about here? How about a link to all of this?"

See your misreading what i wrote AGAIN. Those things I listed were not known before twenty years ago. Did you notice that i wrote about what Joseph Smith "guessed" BEFORE I MENTIONED THE ISLAMIC TEXTS. And about me saying he guessed... well that's not what I said... I implied that if it wasnt revelation he would have had to guess. However the book is also in keeping with Islamic Texts. But the book is not... the islamic texts. I structured that paragraph in an entirely comprehensible format... but you have chosen to disregard it's structure... and assume that everything Smith got right must have been in other texts that were known at the time... and they were not. The truth is none of these texts were translated into english until decades after he was killed. The content of the book of Abraham is every bit as important as its conception. Rebecca, as I, have no problem with how it came to be because the record is so accurate historically. However it's conception is infinatley more debateble than its content. So for many, debating about how it came to be is simply a matter of convienience. Further more you should be aware that the Koran does not have a history of Abraham within it. Islamic TEXTS are quite a bit different than the Koran. If you go to you will find the names of all the books about the things Smith got right when it comes to Abraham... and there are multiple books.

I feel that this little debacle you have put yourself into is a perfect example of your behavior. You will take what I have said... disregard things like structure and even entire sentences linking information together and come up with something compressed and twisted. This is how it's been with the both of you.
I have not backed myself into any corner. I simply asked you a couple of questions about clarification since as usual you made a total mess of making any clear discussion. But this *beep* post does little but to tell me that the Islamic texts you referenced in your last post did not include the Koran. But as usual you have provided not a jot of support through a link or otherwise. I don't have to twist your sentences, they come out jumbled by you from the outset. Your paranoid tendencies continue to flower as well. You feel that you are the great articulator, and those who have trouble with your sentence structure are the ones with communication problems.

There is a film with the line, "Even though it's made up, it doesn't mean that it isn't true." That seems to sum up your thinking about the Book of Abraham as posted here. I think the line was probably meant to refer to the Book of Abraham and how some people rationalize the way it came to be. Sherlock Holmes sure seems like a Victorian detective, so perhaps he really did exist after all.

"I'll take the fifth"



I think it is from "Plan 10 From Outer Space" by Trent Harris. Maybe Jack had a different source in mind.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


Yes, it is from "Plan 10"....

I see "I am the iron rodder" has put his tail between his legs and run away from any honest debate once again.

"I'll take the fifth"



I just "googled" part of the line, and the "official" site for the film came up and that line appears there. It also is used as a signature line by a guy who posts of an Mormon themed message board.

Interestingly enough Trent Harris leaves this part out on his site for the film.

Although it is not in memorable quotes for the film on the imdb it does get cited in a user comment.

Some of the details are right -- and funny -- in ways I can't begin to explain, like having characters named Larsen and Talmadge; but I promise that if you were to say "The spaceship looks like a giant flying Liahona," every veteran of Mormon Sunday School would know exactly what you meant. And to my mind the funniest line in the movie is one that goes straight to the heart of the Mormon experience: "Just because it's made up doesn't mean it isn't true!"

I'm sure Plan 10 shocked some of the brethren and sistren. Tough noogies. Any robust religion will have jokes made about it by its members. The ones who can't bear humor of any kind are the religionists who secretly fear the jokes might be right.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


"If she could read the language it would indicate to me that she knows that the Book of Abraham could not have been translated from the scroll she read and therefore a problem should exist in her mind."

Go figure it doesn't... How do you assign feelings of doubt to a person you never met.

"I did this using the content of your posts. Perhaps you have stated her belief in a wrong way. It is possible as your communication skills lead to vague and confusing explanations."

You know I let this whole thread go with my last post. I havn't even looked back on this thread since and have just now seen your answers to my assertions. I think that this statement is a literal summation of your own stupidity and why I could care so little as to how you percieve me or my own beliefs.

Because you cannot understand that a much smarter women than yourself, a women who has studied ancient cultures and languages her whole life, has concluded that there is no need for hesitation with this percieved and ultimately misjudged business of Joseph Smith's translation of Abraham; you have in circular logic caculated that because YOU do not understand her reasonable and well thought out conclusions, that somehow I must be at fault. That it is a mistake on my part and not your own as you may have made in your own research. This statement is the equivalant of absolute rendundancy.

Of course I shared why she feels no reservation about the text but you have ignored that. I told you that Abraham has turned out to be historically accurate. There are entire books on the subject. However as I stated before it is much easier to target the conception of Mormons beliefs than the actual content of their beliefs. If infact the modern translation of the papurys Joseph had translated had turned out to be translated correctly by our own standards, that is the way science would have them translated, then it would have proven unequivicolly that Jospeh Smith was a prophet of god. Faith would cease to be relevant. You could possibly prove that everything in the Bible was on some level historically accurate and it still wouldn't prove that their is a god. But if you in any way proved that the Book of Mormon was a real historical document than there would be undeniable physical proof that god exists and that Mormonism is true. Faith is the first principle of the gospel. If a man... if all men knew for a fact that these things were true than our free agency would be forever lost and god's plan for us would be frustrated. That is why men must accept all things on faith. I have personally prayed and recieved an answer to these questions. I know they are true. But just as ALMA 32 teaches us we must all endure to the end to recieve our reward.

Your judgment in this issue, as you have debated with me, this particular example is a great showcase as to how you percieve everything I have shared. If you insist on viewing my posts in this way (a demented form of skeptisism and assumption of the superiority of your own research) how could I possibly hope to enilighten you in any way? You are not a skeptic. Skeptics want to be convinced. If you were really a skeptic you would be an atheist. Because the logic you apply to why Mormonism must be false must be applied to Christianity in general. Thinking on that line of logic you must come to the same conclusions of Christianities false hoods as you did with Mormonism, unless you are a bigot and have a double standard or are as eqaully simple minded and uneducated as you claim me to be.

"It's because they're stupid... That's the only reason people do anything."


"If she could read the language it would indicate to me that she knows that the Book of Abraham could not have been translated from the scroll she read and therefore a problem should exist in her mind."

Go figure it doesn't... How do you assign feelings of doubt to a person you never met.
I was talking about knowledge. That a knowledge of the language shows that the Book of Abraham did not come from what was written on the scrolls. Many Mormon scholars admit that this is a matter of fact. I think what I actually believe is that she must not be able to read the language if she holds to this belief.
"I did this using the content of your posts. Perhaps you have stated her belief in a wrong way. It is possible as your communication skills lead to vague and confusing explanations."

You know I let this whole thread go with my last post. I havn't even looked back on this thread since and have just now seen your answers to my assertions. I think that this statement is a literal summation of your own stupidity and why I could care so little as to how you percieve me or my own beliefs.
Yes, don't address what I wrote, simply make a personal attack upon me.
Because you cannot understand that a much smarter women than yourself, a women who has studied ancient cultures and languages her whole life, has concluded that there is no need for hesitation with this percieved and ultimately misjudged business of Joseph Smith's translation of Abraham; you have in circular logic caculated that because YOU do not understand her reasonable and well thought out conclusions, that somehow I must be at fault. That it is a mistake on my part and not your own as you may have made in your own research. This statement is the equivalant of absolute rendundancy.
So here you make an assumption, that this woman is much smarter than myself. I guess you make this assumption simply because I disagree with you ? See my comment above. All I have is your comments about her conclusions, which do not add up to much in terms of proving anything. I don't think "redundancy" is a word that applies even if your comments about me had any logic behind them.
Of course I shared why she feels no reservation about the text but you have ignored that. I told you that Abraham has turned out to be historically accurate. There are entire books on the subject. However as I stated before it is much easier to target the conception of Mormons beliefs than the actual content of their beliefs. If infact the modern translation of the papurys Joseph had translated had turned out to be translated correctly by our own standards, that is the way science would have them translated, then it would have proven unequivicolly that Jospeh Smith was a prophet of god. Faith would cease to be relevant. You could possibly prove that everything in the Bible was on some level historically accurate and it still wouldn't prove that their is a god. But if you in any way proved that the Book of Mormon was a real historical document than there would be undeniable physical proof that god exists and that Mormonism is true. Faith is the first principle of the gospel. If a man... if all men knew for a fact that these things were true than our free agency would be forever lost and god's plan for us would be frustrated. That is why men must accept all things on faith. I have personally prayed and recieved an answer to these questions. I know they are true. But just as ALMA 32 teaches us we must all endure to the end to recieve our reward.
Interesting discussion, but it only serves to cloud talking about the subject at hand. actually the subject at hand was "Plan 10 From Outer Space" but you have chosen to go backwards here. I think in all of this what you are saying is that it all boils down to being a matter of faith, for the undeniable physical proof does not exist. The Book of Abraham has not been shown to be historically accurate as you claim. But I notice that you give not a single instance to back your comment except that books have been written about the subject. Which books, and what are their claims ?
Your judgment in this issue, as you have debated with me, this particular example is a great showcase as to how you percieve everything I have shared. If you insist on viewing my posts in this way (a demented form of skeptisism and assumption of the superiority of your own research) how could I possibly hope to enilighten you in any way? You are not a skeptic. Skeptics want to be convinced. If you were really a skeptic you would be an atheist. Because the logic you apply to why Mormonism must be false must be applied to Christianity in general. Thinking on that line of logic you must come to the same conclusions of Christianities false hoods as you did with Mormonism, unless you are a bigot and have a double standard or are as eqaully simple minded and uneducated as you claim me to be.
You sure do not wish to engage in simple debate, do you ? This is summed up in your comment that I claim that Mormonism is false. Show me where I made this claim ? The rest of your comments fall apart because they are based upon this false premise. "Demented skepticism" is a new one on me. You now insist that skeptics have a motivation to be convinced and I do not. Just what comments have I made to bring you to make this statement, which seems to be an attempt to run away from my having shown that some of your comments did not hold up under scrutiny ?

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


Right... I'm so terrified in anonimity that I turn my tail and run.
Seems you did just that again.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


